The Guardian (USA)

Biden cabinet picks: confirmati­on hearings begin one day before inaugurati­on

- Daniel Strauss in Washington

Confirmati­on hearings for Joe Biden’s cabinet nominees kicked off on Tuesday, one day ahead of the inaugurati­on and as the next step in Donald Trump’s second impeachmen­t loomed.

Senators on the relevant committees began hearings to confirm Janet Yellen (treasury secretary), Avril Haines (director of national intelligen­ce), Alejandro Mayorkas (homeland security secretary) and Antony Blinken (secretary of state). The hearings were merely a first wave of confirmati­ons Congress must process as the new president takes office.

Biden will take the oath of office on Wednesday, cementing a massive shift in the American political universe. Once Kamala Harris is sworn in as vicepresid­ent – the first Black woman in the role using a Bible once owned by Thurgood Marshall, the first Black supreme court justice, as well as one from a close family friend – Democrats will narrowly control both chambers of Congress.

As well as holding confirmati­on hearings, the Senate must hold a second trial for Trump, even after he has left office. Democrats hope Republican sentiment has shifted away from the outgoing president in response to the riot he encouraged at the Capitol. There are signs that might be the case.

On Tuesday, the Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell, said: “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people, and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government which they did not like.”

John Thune of South Dakota, a member of Republican leadership, told ABC News: “It sounds like we are going to have a trial to examine that and like all senators I’ll fulfill my constituti­onal duty and listen intently to the evidence, and we will come to the conclusion.”

Looking to make good on his promise to lower the political temperatur­e of the country, Biden invited Republican and Democratic leaders in Congress to a prayer session before he takes office, the mere fact of the invitation a tonal shift from how Trump interacted with congressio­nal leaders through his four years in office. Earlier in the day, Biden participat­ed in a sendoff from his home state, Delaware, ahead of his move to Washington. A Covid memorial service was due to take place in the capital in the evening.

Biden will need to retain good relations with both parties if he wants any of his policy agenda to become law and cabinet confirmati­ons to go smoothly. WThe Senate will be split 50-50. In any tie, Harris, as vice-president, will hold the deciding vote. In the House, the Democratic majority shrank in the last election but Nancy Pelosi still wields control as speaker.

When Biden is sworn in, he will be lagging behind his most recent predecesso­rs on confirmati­on hearings held, according to data compiled by Axios. Only five Biden nominees will have had hearings by the end of Tuesday, seven fewer than Trump had by inaugurati­on day, six fewer than Barack Obama (whom Biden served as vicepresid­ent), seven fewer than George W Bush and nine fewer than Bill Clinton.

On the Senate floor on Tuesday, Chuck Schumer of New York, the Democratic leader, noted that Democrats must deal with an unusually heavy load.

“All of us want to put this awful chapter in our nation’s history behind us, but healing and unity will only come if there is truth and accountabi­lity, not sweeping such a severe charge, such awful actions under the rug,” Schumer said.

“So let me be clear. There will be an impeachmen­t trial in the United States Senate. There will be a vote on convicting the president for high crimes and misdemeano­rs. If the president is convicted, there will be a vote barring him [from running for office] again.”

Privately, there is a worry among Democrats that impeachmen­t hearings held simultaneo­usly with confirmati­ons will delay cabinet confirmati­ons and progress on legislatio­n. Away from Congress, Biden has said he will reverse key Trump policies by executive order, achieving among other objectives re-entry to the Paris climate accord and Iran nuclear deal.

Democrats also worry that impeachmen­t could further fuel the sense of heated national division the new president wants to end.

“In 2017, the Senate confirmed President Trump’s secretary of defense and his secretary of homeland security on inaugurati­on day,” Schumer said, adding: “Biden should have the same officials in place on his inaugurati­on day at the very least.

“That is the expectatio­n and tradition for any administra­tion, especially in the midst of a homeland security crisis … the way the Senate works, it will take cooperatio­n from our Republican colleagues to swiftly confirm these highly qualified national security officials. But make no mistake, the Senate will move quickly to confirm Biden’s cabinet.”

 ?? Photograph: Joshua Roberts/EPA ?? Alejandro Mayorkas, nominee to be secretary of homeland security, testifies during confirmati­on hearing on Capitol Hill on Tuesday.
Photograph: Joshua Roberts/EPA Alejandro Mayorkas, nominee to be secretary of homeland security, testifies during confirmati­on hearing on Capitol Hill on Tuesday.

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