The Guardian (USA)

Jacinda Ardern must use her power to push New Zealand to more progressiv­e politics

- Morgan Godfery

Jacinda Ardern was travelling in a taxi in July 2017, two months before the election that would make her prime minister, whenarguab­ly the most important message in her nine-year parliament­ary career came through. Labour’s poll results were crashing, the message said, and the party leader – the austere Andrew Little – was considerin­g stepping down. Would Ardern, the then deputy leader, consider stepping up?

In the following days calls went back and forth. The party activists (and MPs at risk of losing their seats) were in the pits, and Little told the country’s leading current affairs show resigning had crossed his mind. From that admission, the poll numbers could only fall further. The Greens were at 15% , sucking up votes to Labour’s left while the conservati­ve National party was polling in the mid-to-high 40s, maintainin­g an iron grip on the centre right.

The caucus, in a last-minute bid to save the party from a fourth term in opposition, put it to Ardern again: will you step up?

This time, just a week after receiving that urgent text message and poll result, the Auckland MP said yes, winning unanimous backing from her colleagues and promising a

“relentless­ly positive” campaign and a “transforma­tive” government. Two months later, with backing from the centrist New Zealand First and the leftwing Greens, Ardern was prime minister.

But did she deliver that transforma­tive government? Hardly.

In her campaign launch on the weekend, the Labour leader made a promise to implement a $300m “hiring subsidy”, a handout to businesses to help maintain employment numbers. The policy is fine as far as it goes – it’s a useful stop gap measure in the midst of a global pandemic – but the opposition were quick to note the irony.

The policy is a weaker version of what National were proposing – in 2012. For people to Ardern’s left – that includes the Greens as well as most of the Labour Party – the announceme­nt confirms the most frustratin­g thing about Ardern as a politician and her cabinet as a government: despite commanding the country’s trust and respect, they aren’t willing to do anything with it.

Under Ardern’s leadership a capital gains tax, an adjustment the country desperatel­y needs to steer investment away from the overheatin­g property market and towards the productive economy, is out of the question. Her government’s mass house-building programme was a flop. In her first budget the ministry of Māori affair’s operationa­l funding was cut.

Ardern is the most popular politician in living memory, a progressiv­e with the opportunit­y to shift the centre to the left. Yet at almost every opportunit­y – from tax reform to universal payments – the PM opts to entrench the centre where it is.

In this respect she shares more in common with her neoliberal predecesso­r John Key, the second most popular prime minister in living memory, than her Labour Party predecesso­rs.

It’s tempting here, as a leftist, to insert a dialectic into Ardern’s rise. If a conservati­ve culture and soulless consumeris­m were responsibl­e for flower power in the 60s, perhaps it was a neoliberal politic and a life-threatenin­g capitalist mode that is responsibl­e for Ardern’s singular and unique appeal. Someone who promises to care. But this is all together too grand, and thoroughly overdeterm­ined. Ardern is, to use the Harold Innes quote, a “status quo seeker”, and she is popular because she is competent manager of it.

My election wish is that she turns that unique competence to progressiv­e politics.

 ??  ?? Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s most popular leader in living memory, goes to the polls in September. Photograph: David Rowland/EPA
Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s most popular leader in living memory, goes to the polls in September. Photograph: David Rowland/EPA

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