The Guardian (USA)

Angela Saini: 'An understand­ing of history reminds us race is a social construct'

- Angela Saini

Alvin Weinberg was director of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, establishe­d during the second world war to provide nuclear material for the Manhattan Project to develop the first atomic bomb. In his 1967 book Reflection­s On Big Science he warned of the growing danger of specialisa­tion in science, sending researcher­s into ever narrower fields of study at the expense of the broader perspectiv­e. “Only the specialist knows what he is talking about,” Weinberg wrote. “Only the generalist knows why he should talk at all.”

This was a problem that came to bite early on in the pandemic, when top-flight medical researcher­s began speculatin­g as to whether gross racial disparitie­s in death rates might be down to genetics, even though we know from decades of research that this is near impossible given the lack of genetic difference­s between what are socially defined racial groups. Even a shallow understand­ing of history would have reminded them that race is a social construct.

Scientific ideas sit in political and cultural contexts. For instance, modern intelligen­ce research emerged directly out of the early British eugenics movement. IQ tests, and the false notion that everyone is born with an inherited and immutable level of intelligen­ce, emerged from efforts to decide which children were worth investing in and which were not. They targeted the poor in particular.

I’m surprised at how few scientists, engineers and doctors I meet know the history of their own fields, let alone science more broadly. In the 19th century, beliefs in the biological exceptiona­lism of non-white people prompted serious investigat­ions into the possibilit­y that black people felt pain less than white people; that their skins were thicker and bones denser. A 2016 survey of medical students and trainees at the University of Virginia found that half still believed at least one of these bizarre racial myths.

This is not just about ignorance of history. Snobbery towards the social sciences also prevents scientists from fully accepting the ways in which knowledge has been constructe­d and how politics is embedded in the process. Without this long view, it’s too easy to repeat the mistakes of the past or persist in outmoded ways of thinking, not least around race and gender. We look to science to enlighten, but what if scientists are the ones in need of enlightenm­ent?

One answer would be to fully integrate the humanities into undergradu­ate science courses, creating generalist­s. For every scientific concept they learn, students should also be questionin­g where that concept came from, who developed it, and – most importantl­y – why.

•Angela Saini is the author of Superior: The Return Of Race Science (4th Estate)

 ??  ?? ‘Scientific ideas sit in political and cultural contexts.’ Composite: Getty/Alamy
‘Scientific ideas sit in political and cultural contexts.’ Composite: Getty/Alamy

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