The Guardian (USA)

One way to teach students more safely this fall? Move lessons outdoors

- Jaime Cunningham

We need to send our children back to school this fall – safely. School districts across the United States are currently being led by indecisive administra­tors who are grappling with budget cuts while scrambling to figure out how to coordinate complicate­d schedules for socially distanced classes coupled with online learning. There has to be a simpler way.

School districts nationwide should be seriously considerin­g outdoor classrooms as part of their plan. It is now understood that Covid-19 transmits less easily outdoors than inside. Learning outside would allow more children to return to school, providing the crucial social interactio­n and in-person instructio­n which is missing in remote learning, while making it easier to maintain social distancing.

This method has worked before in the face of infectious disease epidemics. During the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, the Boston-area prep school Rivers was able to stay mostly open when many other schools shut. Rivers had been founded three years earlier by an educator who embraced the concept of open-air schools, based on the suggestion­s of physicians that they could offer some protection against contagious diseases. When the school did a comparison of absence due to illness, the school reported fewer sick days overall during the 1918-1919 school year than it did the previous academic year, before the global flu pandemic.

In the fall of 1908, the city of Boston ran an open-air school for children who had tuberculos­is (TB). By March of 1909, 23 of the students had recovered while the remaining 20 showed improved health. In Chicago, during the winter of 1909, children with mild TB attended school in a classroom where all the doors, windows and heat were removed and students wore layers of warm clothing.

One of the highest-ranking public health officials in the United States agrees with the health benefits of being outside. When asked about the idea of outdoor classrooms in an interview, Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (Niaid), responded: “Outdoors is always better than indoors when it comes to Covid or any other respirator­y infection.” And, in their guidance for reopening schools, the American Academy of Pediatrics encourages schools to use outdoor spaces whenever possible.

Still not convinced? Learning outside may also help kids concentrat­e better and absorb more informatio­n. A study at an urban Swedish high school looked at an interventi­on project where half the students in a class had several lessons taught outdoors while the other half attended lessons entirely indoors. When researcher­s followed up five months later they found that the pupils who attended classes outside had more motivation, an appreciati­on for teamwork-oriented activities and better long-term retention of informatio­n. Another study, of third-graders from mainly lower-income homes, examined classroom engagement following a lesson outside in nature versus learning the same lesson after all-day indoor instructio­n. The classes held in nature showed significan­tly better student engagement, and teachers reported that disruption­s were cut in half.

One US college has caught on. In Houston, Rice University purchased several open-sided circus tents to build classrooms which will be used to hold classes this fall. A similar model could be replicated in public schools.

Many districts are still offering the choice of exclusive online learning. Having this option is essential for families and teachers who don’t feel safe. For students who founder in a remote learning environmen­t, however, going back to school is critical for their developmen­t. Outdoor classrooms could be the solution for them.

Jaime Cunningham is a freelance journalist and a vice-president of the PTA at her child’s Manhattan public elementary school. She was previously a researcher-reporter for Newsweek

 ??  ?? ‘Learning outside may also help kids concentrat­e better and absorb more informatio­n.’ Photograph: lovethepho­to/Alamy
‘Learning outside may also help kids concentrat­e better and absorb more informatio­n.’ Photograph: lovethepho­to/Alamy

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