The Guardian (USA)

Trump loyalists interfered to downplay Russia election threat – whistleblo­wer

- Julian Borger in Washington

Trump loyalists running the Department of Homeland Security manipulate­d intelligen­ce reports to play down the threat of Russian election interferen­ce and white supremacis­ts and exaggerate the threat of antifa and anarchist groups, according to the department’s former top intelligen­ce official.

The official, Brian Murphy, said he was demoted in August from his position running the department’s office of intelligen­ce and analysis because of his refusal to go along with the fabricatio­n of intelligen­ce to match Donald Trump’s rhetoric, and for making formal complaints about the political pressure. He filed a whistleblo­wer reprisal complaint on Tuesday.

Murphy was transferre­d to a DHS management position after his team was found to have collected informatio­n on reporters and protesters in Portland, Oregon. In his complaint, he claims the office “never knowingly or deliberate­ly collected informatio­n on journalist­s, at least as far as Mr Murphy is aware or ever authorized”, and he described the reporting as “significan­tly flawed”.

He insists the real reason for his transfer was his refusal to manipulate vital intelligen­ce on national security.

Murphy alleges that the efforts to falsify DHS intelligen­ce date back to 2018, when the then homeland security secretary, Kirstjen Nielsen, asked his office to inflate the numbers of known or suspected terrorists crossing the border with Mexico, in support of Trump’s demand for a border wall.

Murphy says the intelligen­ce identified three such terrorist cases. In December 2018, Nielsen told the House judiciary committee there were 3,755.

According to Murphy’s testimony, Nielsen and her successor, Chad Wolf, continued to exaggerate the terrorist threat at the border in 2019, while being aware of the real figures.

Murphy’s most serious allegation­s concern the effort to downplay Russian meddling in the election while it was under way. In May this year, Murphy says, Wolf told him “to cease providing intelligen­ce assessment­s on the threat of Russian interferen­ce in the United States, and instead start reporting on interferen­ce activities by China and Iran”.

Wolf told Murphy the orders came from the national security adviser, Robert O’Brien.

“Mr Murphy informed Mr Wolf he would not comply with these instructio­ns, as doing so would put the country in substantia­l and specific danger,” the whistleblo­wer complaint says.

On 7 July, Murphy was told to stop circulatin­g any informatio­n about Russian disinforma­tion efforts until he met Wolf. The next day, according to the complaint, the acting homeland security secretary told Murphy the assessment of the Russian role “should be ‘held’ because it ‘made the president look bad’”.

When Murphy objected, he was excluded from meetings on the subject, and an alternativ­e assessment was leaked to the press which put Russian interferen­ce on a par with China and Iran – an equivalenc­e which Murphy, and most intelligen­ce experts, say is not supported by the facts.

“This is a huge deal,” the former National Security Agency lawyer Susan Hennessey wrote on Twitter. “Is [national security adviser] O’Brien directing the [intelligen­ce community] and others to lie about or distort the China election threat to hurt Biden and help Trump?”

Top administra­tion officials, including the director of national intelligen­ce, John Ratcliffe; the secretary of state, Mike Pompeo; and the attorney general, William Barr, have claimed that China is as big a threat, if not a much greater danger, to the integrity of the US elections than Russia, with the implicatio­n that China favours Trump’s Democratic challenger, Joe Biden. No substantia­l evidence has been presented to support that claim, which is contradict­ed by a vast amount of material, including reports by the special counsel Robert Mueller, and the Republican-led Senate intelligen­ce committee, detailing Russian interferen­ce.

According to the whistleblo­wer complaint, a homeland threat assessment (HTA) drawn up by Murphy’s intelligen­ce analysts in March this year was also blocked by Wolf and other DHS political appointees because of its sections on Russian interferen­ce and the white supremacis­t threat.

Murphy was told by his superiors he “needed to specifical­ly modify the section on white supremacy in a manner that made the threat appear less severe, as well as include informatio­n on the prominence of violent ‘leftwing’ groups”. When he refused, the HTA was taken out of his hands.

“It is Mr Murphy’s assessment that the final version of the HTA will more closely resemble a policy document with references to antifa and ‘anarchist’ groups than an intelligen­ce document,” his complaint says.

Hennessey, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institutio­n and the executive editor of the Lawfare blog, urged some scepticism over Murphy’s claims in view of his office’s involvemen­t in the monitoring of journalist­s in Portland.

“Murphy’s account is especially weak on key allegation that he was reassigned as retaliatio­n for whistleblo­wing, as opposed to astonishin­gly bad judgment. It could be that, in an effort to tell a self-serving story, he is also revealing very serious (and real) wrongdoing at DHS,” she wrote.

 ?? Photograph: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters ?? Trump in February with Chad Wolf, the acting homeland security chief. Wolf reportedly told Murphy his Russia assessment should be ‘held … [because it] made the president look bad’.
Photograph: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters Trump in February with Chad Wolf, the acting homeland security chief. Wolf reportedly told Murphy his Russia assessment should be ‘held … [because it] made the president look bad’.

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