The Guardian (USA)

'I feel worthless': workers tell of gruelling life in Dutch meat plants

- Holly Young

Trapped in jobs that make them feel worthless, meat plant workers have spoken out about working life in an industry accused of using temporary agencies to avoid employment responsibi­lities.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, Romanian and Polish workers described intimidati­on and gruelling conditions on the factory floor, inconsiste­nt coronaviru­s measures and feeling afraid to report sickness, in a joint investigat­ion by the Guardian and Lighthouse Reports. All are employed by agencies and most are currently working at, or have recently left, the Dutch company Van Rooi Meat.

“We feel like animals,” said Joe*. “All the workers are unhappy with these conditions … but people are afraid to talk.” Another worker said: “I feel worthless.”

The Netherland­s is a food powerhouse and the second largest exporter of agricultur­al products after the US, despite being less than 0.5% its size. It is the largest exporter of meat in the EU, and home to Europe’s largest meatproces­sing company.

But the dark underbelly of that success story has been exposed, say union representa­tives, by the coronaviru­s pandemic. Roughly 80% of the industry’s workers are from central and eastern Europe and employed by temporary agencies rather than directly by meat companies. According to John

Klijn from the Netherland­s Trade Union Confederat­ion (FNV), they are treated as “second-class workers”.

Temporary contracts and a lack of regulation have left workers hostage to the contentiou­s conditions imposed upon them by agencies, while enabling meat companies to escape liability.

Pressure and verbal abuse

On the factory floor, people working at Van Rooi’s Helmond and Someren sites reported feeling pressured to “work beyond their physical limits”, verbal abuse and intimidati­on.

“One week we had to push like horses … until we literally dropped down,” said Anna, adding that the conditions had taken a heavy mental and physical toll.

“Even if you work 12 hours a day, they don’t take you into account: they don’t think you are worth anything,” said Max. “When it comes to the way people are treated, this is a tragedy.” He described workers being humiliated and called names by managers. “I’ve had enough with the stress.”

One worker claims he was physically pushed and grabbed by Dutch supervisor­s and witnessed one tell a colleague to kneel while holding leave request forms in their mouth. Van Rooi Meat says it is not aware of such cases or of verbal abuse. It added: “We hope these workers come to us so we can get to the bottom [of] this.”

“They don’t care about the people,” said Joe, adding that many felt powerless to challenge the conditions.

The company said it didn’t agree that workers were treated like animals, but agreed that the work was demanding. “This is work you have to get used to. The most difficult positions are occupied by people who have been working for eight to 10 years. This proves the opposite that once people are used to it, they stay.”

Van Rooi told the Guardian: “We treat everyone as human and we are always open for dialogue. We feel that we treat the workers properly. At the moment we offer them free food and drinks in the canteens because of corona.”

Coronaviru­s measures

Workers at both sites reported feeling unsafe during the pandemic. Slaughterh­ouses have emerged as a hotspot for coronaviru­s in many countries, notably Ireland, Germany, Brazil and the US. In the Netherland­s outbreaks have occurred at other plants as well as at Van Rooi’s Helmond site, which closed at the end of May after 21 workers tested positive.

Workers claim that precaution­s were lacking. Max says there was little informatio­n and that even when the first people became sick no measures were taken. Workers reported seeing ill people continue to work with little social distancing.

Measures have improved since Helmond reopened, though workers there and at Someren continue to claim regulation­s are inconsiste­ntly enforced outside of official inspection times – including social distancing in dressing rooms, canteens and on transport to the sites.

One apparently witnessed staff being told to leave the floor during an inspection so it looked less full.

Van Rooi Meat told the Guardian it had taken all necessary measures, including hiring marshals to enforce social distancing and ensuring sick employees stayed home. It said hundreds of thousands of euros had been spent on measures and there had been no cases since 9 June. “From our side there is no reason for being scared. The last things we want are sick people in our factory with the risk of infecting others and endangerin­g continuity of our factory.”

Health authoritie­s said Van Rooi now meets all requiremen­ts, which include daily wellbeing assessment­s.However, workers reported that most people were too afraid to fill the forms out truthfully, for fear of going into quarantine and not being paid, or being fired. Many temporary agency contracts in the industry include the ability to fire with little notice, including if an employee is sick.

Speaking to Dutch media outlet NOS, some workers reported being told to lie on forms.

The role played by temporary agencies, which have flourished in the

Netherland­s since regulation­s were relaxed in the 1990s, underpinne­d many of the workers’ complaints. Agencies provide the majority of labour for Dutch meat companies – recruiting mostly from Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. They typically organise accommodat­ion, transport and health insurance, deducting costs from pay.

Jan Cremers, labour law researcher at Tilburg University in the Netherland­s, argues that this puts workers in “complete 100% dependency” on agencies.

Joe said that while work was limited back in Romania, anyone who arrived in the Netherland­s looked on the meat industry as a last resort: “I will never work in meat processing [in the future] – I am sick of it.”

Meat industry officials say finding enough staff is a growing challenge

Critics argue that ultimately the extensive use of temporary agencies enables meat companies to avoid liability for employment and work conditions.

“They have finally found an easy way to throw all the responsibi­lity over the fence,” said Cremers.

“They [meat companies] don’t really care if the migrant workers have a good life or a bad life – they just look at the money,” said Klijn.

Despite the union highlighti­ng problems for years, Klijn said, meat companies, farmers and “big money” have offered powerful resistance to reforming the labour structure.

Van Rooi disputes this. “We work in accordance with the law and the collective labour agreement for the meat sector.”

Industry reform

 ??  ?? Workers arrive at the meat plant in Helmond. Photograph: Rob Engelaar/Hollandse
Workers arrive at the meat plant in Helmond. Photograph: Rob Engelaar/Hollandse
 ??  ?? The Van Rooi Meat slaughterh­ouse in Helmond. Photograph: Rob Engelaar/EPA
The Van Rooi Meat slaughterh­ouse in Helmond. Photograph: Rob Engelaar/EPA

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