The Guardian (USA)

India’s shocking surge in Covid cases follows baffling decline

- Michael Safi

More than a million new infections in four days, rampant oxygen shortages and the Indian capital, Delhi, awash with sirens: this is what happens when wildly infectious new variants hit a population that was no longer socially distancing, or never could.

That mutations of the virus that causes Covid-19 are to blame for the catastroph­e spreading across India is the best guess of epidemiolo­gists and other scientists confrontin­g one of the most aggressive waves of the pandemic witnessed anywhere in the world.

India is recording more than 295,000 cases a day and more than 2,000 deaths, with experts predicting fatalities will grow over the next weeks as some of those who have become infected in recent days succumb to the disease.

What is shocking and baffling public health experts is the phenomenal speed with which the virus is spreading, coming after six months in which Covid-19 infections across the vast, crowded country seemed simply to vanish, even as cold weather was driving up cases elsewhere in the world.

Seropreval­ence samples taken in December and January indicated that about one in five Indians – or about 267 million people – had probably been infected by then, leaving more than 1 billion still susceptibl­e. And yet cases kept falling.

Was it a form of herd immunity? Were some Indians protected by earlier vaccinatio­ns for other viruses? Doctors are still unsure what drove the decline. “That’s something we don’t really have answer for, we just don’t,” says Dr Shahid Jameel, a virologist and director of the Trivedi school of bioscience­s at Ashoka University.

But even in a country with spotty health surveillan­ce, he is confident the fall in caseloads was genuine. “Testing had gone down, but testing had not gone down to such an extent that we wouldn’t be picking the virus up,” he says. “The curve was declining faster than the number of tests being taken, so it was a real decline.”

Few were seriously troubled by the relatively small numbers of new cases that continued to be reported in Kerala and Maharashtr­a, two of the states with the best public health surveillan­ce in the country, indicating the virus was still out there, circulatin­g.

Such was the sense of security that when vaccinatio­ns were opened in January to health workers, take-up was significan­tly slower than expected. And what was the rush? Virus cases fell to 10,000 per day at one stage. Senior

Indian government figures were lining up to praise Narendra Modi, the prime minister, as a “vaccine guru” who had steered the country out of the health crisis. Public rallies had resumed and cricket stadiums were full.

A doctor at the Rajiv Gandhi Super speciality hospital in Delhi, Ajeet Jain, spoke to the Guardian in March of his frustratio­n at the relaxing of quarantine measures in big cities.

“People are not accepting that the disease is there,” Jain said. “The practice of sanitisati­on has gone down, the social distancing is almost zero, maskwearin­g is still going on but rest of the things, physical distancing, is almost over.”

Within days of Jain’s remarks, Covid-19 came roaring back. Sequencing of the virus in India is limited, but tests have shown that a soup of variants is responsibl­e for new outbreaks in different parts of the country.

“We are getting a lot of the UK variant, we are getting this B1617 variant, also called the double mutation, and we are also seeing a lot of mutations that are isolated but appear to have the capacity to evade antibody responses,” Jameel said.

“We can say they are all more infectious based on their behaviour. Though in India we have not been able to correlate the mutant variants with the surge, based on what we’ve seen earlier [in the UK and elsewhere], it’s the logical explanatio­n.”

It is still unclear if any of the dominating variants circulatin­g in India are more deadly. But the catastroph­e playing out across the country suggests some at least are far more infectious than those responsibl­e for the surge last year.

“In the first wave, one knew someone who knew someone who had Covid,” Jameel says. “Right now, I can tell you since yesterday, at least five people I knew closely have died. These are people I knew, people I’ve grown up with, who have taught me, who I played with.”

 ??  ?? Relatives wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) mourn a man who died from the coronaviru­s. Photograph: Adnan Abidi/Reuters
Relatives wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) mourn a man who died from the coronaviru­s. Photograph: Adnan Abidi/Reuters

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