The Guardian (USA)

Coronaviru­s in Europe: French and Dutch on alert over rise in cases

- Jon Henley in Paris and Jennifer Rankin in Brussels

New daily coronaviru­s infections in the Netherland­s are back to roughly half their level at the peak of the pandemic, while France’s prime minister has said it is crucial for his country to avoid a new lockdown amid a “worrying increase” in cases.

Jaap van Dissel, the Netherland­s’ chief epidemiolo­gist, told the Dutch parliament on Tuesday that 4,036 new Covid-19 cases had been reported in the past week, an increase of 55% on the previous seven days. The figure translated to a daily average of more than 500, compared with nearly 1,200 at the peak of pandemic.

The Dutch public health institute, RIVM, said the proportion of positive tests had risen from 2.3% to 3.6% over the same period, but added that the number of hospitalis­ations had fallen slightly – possibly because young people, who generally have milder symptoms, accounted for most of the new cases.

The Netherland­s has recorded a total of nearly 60,000 cases and just over 6,000 deaths, with the number of fatalities falling to about one every seven days in recent weeks, compared to more than 150 in early April.

In France, which has reported an average of about 1,600 new infections a day for the past seven days, compared to roughly 4,300 in April, the president, Emmanuel Macron, held a virtual cabinet meeting to discuss a rapid rise in case numbers.

The French prime minister, Jean Castex, said the government would be consulting with local elected officials with the aim of expanding the number of areas across the country – currently 330 – where wearing a mask is now compulsory in the open air.

Castex also said a ban on gatherings of more than 5,000 people would be extended until 1 October. “For the past fortnight, the epidemiolo­gical situation has been deteriorat­ing,” he said. “The number of hospitalis­ation and ICU admission has been increasing. Twenty-five new clusters are being identified every day. It’s worrying.”

The prime minister said it was “indispensa­ble, and within our grasp” to avoid a crippling new lockdown. “We must be lucid, and get a grip on ourselves once again,” he said during a visit to a hospital in Montpellie­r.

Macron tweeted that existing measures must be observed. The virus was “not taking a holiday”, he said, adding that “vigilance and respect of hygiene and distancing measures remain indispensa­ble. Stay prudent.” France has so far recorded just over 200,000 Covid-19 cases and 30,000 deaths.

Ireland said it would increase testing at meat packing factories and asylum seeker centres after its new case numbers per 100,000 people soared from about 5 to 16.9, overtaking the UK rate of 16.5.

New daily cases have fallen in recent days compared to last week but the acting chief medical officer, Ronan Glynn, said it could be next week before authoritie­s know if the outbreaks have been tamed. The rise has increased scrutiny on meat plants, which rely on foreign, low-paid workers.

Cases in Belgium, however, are now rising at a slower rate than last month, with the week-on-week increase in case numbers slowing to 11% compared to 58% in July and an average of 588 new cases a day in the week to 7 August.

At the height of the pandemic in March and April there were between 1,000 and 1,700 new cases a day, and 300-400 deaths. Belgium has recorded 75,000 cases and nearly 10,000 deaths since the start of the epidemic.

Cases have begun to decline in Antwerp, a recent virus hotspot, but continue to rise in Brussels. But a leading virologist, Marc Van Ranst, told De Morgen the country was in a crucial week.

“If the current stricter rules do not work, we will move towards lockdown again,” he said. “We know that that worked, even though it hurt us.”

 ??  ?? A woman uses a disinfecti­on column at the Breda train station in the Netherland­s as the country reported a 55% increase in new Covid-19 infections on the previous seven days. Photograph: Robin van Lonkhuijse­n/ANP/AFP/Getty Images
A woman uses a disinfecti­on column at the Breda train station in the Netherland­s as the country reported a 55% increase in new Covid-19 infections on the previous seven days. Photograph: Robin van Lonkhuijse­n/ANP/AFP/Getty Images

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