The Guardian (USA)

Why Amy Coney Barrett's addition to supreme court may undermine climate fight

- Emily Holden in Washington

The supreme court is shifting right, at a pivotal moment when it could have the last word on how much the US contribute­s to battling the climate crisis.

Amy Coney Barrett’s addition to the court could leave an indelible mark on how fiercely the US, and perhaps the rest of the world, can fight rising temperatur­es, even as scientists warn society has just years to take serious action.

Barrett, a 48-year-old devout Catholic, has said she does not hold “firm views” on climate change, calling it a “very contentiou­s matter of public debate”. Because her father worked in oil and gas, she has previously recused herself from cases involving Royal Dutch Shell.

From deciding the legality of climate regulation­s for polluters to determinin­g whether oil companies should pay for climate damages, Barrett and five other conservati­ve justices will wield considerab­le influence.

While Barrett’s history of decisions on environmen­tal issues is limited, her appointmen­t to the court by Trump – as his third justice in four years – solidifies a transfer of power from an often progressiv­e or moderate court.

“Adding one more conservati­ve justice just gives all the conservati­ve justices more fuel to be more political in what they’re going to do,” said Jean Su, an attorney who directs the energy justice program for the Center for Biological Diversity.

Congress has long been too divided to enact significan­t legislatio­n on climate change. Barack Obama turned to his agencies to write regulation­s for power plants and cars. His Clean Power Plan for the electricit­y sector was stalled by the supreme court before it took effect. Republican­s say it was executive overreach. Democrats say it was the only way forward.

Sarah Hunt, a conservati­ve attorney who promotes clean energy policy and co-founded the Rainey Center thinktank, said courts should not be settling climate policy.

“It should not matter what Amy Coney Barrett thinks about climate change,” said Hunt, who like Barrett has been a member of the Federalist Society, which has helped seat conservati­ves on the bench.

“Her entire judicial philosophy, all that she stands for, is about being careful not to legislate from the bench and respecting the role of Congress.”If Donald Trump wins re-election, the supreme court could be poised to side with his administra­tion on major rollbacks. If Joe Biden is in the White House, the court could shoot down climate standards written by his agencies.

The legal disagreeme­nts are unlikely to be about whether climate change is real and a threat. Instead they could come down to whether a president has the authority to write climate rules when Congress has refused to do so.

If one particular case makes it to the supreme court, the justices could decide the fate of millions of Americans – mostly people of color – who live in polluted communitie­s.

Nearly half of US states are challengin­g the Trump administra­tion’s decision to weaken vehicle pollution standards. The administra­tion has also tried to take away California’s ability to set stricter rules than the rest of the country.

Shana Lazerow, legal director for Communitie­s for a Better Environmen­t, which organizes in California communitie­s surrounded by refineries, highways, diesel corridors and airports, said Barrett’s addition to the court could be devastatin­g to public health as well as the climate crisis.

“The people who will be impacted the most are the low-income communitie­s of color who already bear a disproport­ionate burden of our society’s industrial activities,” Lazerow said. “Striking down our climate protection­s is a specific act of racism.”

Even if Democrats take control of Congress and the White House, substantia­l climate action will be politicall­y difficult. Tommy Wells, the District of Columbia’s director of the department of energy and environmen­t, said cities will be able to do most through local laws.

DC is bringing one of the more than a dozen climate lawsuits from municipali­ties against oil companies, but states and cities are finding it hard to prove a single company is the direct cause of harm in a specific place.

One of the first cases the supreme court will hear is from the city of Baltimore against major oil companies. The justices will decide what issues can be considered in determinin­g the jurisdicti­on for climate lawsuits.

“We’ve started having storms and internal flooding even though we’re situated on two rivers,” Wells said. “It will cost the district a lot of money to protect our schools, our utilities, the electric grid – to keep metro from flooding.”

 ?? Photograph: Olivier Douliery/AFP/Getty Images ?? Amy Coney Barrett. ‘Adding one more conservati­ve justice gives all the conservati­ve justices more fuel to be more political in what they’re going to do,’ says an attorney.
Photograph: Olivier Douliery/AFP/Getty Images Amy Coney Barrett. ‘Adding one more conservati­ve justice gives all the conservati­ve justices more fuel to be more political in what they’re going to do,’ says an attorney.

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