The Guardian (USA)

'Two cities' collide as Chicago's social time bomb explodes

- Adam Mahoney in Chicago

Chicago’s mayor, Lori Lightfoot, said she woke up in shock and pain for her city on Monday, after crowds overnight broke windows and looted stores in the north side shopping area known as the Magnificen­t Mile.

Following a contentiou­s situation 10 miles away on the city’s south side on Sunday, where police shot a 20-yearold Black man in the back, wounding him, more than 100 people were ultimately arrested in the trouble that flared, apparently in retaliatio­n for the shooting, in the upscale business district.

For many of the city’s residents, the events were not so much a shock as a social time bomb going off that had been ticking louder and louder since the spring.

While the destructio­n at the flagship stores made national headlines, weeks of smaller-scale eruptions on the south and west sides of the city had garnered relatively little attention, along with a surge in gun violence, amid a public health, economic and policing crisis crushing already poor neighborho­ods.

Joseph Williams, a Black south sider, father of five and community organizer, found himself at a nexus on Sunday when he saw a crowd gathering in his neighborho­od after the latest police shooting. He was alerted by a Facebook live stream, he said, and came across an all-too familiar incident.

“Minutes after I arrived, I watched [the police] pull a man under the crime scene tape and beat him bloody on the sidewalk. Then they put him in the police car like he was the one that did something wrong,” Williams told the Guardian.

Williams said he was no stranger to poverty and police violence.

He sees decades of investment in some parts of the city and systemic deprivatio­n in others, like his own, a majority Black community, where life expectancy is 30 years less than for those living on Chicago’s north side, home of the Magnificen­t Mile.

“When you look at how the system was built, it was never built for our communitie­s to really be successful. The pandemic is showing us that,” he said.

Usually on Sundays, one of his biggest challenges is finding the perfect Netflix show to watch with his kids, but after the shooting he spontaneou­sly found himself at the center of mediation efforts between distraught residents and more than 100 officers, some armed with assault rifles, after the police shooting.

Williams, who runs an organizati­on that supports south side fathers, was able to help other organizers at the scene bring down tensions by forming what he called a “peace wall” between angry south siders and the police. People gradually dispersed, and he went home.

Then on Monday the police chief, David Brown, cited social media posts that had called on people to go north to the Magnificen­t Mile to cause havoc.

And Lightfoot decried “brazen criminal looting and destructio­n” at a press conference.

Page May, co-founder of Assata’s Daughters, a radical Black women’s grassroots organizati­on, said: “Chicago has this unique dissonance in calling itself a progressiv­e place because of Obama and having a Black gay woman as mayor. But when you have incredible police violence and an apartheid level of segregatio­n and divestment, communitie­s are forced to fend for themselves in ways that politician­s don’t like.”

The resurgence of the Black Lives Matter movement in the wake of George Floyd’s killing in Minneapoli­s in May led to nationwide protests and in Chicago has put the spotlight back on the police department, which has a track record of racial bias and brutality going back years.

Since 1964, Chicago has nearly tripled per capita police spending, recent analysis showed, making it the third-largest police force in the country and the largest in proportion to the city population.

After the Fourth of July holiday weekend ended with 17 people fatally shot and 63 more wounded in a surge of gun violence, the Rev Gregory Livingston, who ran an anti-gang organizati­on on the south side until last summer, warned of a woeful “tale of two cities” in Chicago and a legacy of “corruption and racism” exacerbate­d by coronaviru­s and the economic fallout.

“There is an individual responsibi­lity [among those shooting], but there are also conditions that create a climate of violence,” he said at the time, and called on the mayor to tackle inequality “head on”.

As the pandemic has uprooted life across Chicago and across America, Lightfoot has won praise for her decisive leadership, often going viral for her tweets supporting social distancing.

But while the mayor initially praised protests over Floyd’s killing as “righteous anger” referring also to some Chicago police killings, this was countered by the suspension of free school meals, aggressive policing and halting public transporta­tion.

May accused her of running the city under a “progressiv­e facade”.

In June, city council members pleaded with Lightfoot to help them protect their communitie­s and businesses from the clashes protesters were having with police and damage to property and businesses.

The council’s Black Caucus accused the mayor of using national guard to protect the central business district while leaving south and west side communitie­s exposed to chaos and damage, a suggestion Lightfoot said “offends me deeply, personally, in part because it is simply not so”.

But Michelle Harris, alderman for the eighth ward on the south side, asked how she could convince businesses to rebuild there.

“It’s like, what are we going to have left in our community? Nothing,” she said.

Since March, Chicago’s unemployme­nt rate has grown to 15.6%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Estimates show that on the south side the unemployme­nt rate is more than double that, while on the north side it is below 10%.

Last week the city announced that a record $926m, more than a third of the city’s tax revenue, would be funneled into new investment­s via a complex and controvers­ial special property taxing program that funds services such as new roads and job training but has long been criticized as favoring high-end communitie­s and developers.

Meanwhile poorer Black and brown communitie­s were asked to compete for a single $10m “Chicago Prize” to fund one community-led initiative to transform their neighborho­od.

In April the mayor got into a housing assistance row, revealed in a leaked call with council members.

And while on that call she prioritize­d the supply of hospital beds, given the pandemic, but now there are concerns of an impending “healthcare desert” on the south side with a hospital slated to close after failing to get state funding to form a bigger system with other hospitals. If the closure goes ahead next year it will be the third such closure of a hospital in a majority Black neighborho­od in two years.

And this against a backdrop of other yawning inequaliti­es that stoke gun violence. More than 2,200 people have been shot this year in the city, nearly 700 more than in the whole of 2019.

Now Lightfoot, who previously vowed to turn away federal agents, agreed to the Trump administra­tion’s proposal of sending 200 federal agents to the city, despite the problems they created in Portland, Oregon. Such agents should not be confused with the federal investigat­ors already on the ground in Chicago who earlier this month scored a significan­t gang bust.

The idea of militarize­d federal law enforcemen­t agents descending on Chicago on the orders of Donald Trump’s Operation Legend is another thing entirely and community organizer Williams feared they would be more harm than help.

“None of these people actually want to build relationsh­ips with these communitie­s. They don’t want to get to know us, so why do they get to have this job, carry deadly weapons and police us?” he said.

Black Lives Matter-Chicago, the Black Abolitioni­st Network and Good Kids Mad City, a youth anti-violence nonprofit, want the city to defund the police and cancel the $33m contract between police and Chicago public schools, in order to move much-needed funding to other needs on the South and West Sides.

On Saturday morning, before the eruptions on Sunday, mothers led a rally calling for police reform and an end to brutality. On Monday, members of Black Lives Matter-Chicago also held a rally, calling for police funding to be diverted to education, jobs, housing, healthcare and other public services, and issued a statement.

It read, in part: “Over the past few months, too many people – disproport­ionately Black and brown – have lost their jobs, lost their income, lost their homes, and lost their lives as the city has done nothing and the Chicago elite have profited.

It continued: “When protesters attack high-end retail stores that are owned by the wealthy and service the wealthy, that is not ‘our’ city and has never been meant for us.”

Williams told the Guardian he wanted a city where his children “can enjoy life” and where city leaders don’t perpetuate and intensify disparitie­s between “up north” and “down south”.

“If there is going to be one Chicago, make it one Chicago,” he said.

 ?? Photograph: Scott Olson/Getty Images ?? Workers clean up inside of the Saint Laurent store after it was looted on 10 August in Chicago.
Photograph: Scott Olson/Getty Images Workers clean up inside of the Saint Laurent store after it was looted on 10 August in Chicago.
 ?? Photograph: Scott Olson/Getty Images ?? Bridges across the Chicago river are raised to control access into downtown as widespread looting broke out in the city on 10 August.
Photograph: Scott Olson/Getty Images Bridges across the Chicago river are raised to control access into downtown as widespread looting broke out in the city on 10 August.

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