The Guardian (USA)

Kimmel on Trump: 'No one in my lifetime has done more to separate us'

- Guardian staff

Late-night hosts talked about Donald Trump’s latest rambling performanc­e at a rally while also interrogat­ing his strange new claims on Twitter.

Jimmy Kimmel

On Jimmy Kimmel Live, the host called NBC’s decision to schedule a Trump town hall directly against Biden on ABC “a very sneaky move” and claimed that: “NBC sucks.”

Kimmel played footage of the last time Trump was being interviewe­d by Savannah Guthrie before he became president, when he claimed that he would become presidenti­al if he won the election. “OK, when is that? Maybe we could get a little bit of that going before you leave?” Kimmel joked.

He said that Trump has been “trying to rally his way back in the race” after polls show him losing to Biden. This week he claimed that he was the second most famous person in the world after Jesus Christ. “Jesus healed the sick, he didn’t infect them with the coronaviru­s,” Kimmel said.

Trump also complained that hurricane coverage meant that his Nobel peace prize nomination wasn’t covered on the news enough. “No one in my lifetime has done more to separate us, to drive us apart than Donald Trump and yet he genuinely believes he deserved to win the Nobel prize for peace,” Kimmel said.

The host went on to say that the attorney general and Trump henchman, Bill Barr, had “shed himself of all credibilit­y in service of this president” yet this week Trump criticised him for not arresting the people he wants arrested. Kimmel warned him to be careful, saying he “could be talking about his future cellmate”.

This year’s October surprise is that “there was no surprise at all” but Trump has been heavily promoting his re-election. “Trump is so desperate for attention, he’s doing every show, he’s doing shows I’ve never heard of,” he said.

This week he said that Biden shouldn’t be president because we need a president who is sharp. “Finally something we agree on,” Kimmel said.

Trump also attacked Biden for his age despite just a three-year difference. “What’s next? Are you gonna attack Wesley Snipes for tax evasion?” Kimmel joked.

Trevor Noah

On The Daily Show, Trevor Noah said that the coronaviru­s pandemic remains “the top issue for America” and “any normal president” would be focusing on it.

But Trump has pushed two spurious stories this week, the first involving Joe Biden’s son Hunter, a story that’s so poorly sourced that Facebook and Twitter tried to stop people from sharing it. “You know a story is shady when Facebook is saying whoa whoa whoa maybe people shouldn’t see this,” Noah said.

He joked: “Usually people are posting about how vaccines did 9/11.”

Noah also questioned Trump going after Hunter, given his own children. “If these were my sons, I’d maintain a strict kids are off-limits policy,” he joked.

The main source of the story has been questioned for his veracity. “People should be skeptical of anything where Rudy Giuliani is the source, just as a rule in life,” Noah said.

Trump also retweeted a fake conspiracy theory alleging that Osama bin Laden wasn’t killed and the entire event was staged with a stand-in being shot instead. “If that’s true then I’m impressed because that sounds way harder than trying to kill Bin Laden,” Noah said.

He added: “If Trump loses the election, I think Twitter should hire him because they can find out what conspiracy accounts to suspend just based on what he retweets.”

 ??  ?? Jimmy Kimmel: ‘Trump is so desperate for attention, he’s doing every show, he’s doing shows I’ve never heard of.’ Photograph: YouTube
Jimmy Kimmel: ‘Trump is so desperate for attention, he’s doing every show, he’s doing shows I’ve never heard of.’ Photograph: YouTube

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