The Guardian (USA)

The Observer view on Joe Biden's first foreign policy speech

- Observer editorial

His intentions had been repeatedly trailed in advance. Yet Joe Biden’s first foreign policy speech as president, delivered appropriat­ely at the state department, the home base of American diplomacy, was still a breath of fresh air. The main headlines were an end to US support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen and a brisk warning to Russia that its easy ride under Donald Trump was over. But the speech also marked a broader policy shift.

Gone were Trump’s trademark “America First” slogans and the ugly isolationi­sm, protection­ism and xenophobia that frequently underpinne­d them. Biden said he was sending “a clear message to the world that America is back”. By this, he meant recommitme­nt to multilater­alism, to alliances such as Nato, to UN agencies such as the World Health Organizati­on and to internatio­nal agreements such as the Paris climate agreement and Iran nuclear deal.It would be facile to apply terms such as the “Biden doctrine” to what was essentiall­y a restatemen­t, or reassertio­n, of longstandi­ng American policy objectives after a four-year hiatus. Yet at the same time, the speech was more than a mere touch on the tiller. It signalled a significan­t change in the means the US will employ to achieve those objectives. Biden’s way is the diplomatic way, not the way of war, arms sales, punishment, tantrums, stunts and threats.

All this is very welcome. Yet like every president, Biden will be judged by deeds, not words. The relief among UN agencies and aid workers that he has, in effect, called time on the Yemen war is palpable. After the Saudis and the UAE launched their air campaign in 2014 against the country’s Iran-linked Ansar Allah (Houthi) rebels, Yemenis died in their tens of thousands and were plunged into the world’s worst humanitari­an crisis.David Miliband, who heads the Internatio­nal Rescue Committee, applauded Biden’s actions as “a vital first step”. He said “the shift from a failed war strategy towards a comprehens­ive diplomatic approach cannot come a moment too soon”. Among other measures, Biden has paused arms sales to Riyadh, halted US military support and appointed a peace envoy.

Biden should go further – by immediatel­y resuming, and preferably boosting, US humanitari­an aid to areas controlled by the rebels, where 80% of Yemenis live. Trump’s last-minute designatio­n of the Houthis as a global terrorist organisati­on, which impedes relief work and economic reconstruc­tion, was rescinded on Friday. In addition, the US should back an independen­t inquiry into war crimes committed by all parties to the war.Biden’s

Yemen démarche, though not unexpected, will jolt Riyadh, other Gulf capitals and Israel – for it reflects a wider shift in tone and substance after Trump’s unstinting, unwise political indulgence­s. He pledged to continue to help US regional allies defend themselves against Iran. And he has made no move, yet, to reopen nuclearrel­ated negotiatio­ns or build bridges to Tehran.But this may be coming, as is publicatio­n of a classified CIA report into the murder of the Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, which is expected to implicate the Saudi crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman. Biden and his secretary of state, Antony Blinken, also want to revive the Palestine-Israel twostate solution that Trump and Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, did their best to bury. In short, a period of increasing­ly strained relations is in prospect.

This is not necessaril­y a bad thing, if it restores balance and perspectiv­e to the conduct of Middle Eastern affairs. Likewise, Biden’s tough words for Vladimir Putin – “the days of the US rolling over in the face of Russia’s aggressive actions are over” – were an overdue corrective. Putin’s jailing last week of the courageous opposition activist Alexei Navalny was but his latest, egregious affront to justice, freedom and democracy. Biden is right to take him on. What he may ultimately achieve is less certain.

 ??  ?? President Joe Biden makes a foreign policy speech at the State Department in Washington DC on 4 February. Photograph: Jim Lo Scalzo/ EPA
President Joe Biden makes a foreign policy speech at the State Department in Washington DC on 4 February. Photograph: Jim Lo Scalzo/ EPA

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