The Guardian (USA)

Donald Trump says some of Capitol rioters posed 'zero threat'

- Guardian staff and agencies least100mo­recouldfac­echarges.

Donald Trump has defended some of his supporters who rioted at the US Capitol on 6 January, saying they posed “zero threat” to the lawmakers who had assembled there to certify the electoral college vote that confirmed Joe Biden’s election victory.

Trump complained to Fox News’s Laura Ingraham that law enforcemen­t was “persecutin­g” the Capitol rioters, while “nothing happens” to leftwing protesters. Five people, including a police officer, died in the riot.

Trump acknowledg­ed that those who stormed the Capitol “went in and they shouldn’t have done it”. But he added: “Some of them went in and they’re, they’re hugging and kissing the police and the guards. You know, they had great relationsh­ips. A lot of the people were waved in and then they walked in and they walked out.”

More than 300 people have been charged in connection with the riot.

Authoritie­s have said they believe at

The attack followed a fiery Trump rally outside the White House in which he urged a group of his supporters to “fight like hell” for him at the Capitol. A week later, the House of Representa­tives impeached Trump for a second time, but the Senate eventually acquitted him of inciting the attack.

During the interview on Fox News, Trump also criticised Dr Anthony Fauci, the US infectious disease expert. “I frankly didn’t listen to him too much,” he said.

Fauci was one of Trump’s key advisers at the start of the pandemic, but later fell out with the former president over the handling of the crisis. In January Fauci described the “liberating feeling” of being able to speak scientific truth about the coronaviru­s without fear of “repercussi­ons” from Trump.

 ??  ?? Trump supporters attacked the US Capitol on 6 January. Photograph: Amy Harris/Rex/Shuttersto­ck
Trump supporters attacked the US Capitol on 6 January. Photograph: Amy Harris/Rex/Shuttersto­ck

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