The Guardian (USA)

Has Modi finally met his match in India's farmers?

- Ravinder Kaur

The scene is almost festive. Kanwar Grewal, a popular Punjabi singer, is on the stage performing in front of a spellbound audience. The show is routine for someone like him, but the setting is unusual. The makeshift stage is a table, a set of borrowed speakers and a microphone, all hurriedly assembled on a roadside kerb. He performs without special stage effects or background music; the song is a resounding call to protect the rights of farmers and protest against the new farm laws – a genre different from his familiar oeuvre of Sufi songs.

This scene is neither exceptiona­l nor limited to one artist. It has become commonplac­e in the past months, especially in the Indian states of Punjab and Haryana, as massive protests mount against the deregulati­on of the agricultur­al sector. The vast assembly of protesters during a relentless pandemic might seem reckless. But it is more a sign of desperatio­n that thousands of famers and workers have camped for weeks at the borders of Delhi during a harsh winter and the risk of contagion. They show no sign of turning back.

The determinat­ion of protesters has put India’s ruling party in a tight spot. It was clearly not expecting a nationwide strike during the pandemic. The “world’s strictest lockdown” and the public fear of contagion have been readily leveraged to limit democratic expression of dissent. With various restrictio­ns in place, the Modi government has viewed the pandemic as a rare opportunit­y to muscle through a number of “tough” market reforms. The guiding principle has been that the crisis is a “time for bold decisions and bold investment … to prepare a globally competitiv­e domestic supply chain”.

The rationale is that the pandemic offers a moment in which global investment­s could potentiall­y be diverted from China to India. The contagion was not just a public health disaster but also a reminder that China, as the “factory of the world”, dominates global manufactur­ing and thereby critical supply chains. As the backlash against China has grown, so has the possibilit­y of re-channellin­g manufactur­ing to other nations. As the US has spoken of the prospect of decoupling from China, a new vacancy as the world’s “next factory” seems to have opened up, a vacancy India is eager to fill.

This crisis-as-opportunit­y approach is accelerati­ng the speed of market reforms that big capital has long demanded. First there was the highly publicised Make in India programme. Earlier this year, it was repackaged as the Atmanirbha­r Bharat( self-reliant India): a competitiv­e and resilient manufactur­ing hub in the global economy. Its most recent iteration is One Nation, One Market, which envisages India as a consolidat­ed economic unit governed by a strong centralise­d state – a step that undermines India’s federal state structure. Articulate­d in the language of empowermen­t and progress, it positions the Indian nation as a single market, with economic resources and activity under the auspices of the state.

This vision requires India to be made market-ready, a site of production in which all national territory and inhabitant­s are available as factors of production. Seen from this vantage point, the new market reforms are the logical steps designed to upgrade India’s global ranking on the “ease of business” index. Hence the new farm laws – on pricing, sale of agricultur­al produce, and storage – which remove safeguards that have protected the agricultur­al sector from the vagaries of the free market.

The laws seek to dismantle the complex mandi system (local market) –the state-regulated marketplac­es comprising farmers, workers and intermedia­ries from the local economy. Though not perfect, the system affords freedoms to the small-scale and local in a way that a corporate-mediated single market would not. While the government promises to double farmers’ income by opening the agrarian economy to private investors, small and marginal farmers, who make up 85% of the farm sector, fear they will lose out.In a barrier-free agricultur­al market, they will have little bargaining power and resources to deal with big corporate players.

Equally critical are the labour reforms that have further weakened the rights of the workers both in the formal and informal sectors. Workers can now not only be hired and fired more easily, their right to go on strike is also restricted. These market-friendly laws were pushed through just after the national lockdown, which was enforced at four hours notice – a move that had left migrant workers stranded, often without wages, and forced to walk hundred of miles back home. The lockdown revealed the acute vulnerabil­ity of the migrant workers and daily wagelabour­ers who comprise about 90% of India’s workforce. The labour reforms have reduced the bargaining power of this vulnerable group, as manufactur­ers redefine business models with longer work hours.

The Modi government rushed these laws through without heed to the opposition, which is outnumbere­d in parliament. And this is where the farmers’ protest assumes significan­ce.

On 8 December, more than 450 farmers’ and workers’ unions called for a nationwide one-day strike to push for a repeal of the new laws. The protests themselves continue to grow across class and caste, city and countrysid­e. This is the most major mass resistance that the Modi government has faced, and the protesters are prepared for a long haul. As one farmer said: “We are fully prepared to stay here for six months and can stay longer if we are not heard and our demands are not met.”

• Ravinder Kaur is the author of Brand New Nation: Capitalist Dreams and Nationalis­t Designs in TwentyFirs­t-Century India

 ?? Photograph: Danish Siddiqui/Reuters ?? A Nihang (Sikh warrior) at a protest against the newly passed farm bills, at the Singhu border near Delhi, India.
Photograph: Danish Siddiqui/Reuters A Nihang (Sikh warrior) at a protest against the newly passed farm bills, at the Singhu border near Delhi, India.

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