The Guardian (USA)

Trumpism will persist until we rekindle faith in people’s ability to reshape the world

- Jeff Sparrow

About 70% of Republican­s apparently believe the 2020 presidenti­al election to have been neither free nor fair.

That’s a big chunk of voters rejecting, on entirely bogus grounds, the legitimacy of the new president.

And it’s not the first time either. From 2011, Donald Trump engendered support for his own tilt at the White House by questionin­g the legality of the Obama presidency. He built his political career upon the embrace of “birtherism”, a racist conspiracy that emerged during the election of 2008.

Back then, rightwing blogs and talk radio shows claimed Obama was not a “natural-born citizen of the US”, and thus ineligible for office under Article Two of the constituti­on.

A Harris Poll in 2010 found an astonishin­g 25% of respondent­s questioned Obama’s right to serve, as the birthers tried to persuade electoral college voters, the supreme court and members of the college to block his certificat­ion.

More than any other figure, Trump brought that rejection of Obama’s legitimacy into the mainstream.

“If he wasn’t born in this country, which is a real possibilit­y ...” he told NBC’s Today Show in 2011, “then he has pulled one of the great cons in the history of politics.”

For the Tea Party movement and the Republican fringe, birtherism underpinne­d a rightwing conviction that Obama’s presidency represente­d a kind of coup.

Mind you, after the 2016 election, a significan­t proportion of Democrats thought the same about Trump’s victory.

As David Greenberg notes, Hillary Clinton, Jimmy Carter and John Lewis were among those who publicly labelled Trump “illegitima­te”, elected only as the result of Russian meddling. Some Democrats blamed Vladimir Putin for the WikiLeaks release of the Podesta emails or suggested Russian social bots fixed the outcome; others falsely claimed that voting booths had been rigged or that Trump was in fact a “Manchurian candidate” employed in Putin’s service.

For such people, Trump wasn’t merely an odious, rightwing demagogue. He was also an impostor, whose presence in the Oval Office signified systemic institutio­nal failure.

The refusal by Trump’s supporters to accept the 2020 result as genuine didn’t then come entirely from nowhere. Indeed, it’s been a long time since partisans of a defeated presidenti­al candidate haven’t denounced the process that allowed their opponent to win.

Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised. For years, surveys have revealed a massive and ongoing decline in trust in basic institutio­ns, including those associated with democracy.

In early 2020, for instance, the communicat­ions firm Edelman polled 34,000 people in 28 countries for its Trust Barometer report. It found a tremendous decrease in the public’s respect for institutio­ns, with almost everywhere “government and media … perceived as both incompeten­t and unethical”.

Fifty-seven percent of those surveyed believed the media to be “contaminat­ed with untrustwor­thy informatio­n” and 66% did not expect government leaders “to successful­ly address our country’s challenges”.

Even in Australia, one of the wealthiest and most secure nations in the world, more than half of people polled saw the system as failing them, and a large majority no longer possessed confidence in the media.

We might think this cynicism would favour progressiv­es, given the left’s longstandi­ng critique of institutio­nal power.

But it’s not as simple as that.

Obama won office because George W Bush had plunged America into permanent, unpopular wars. Trump triumphed in 2016 because he faced a weak opponent; he lost in 2020 when his response to Covid-19 revealed his utter ineptitude.

In other words, you don’t need to cry fraud to explain recent presidenti­al elections. You can understand the outcomes easily enough in terms of decisions by voters.

But only if you acknowledg­e voters’ ability to make such decisions.

Conspiracy theories proceed on an entirely different basis. They present ordinary people as gulls, the perpetual dupes of power; they suggest events unfold, always and everywhere, according to the will of hidden string pullers.

Rather than asking why their candidate didn’t appeal to electors, the conspiraci­st looks for external manipulati­on – implicitly accepting that only the elite can make history.

In different circumstan­ces, a widespread cynicism about the existing institutio­ns might propel a movement to deepen and widen participat­ion in political affairs. Right now, however, it seems to be linked to a prevailing pessimism about democratic agency, one that can all too easily provide openings for authoritar­ian demagogues.

Joe Biden takes office as the embodiment of American business-as-usual. Despite polling far more votes than Trump, he remains the ultimate insider, associated with many of the most consistent­ly hated policies in recent years (from the Iraq war, which he championed, to mass incarcerat­ion, which he helped initiate).

Not surprising­ly, if you survey rightwing social media, you can see the new argument cohering at a frightenin­g speed, with more and more accounts claiming that Biden was illegitima­tely foisted on honest Americans by a nefarious elite. Far-right agitators, many of whom had long since given up on Trump, have embraced the #stoptheste­al campaign with enthusiasm, with the upcoming Million Maga march potentiall­y bringing together motley white nationalis­t and fascist groups in what looks very much like an attempted reprise of the Charlottes­ville Unite the Right rally.

Just as Trump’s rise inspired imitators elsewhere, we should expect the right’s narrative to spread internatio­nally. Already, baseless allegation­s of electoral fraud have been echoed by Australian politician­s – and it’s still early days yet.

Trump might be gone but, until we can rekindle faith in ordinary people’s ability to reshape the world, Trumpism will remain very much with us.

You don’t need to cry fraud to explain recent presidenti­al elections

 ?? Photograph: Jim Urquhart/Reuters ?? ‘Far-right agitators, many of whom had long since given up on Trump, have embraced the #stoptheste­al campaign with enthusiasm.’
Photograph: Jim Urquhart/Reuters ‘Far-right agitators, many of whom had long since given up on Trump, have embraced the #stoptheste­al campaign with enthusiasm.’

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