The Guardian (USA)

Cancelling the college football season is about union busting, not health

- Derek Silva, Nathan KalmanLamb and Johanna Mellis

On the night of Sunday 9 August, in the birth of an alliance between #WeAreUnite­d, a faction of players threatenin­g to withdraw their labor without improved working conditions, and #WeWantToPl­ay, a group lobbying to be allowed to play, college football players across the US declared that they want to play this season, but they want to play on the condition that they “ultimately create a college football players associatio­n.”

As Hunter Reynolds of the University of Michigan and College Athlete Unity (CAU) told us: “We all want to play the sports that we have been practicing our whole lives, we simply want to do it in an environmen­t that is as safe as possible. And I think the union talks are something that has been discussed since Northweste­rners tried unionizing years ago.” Within 12 hours, reports swirled that the Big Ten was cancelling its fall season and most of the other Power Five conference­s – the largest and richest in college sports – were considerin­g following suit.

What happened?

Let’s rewind. College sports’ governing body, the NCAA, and the members of the Power Five have had since March to cancel the college football season. Instead, they compelled thousands of players back on to campus for workouts over the spring and summer, exposing them to the threat of Covid-19, a virus that has to date killed more than 160,000 Americans and 730,000 people worldwide. Yet, despite numerous outbreaks of Covid-19 in football programs across the US, by early August, much of the Power Five remained committed to preserving the season. Until, this week, when suddenly they didn’t. While our understand­ing of the virus has not changed significan­tly over the past few weeks, one important variable has: football players across the nation have boldly mobilized for increased control over their working conditions.

Cancelling the season has less to do with athletes’ safety and more to do with anxieties over the organizati­on of collegiate athletes en masse. As UCLA defensive lineman Otito Ogbonnia, a leading member of #WeAreUnite­d and signatory of a recent letter to PAC-12 commission­er Larry Scott told us, “It’s hard to guess what someone else is thinking, but it seems like the conference­s basically decided to succumb to all the challenges of the virus and now they are faced with the threat of a union or players associatio­n.”

It has long been clear that the cancellati­on of the football season is a crucial and necessary decision. As one SEC player who asked to remain anonymous told us, “Most everyone I know seems to be playing a game of chicken. Everyone is too scared to actually say it isn’t safe or doesn’t make sense to play, and I feel like those that think football continuing on is safer for them are just falling into a false narrative set up by the schools.” He added, “you want us to go into an all SEC schedule? You’ve got to be high. Whether that be of narcotics, power, or greed ... you’re telling us to invest in a season that’s a house of cards that comes with even more risk to us personally.”

Despite this, the mostly white NCAA, college athletics directors and coaches have required the majority Black workforce to soldier on for the last several months. As a result we have seen a series of inspiring movements of player leadership and organizati­on. Take, for example, the Big Ten’s College Athlete Unity group, who have more than 1,000 members fighting for changes in the working conditions of athletes within a system that continues to exploit them. Or there is the even more radical PAC-12 #WeAreUnite­d group, who courageous­ly set out a series of demands to protect scholarshi­p and walk-on athletes – effectivel­y laying the foundation for a labor strike in college football. By working together to collective­ly generate demands, and by consistent­ly arguing for a seat at the table, #BigTenUnit­ed and #WeAreUnite­d both gesture towards the promise of a union in college football. This is not the first time unionizati­on has arisen in college football. Between 2013 and 2015 the Northweste­rn University football team attempted to unionize led by then-quarterbac­k Kain Colter. Yet, the scale this time is profoundly different: thousands of athletes across the country are demanding the basic rights long denied them. That even has Colter himself excited, “College athletes throughout the nation have empowered themselves to demand proper protection­s and workplace conditions amid the Covid-19 pandemic,” he said on Tuesday night. “They have stood up to powerful money interests who seem determined to have college football continue without regard to the health of the athletes. These actions have taken a tremendous amount of strength, courage, and solidarity; I greatly admire them for it.”

Moreover, CAU, #BigTenUnit­ed and #WeAreUnite­d are eliciting support from media, academics, and even contingent faculty unions at large universiti­es such as Duke and UCLA. Rather than go it alone, a challenge that Colter himself has suggested was fatal in Northweste­rn’s drive, we are seeing college players call for massive reform in the NCAA – beginning with the right to fair representa­tion. As UCLA player Ogbonnia explained to us, “It’s not easy to get everyone on the same page, but we have a responsibi­lity to come together as a labor movement to make things better for each other and the players who will come after us. We are only asking for the most basic rights that every person in this country deserves.”

In response to demands from #BigTenUnit­ed, #WeAreUnite­d and #WeWantToPl­ay, and as news broke that the PAC-12 and Big Ten conference­s are cancelling sports this fall, what was a week ago improbable suddenly seems inevitable. The college football season is likely to be cancelled. But why now?

Rumblings suggest that the real motivation behind the impending decision to cancel is a fear of athlete organizati­on. This is confirmed by PAC-12 Commission­er Larry Scott’s unwillingn­ess to negotiate with student organizers over their admittedly “eye opening” health concerns. For Power Five schools accustomed to having their pockets lined with unpaid athletic labor, the threat of the virus pales next to the specter of a labor movement.

But, the cancellati­on of the season is also a serious blow to player organizati­on since it eliminates the leverage of a potential labor action (for now). Power Five athletic directors know this and any cancellati­on of the season at this point – after months of living with Covid-19 and just weeks before the season is set to begin – cannot and should not be confused with a concern for players’ health. Football programs have made it abundantly clear this summer that they view the lives of college football players with callous disregard. Although clearly there are other factors schools are weighing such as liability issues, the sudden urgency suggests a union-busting imperative has tilted the scales towards cancelling.

What we are witnessing is a shift in tactics that varies across conference­s.

The thought for each likely goes something like this: if the season is preserved, athletes will undoubtedl­y get sick (the SEC confirmed as much in a leaked call with player reps). When that inevitably occurs it gives players more leverage to push back, thus simultaneo­usly gaining momentum as a union and ensuring athletic department­s cede on important issues. Is it any surprise that the SEC, the conference with the fewest labor rumblings, is also reportedly the least inclined to cancel despite “sobering” medical advice from doctors? As the Big 12, ACC, and SEC plow forward, it appears their calculatio­n is that the risks of labor uprising are outweighed by the revenue to be reaped. In the PAC-12 and Big Ten, on the other hand, where #WeAreUnite­d and #BigTenUnit­ed were born, the analysis seems to have tilted in the other direction. It’s pretty clear what is happening: in the latter two conference­s, the very health and safety concerns that catalyzed this movement are now being deployed to dismantle it.

Cancellati­on is not a union-busting tactic unique to college football. Indeed, Walmart has reportedly shuttered stores in California to prevent workers from unionizing. Kumho Tire threatened closure to prevent employees from forming a union in 2017. Vacation company Sandals was accused of the tactic in 2016. There also exists a long history of companies that have also used the threat of closure or terminatio­n of operations to bulldoze unionizati­on efforts. The PAC-12 and Big Ten are taking a page out of this union-busting playbook.

In response, the #WeAreUnite­d and #WeWantToPl­ay alliance is a strategy to counter by building strength in the court of public opinion. Reynolds told us that “after seeing the public perception of the different movements,” they decided to “come together and let people know that all the messages were the same, they were just being conveyed in different ways.”

The challenges of sustaining solidarity in the face of cancellati­on will be immense. College football is an exceptiona­l labor environmen­t in part because of the inherent attrition in the enterprise. Players do not play long enough to develop the kinds of deep solidarity often necessary for labor organizing. There is pressure to maximize performanc­es while they can in order to catch the eyes of profession­al scouts. These structural dynamics militate against labor activism and solidarity and the cancellati­on of the

 ?? Photograph: Tony Ding/AP ?? Michigan fans, along with thousands who support other teams, will not see their teams play this year.
Photograph: Tony Ding/AP Michigan fans, along with thousands who support other teams, will not see their teams play this year.

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