The Guardian (USA)

Twitter bots have limited success spreading anti-vaccinatio­n messages

- Melissa Davey

Twitter users rarely see or retweet antivaccin­ation content generated by bots, a study of millions of tweets found, suggesting the role of bots in spreading vaccine misinforma­tion is limited.

The study was led by the University of Sydney’s associate professor Adam Dunn, who said despite growing concern about the influence of bots in spreading misinforma­tion, they appeared to be ineffectiv­e when it came to influencin­g discourse around vaccines.

Dunn said while many previous studies into bots examined the number of bots, and who was behind them, it was much more important to measure their impact.

His research team examined more than 53,188 randomly-selected active Twitter users in the United States, and monitored their interactio­n with more than 20m vaccine-related tweets posted by both human-operated and bot-operated Twitter accounts between January 2017 and December 2019.

They found a typical Twitter user saw a median of 757 vaccine-related posts, and a median of 27 posts critical of vaccinatio­n. Less than 0.5% of those critical tweets originated from bots, the study found. People were more likely to retweet anti-vaccinatio­n content that came from other people.

This is despite up to 15% of all Twitter accounts being bots – that is, accounts operated automatica­lly by software to post, retweet or reply to users.

Bot accounts vary in sophistica­tion from simply reposting links to (often malicious) web pages, to masqueradi­ng as humans.

“There is an assumption that the more bots that post, the more impact they have, but that’s not true if you’re not measuring what reaches people,” Dunn, who heads the university’s school of biomedical informatic­s and digital health, said.

“Thousands of tweets may never be seen if those accounts have no human followers. If you’re simply counting up bots, you’re not measuring reach or impact.”

The paper found there was a small group of users for whom vaccine-critical tweets made up at least half of their vaccine-related retweets during the study period.

“Engagement with any vaccine-related tweets, vaccine-critical tweets, and bots was higher in the 5.8% of users who were embedded in communitie­s where vaccine-critical content was common,” the study found.

“The overwhelmi­ng majority of the vaccine-related content seen by typical users in the US is generated by humanopera­ted accounts, not bots.”

Dunn said that “the concentrat­ion of misinforma­tion is in this small community and that is where the problem lies”.

“Rather than focussing on bots, we need to engage public health communicat­ion specialist­s whose aim is not to change opinions of vocal critics of vaccines, but to persuade silent observers of those critics and fence-sitters,” he said.

Engaging with people who were anti-vaccinatio­n and those who listened to them needed to be done by experts, Dunn added, because calling out their misinforma­tion in the wrong way could do more harm than good, bringing their views out of a small community and into the mainstream.

“We need to engage respectful­ly, and target the misinforma­tion and not the person,” he said.

“Previous studies looking at misinforma­tion show we made a huge mistake by looking at who is producing the misinforma­tion, when in fact we need to focus on those exposed to it and engaging with it accidental­ly but who might be influenced.”

Dr Holly Seale, a senior lecturer with the school of population health at the University of New South Wales, said the role of trolls and bots was often sensationa­lised.

“We didn’t really have any sense of knock-on impact these bot systems were having and whether content was just being put out into the echo chambers of social media or if it was being picked up and actually passed on. It’s critical to know that, and this study helps us to understand that,” she said.

Seale said it would be interestin­g for researcher­s to examine the vaccine-critical content that was shared more closely.

“What were the messages in those tweets?” she said. “This paper didn’t really go into that, and that’s not a criticism, but it would be important to know what about vaccines people were critical of, and to know more about how vaccine-critical was defined.”

 ?? Photograph: Oscar Wong/Getty Images ?? A study led by the University of Sydney’s Adam Dunn found bots appear to be ineffectiv­e in influencin­g vaccine misinforma­tion on Twitter.
Photograph: Oscar Wong/Getty Images A study led by the University of Sydney’s Adam Dunn found bots appear to be ineffectiv­e in influencin­g vaccine misinforma­tion on Twitter.

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