The Guardian (USA)

Trump reported to have discussed granting 'pre-emptive pardons' for his family

- Guardian staff

Donald Trump has discussed granting “pre-emptive pardons” for his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, as well as his children and son-in-law, the New York Times reported.

The lame duck president is concerned that Joe Biden’s justice department might prosecute Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, according to the report.

Pardons that pre-empt criminal charges are not common, but also not unpreceden­ted, with the most famous example being Gerald Ford’s pardon of Richard Nixon.

Giulani reportedly discussed the possibilit­y as recently as last week, but he denied the Times’ report in a tweet.

“Fake News NYT lies again,” he wrote. “Never had the discussion they falsely attribute to an anonymous source. Hard to keep up with all their lies.”

The Times cited two anonymous sources.

The news comes as newly unsealed court filings reveal that an alleged “bribery for pardon” scheme at the White House is under investigat­ion by the US justice department.

The heavily redacted court documents do not name Trump or other individual­s, but cast additional scrutiny on the Trump White House and its controvers­ial use of the presidenti­al pardon.

Pardons are a common feature of the waning days of any White House term. Trump has not conceded defeat by Joe Biden but he will leave office on 20 January regardless.

Last week, the president pardoned his first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts with a Russian official.

Trump had already pardoned political allies including Bernard Kerik and Joe Arpaio and commuted a sentence handed to longtime ally Roger Stone. Former Trump aides Paul Manafort, George Papadopoul­os and Rick Gates are all thought to be possible pardon recipients.

Gates, a former deputy campaign chair who also worked on Trump’s inaugurati­on, pleaded guilty to financial fraud and lying to investigat­ors and was sentenced to 45 days’ confinemen­t.

Last week, he told the Times Trump “knows how much those of us who worked for him have suffered, and I hope he takes that into considerat­ion if and when he grants any pardons”.

Giuliani, a former mayor of New York, has not been convicted of any federal crime. But he has been reported to be under investigat­ion by federal prosecutor­s, regarding his dealings in Ukraine and possible violations of lobbying law.

Giuliani’s own lawyer, Robert Costello, told the Times: “He’s not concerned about this investigat­ion, because he didn’t do anything wrong and that’s been our position from day one.”

Presidenti­al pardons pre-empting

charges or conviction are extremely rare but not unknown. Jimmy Carter, for example, pardoned thousands of men who illegally avoided the draft for the Vietnam war.

Gerald Ford’s pardon of Richard Nixon following the Watergate scandal covered all of Nixon’s actions as president.

On Monday, conservati­ve commentato­r Sean Hannity said on his radio show that Trump “needs to pardon his whole family and himself”.

Most observers think a self-pardon would be both unconstitu­tional and not likely to work. If Trump did try it, it would have no effect on prosecutor­s in New York state investigat­ing his tax affairs and possible violations of campaign finance law.

According to the Department of Justice, presidenti­al pardons do not signify that the recipient is innocent.

The White House did not comment on the Times report.

 ?? Photograph: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images ?? Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani at the president’s golf club in New Jersey in August. Presidenti­al pardons are a common feature of the waning days of any White House term.
Photograph: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani at the president’s golf club in New Jersey in August. Presidenti­al pardons are a common feature of the waning days of any White House term.

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