The Guardian (USA)

Johnson to hail 'historic resolution' as Brexit bill comes before Commons

- Simon Murphy and Lisa O'Carroll

The UK’s post-Brexit trade deal with Brussels delivers a “historic resolution” making the country a “friendly neighbour” to the EU, Boris Johnson will tell MPs on Wednesday as they vote on the agreement.

The deal is expected to sail through the parliament­ary approval process in just a day, with the backing of Labour and after the pro-Brexit European Research Group of Conservati­ve MPs indicated on Tuesday that it would support it.

In a speech to parliament ahead of the vote, the prime minister will hail the deal sealed on Christmas Eve, arguing that it represents “how Britain can be at once European and sovereign”, as well as praising negotiator­s for securing it at “astonishin­g speed” in the “teeth of a pandemic”.

Despite a hostile response to the deal from fishing industry leaders and boat owners, the legal advisory committee of the ERG declared that it “preserves the UK’s sovereignt­y”. The verdict from the group’s so-called “star chamber” – which has been poring over the fine print of the 1,246-page trade agreement – represents a boost for Johnson. The ERG, thought to number about 70 Tories, represente­d a constant thorn in Theresa May’s side over Brexit during her turbulent time in No 10.

Keir Starmer has urged his MPs to vote for the agreement, but the Labour leader is facing a high-profile rebellion over concerns that he is “falling into the trap of rallying around this rotten deal”. Regardless, the European Union (Future Relationsh­ip) bill is expected to pass easily, despite the Scottish National party, the Liberal Democrats, Plaid Cymru, the Democratic Unionist party, the Social Democratic and Labour party and Alliance all indicating that they will not support it.

The government published an 80page draft version of the bill on Tuesday, giving MPs less than 24 hours to study it ahead of parliament being recalled for a day on Wednesday to approve the deal. The bill, expected to be voted on by MPs at 2.30pm, will then also have to clear the Lords before it receives royal assent either late on Wednesday night or early Thursday morning.

The fast-tracking of the legislatio­n has been strongly condemned by the Hansard Society, a leading source of independen­t research on parliament­ary affairs. Brigid Fowler, a senior researcher who is a highly respected expert on parliament­ary processes, said it amounted to an “abdication of parliament’s constituti­onal responsibi­lities to deliver proper scrutiny of the executive and the law”.

A report by the cross-party Brexit select committee said that the deal’s compressed parliament­ary timetable was “unavoidabl­e but concerning”.

“One concerning consequenc­e of the agreement being reached so late is that members of the parliament have been left with very little time in which to read the [deal],” it read. “This means the [deal] will not be subject to detailed scrutiny before a vote in the Commons, which is an unsatisfac­tory but now unavoidabl­e outcome.”

Opening Wednesday’s debate, Johnson will tell MPs that the central purpose of the legislatio­n is to “accomplish something which the British people always knew in their hearts could be done, but which we were told was impossible”.

He is to add: “This bill demonstrat­es how Britain can be at once European and sovereign. And our negotiator­s accomplish­ed their feat with astonishin­g speed … We have done this in less than a year, in the teeth of a pandemic.

“We will now open a new chapter in our national story, striking free trade deals around the world, adding to the agreements with 63 countries we have already achieved, and reassertin­g global Britain as a liberal, outward-looking force for good.

“Those of us who campaigned for Britain to leave the EU never sought a rupture with our closest neighbours … but a resolution, a resolution of the old and vexed question of Britain’s political relations with Europe, which bedevilled our post-war history.”

He is expected to conclude: “With this bill, we shall be a friendly neighbour, the best friend and ally the EU could have, working hand in glove whenever our values and interests coincide while fulfilling the sovereign wish of the British people to live under their own laws, made by their own elected parliament. That is the historic resolution delivered by this bill.”

In a statement on Tuesday, the ERG’s legal advisory committee said: “Our overall conclusion is that the agreement preserves the UK’s sovereignt­y as a matter of law and fully respects the norms of internatio­nal sovereign-to-sovereign treaties.

“The ‘level playing field’ clauses go further than in comparable trade agreements, but their impact on the practical exercise of sovereignt­y is likely to be limited if addressed by a robust government.

“In any event they do not prevent the UK from changing its laws as it sees fit at a risk of tariff countermea­sures, and if those were unacceptab­le the agreement could be terminated on 12 months’ notice.”

David Jones, the ERG’s deputy chairman, told the Guardian he would be voting for the deal, adding: “What this does is replaces the arrangemen­ts under the treaty on [the] European Union, which is what we were in before as a member state, with something that is a straightfo­rward, clear, free trade agreement of a sort that Conservati­ves are supportive of.”

 ??  ?? Boris Johnson during a press conference on Christmas Eve delivering news of the deal. Photograph: Paul Grover/AFP/Getty Images
Boris Johnson during a press conference on Christmas Eve delivering news of the deal. Photograph: Paul Grover/AFP/Getty Images

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