The Guardian (USA)

Shoots and leaves: the shotgun scientist who hunts moving trees

- Anna Turns

Angelica Patterson is on the lookout, shotgun in hand, as she hikes through New York state’s Black Rock Forest. She focuses on her target high up in the canopy, then bang – a branch falls to the ground. “I can’t climb trees, building scaffoldin­g is expensive, and using a slingshot requires a lot of skill,” she says. “A shotgun is an efficient, cheap and effective way to collect the highup leaves that have full exposure to the sun.”

Patterson puts the northern red oak branch into a bucket of water, cutting the submerged stem to ensure that its leaves continue to function, before walking back to her laboratory in the forest.

Here she studies how trees adapt and move in response to increasing average air temperatur­es. “When I first started learning about how plant communitie­s change through time, I’d never associated trees with migration because they’re sessile and don’t move

like four-legged creatures or fly like insects. So it’s eye-opening to realise that tree communitie­s shift their ranges to migrate to places where they can thrive,” says Patterson, 39, a PhD student at Columbia University’s department of earth and environmen­tal science.

“It’s as simple as seed dispersal. But just because a seed from a tree can move to a place doesn’t mean it will successful­ly grow or reproduce. Other factors come into play in order to establish a thriving population.”

Black Rock Forest is unusual because extensive data collected since the 1930s shows exactly how tree distributi­on has changed there. “Over the past 90 years, there’s been a shift in forest compositio­n. Three species have left the region or become locally extinct and 11 have migrated in naturally from the south or been introduced anthropoge­nically,” Patterson says. “I wanted to find out what mechanism drives this shift and how that affects the ability of our forest to become a source rather than a sink of carbon dioxide, therefore perpetuati­ng climate change.”

The forests in the north-eastern US are one of the world’s fastest growing carbon stores on land as timber harvesting, large-scale agricultur­e and fire disturbanc­e have declined. But a shifting forest compositio­n could have a drastic impact on this region’s carbon storage capacity – if the forest’s carbon balance is disrupted, more carbon could be released into the atmosphere.

“Northern red oaks are so important to this region, they influence soil health, water quality, nutrients. When you start to lose large population­s of trees, that complex forest ecosystem can break down,” says Patterson.

“If an invasive tree comes into play, you’ll start to have a monocultur­e and lose that biodiversi­ty; then the whole system just isn’t healthy.”

Patterson, who also works as an educator, admits she has never really been a city person. She grew up immersed in nature – and trees – in the rural town of Lackawaxen, Pennsylvan­ia, and thrives in the multisenso­ry experience of a forest. “I love the calm, the peace, the intrigue; I can go for a walk and find a plant I’ve never seen before or hear a new bird call, or discover a weird fungus. This forest is an amazing space to be,” says Patterson, who lives just 20 minutes away. “This place allows me to calm my mind but also stimulate it at the same time. I’ve never found another environmen­t that does that.”

Over the past eight years she has studied how hundreds of leaves from 22 species function differentl­y to investigat­e how environmen­ts that are extreme to certain species can influence the physiology of the tree. “I liken it to working out which tree has the engine of a Toyota and which has the engine of a Ferrari – the oaks are not Ferraris. However, they are extremely resilient and there’s a reason they’ve been dominant here for centuries,” says Patterson, who explains the survival strategy of the northern red oak, which makes up 70% of this forest. “These oaks can live up to 350 years so they’re long-lived, they produce dominant seeds [acorns] and tolerate high-stress conditions.”

In the past, Black Rock Forest has been subject to fires but the oaks’ acorns can survive undergroun­d until conditions improve. However, now there are more settlement­s locally, fires are suppressed so these oaks must compete with fire-sensitive trees that would not have survived previously. More frequent tropical storms and heavy winds also threaten mature oak trees, a disease called oak blight is spreading into this region and deer browsing affects oak regenerati­on, potentiall­y allowing other migrant trees to more easily fill this niche.

Kevin Griffin, professor in plant physiology at Columbia University, is Patterson’s PhD supervisor. He explains why Black Rock Forest is such a significan­t place to study tree migration. “There’s a huge mix of species here because tree species that typically have a southern or northern range all seem to crash together right in the Hudson valley,” he says. “At the end of the last ice age 14,000 years ago, glaciers receded from the Hudson valley and now after ecological succession we’re looking at this beautiful oak deciduous forest, but that’s just a snapshot in time.”

A plant or animal’s range – the geographic­al area in which a species can be found – is in constant flux. Ranges naturally shift, expand and contract over time, but it is the current speed of change that concerns scientists like Patterson and Griffin. “If the rate of change [in ranges] is greatly accelerate­d from human activities, then how does the ecology keep up with that?” asks Griffin.

For trees that grow and reproduce incredibly slowly, migration is a huge challenge. As Griffin puts it, “trees don’t have legs, seeds travel short distances and lots of things eat those seeds, plus trees need pollinator­s and the right soil for germinatio­n, so the ecology is fascinatin­g but not obvious”. Crucially, there’s a mismatch between the speed at which ranges shift and the speed at which trees can respond and migrate.

Griffin and Patterson are investigat­ing how shifting ranges affect the physiology or inner workings of these trees: “We’re trying to build a clearer picture of how the trees are currently surviving, how competitiv­e they are and at what rate they may or may not be able to keep up with this shift in climatic conditions,” says Griffin, who says that temperatur­e is one of the key drivers for shifting ranges.

According to the US Forest Service Northern Research Station, more than 70% of saplings from northern tree species in the eastern US are showing a northwards migration. But temperatur­e certainly isn’t the only variable. In 2017, forest ecologist Songlin Fei at Indiana’s Purdue University found more species moving west than north in eastern areas, possibly due to changes in precipitat­ion or rainfall rather than changes in temperatur­e. Total annual rainfall in central US had increased by more than 150mm and declined significan­tly in the south-east.

In order to compare metabolic activity inside every leaf she collects, Patterson clamps each one into the chamber of a photosynth­esis machine. “I set the relative humidity, light, carbon dioxide levels and temperatur­e to mimic the local conditions in the forest, or to recreate the southern range limit conditions, then allow each leaf to acclimatis­e and become happy. This encourages the stomas [pores] to open so that gas exchange can flow freely,” she says. Patterson measures the rates of respiratio­n and photosynth­esis in mature trees.

Griffin likens this to a bank account: “You have what you make and what you spend; tree growth is what’s left over. So we study both photosynth­esis – how carbon gets into the tree – and respiratio­n – how carbon leaves the tree – to see if we can understand why some plants appear more or less successful.”

In Black Rock Forest, the northern red oak is central to its range. But other broad-leaved and conifer trees found here might be living at the southern limit of their region (these northern-ranged trees include paper birch and red pine), or at the northern limit of their region (southern-ranged trees such as American sycamore and Atlantic white cedar). Patterson’s initial results show that there are significan­t difference­s in the physiologi­cal capacities between northern-, central- and southern-ranged trees in Black Rock Forest.

“The patterns we find suggest that resident or centrally ranged trees, such as northern red oak, are physiologi­cally disadvanta­ged when compared [with] the northern- and southern-ranged trees,” she says.

But the trees may have been able to adapt to current climate conditions. “Within the next 50-100 years, high carbon emission scenarios predict that temperatur­es could feel as warm as Georgia’s. So the oak’s ability to continue to physiologi­cally acclimate to a warming climate and persist among disturbanc­e regimes such as deer browsing or ice storms will [influence] the health and survival of the oak population and the carbon storage potential of this region’s forests,” Patterson says.

There’s also scope for this data to be incorporat­ed into climate models so it might help predict future atmospheri­c carbon dioxide levels and evaluate which of the north-east US tree species may be better able to tolerate warmer climates over coming decades.

The best approach to surviving a warming climate, according to researcher­s, could be to maintain “connective corridors” to allow trees to naturally migrate to new areas in a changing future and not be stopped by artificial boundaries such as cities, lakes or farmland.

Further research by the University of Tennessee indicates that undergroun­d “soil highways” could also be important, with certain combinatio­ns of fungi and bacteria microbiome­s encouragin­g heat-sensitive trees to migrate to higher elevations where they can thrive.

Ultimately, tree migration is incredibly complex. But Patterson’s work represents a valuable benchmark. Having recorded GPS coordinate­s for every leaf studied, researcher­s could take further measuremen­ts to assess how tree function changes over time.

“This is just a small snapshot of what’s happening with certain trees,” she says. “But it gives insight into which species will tolerate particular environmen­ts and that could help forest management now and in the future.”

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Just because a seed from a tree can move to a place doesn’t mean it will successful­ly grow or reproduce. Other factors come into play

Angelica Patterson

 ??  ?? Angelica Patterson: ‘A shotgun is an efficient, cheap and effective way to collect the highup leaves.’
Angelica Patterson: ‘A shotgun is an efficient, cheap and effective way to collect the highup leaves.’
 ??  ?? Angelica Patterson at Mineral Springs, New York state. She studies how trees adapt and move in response to increasing average air temperatur­es.
Angelica Patterson at Mineral Springs, New York state. She studies how trees adapt and move in response to increasing average air temperatur­es.

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