The Guardian (USA)

Fifth of UK Covid contracts ‘raised red flags for possible corruption’

- David Pegg

One in five government Covid contracts awarded between February and November 2020 contained one or more red flags for possible corruption and require urgent further investigat­ion, a respected campaign group has warned.

Transparen­cy Internatio­nal UK said a “seriously flawed” arrangemen­t, whereby companies bidding for contracts were prioritise­d if they were referred into a “VIP lane” by their political connection­s, had “damaged trust in the integrity of the pandemic response”.

The group said Boris Johnson’s government must urgently disclose the identities of companies awarded public money through the VIP lane, which was set up by the Cabinet Office and the Department of Health and Social Care in the early days of the pandemic.

The government has so far refused to name the companies granted public money through the scheme, citing “commercial confidenti­ality”. It has previously claimed the purpose of the arrangemen­t was to triage large numbers of offers to help from the private sector.

Transparen­cy Internatio­nal UK said its analysis indicated “apparent systemic biases in the award of PPE contracts that favoured those with political connection­s to the party of government in Westminste­r”, contrary to denials by civil servants and Conservati­ve ministers.

The group said it had identified 73 Covid-related contracts with multiple factors that would ordinarily be treated as red flags for possible corruption, such as the company being politicall­y connected. Twenty-seven PPE or testing contracts worth £2.1bn were awarded to firms with connection­s to the Conservati­ve party, it claimed.

The group said it had also identified £255m of contracts awarded to companies that had only been incorporat­ed within the previous 60 days. The figure is surprising because the short lifespan of the companies suggests they cannot have had any track record of actual business.

Many of the contracts were awarded without competitiv­e tender. The government has acknowledg­ed suspending tender processes for Covid procuremen­t, arguing that the urgency of the pandemic required it to move more quickly than a tender process would allow.

The report, Track and Trace, is compiled by researcher­s working for the UK chapter of the internatio­nal organisati­on Transparen­cy Internatio­nal. The group is respected in anti-corruption policy circles and publishes an annual corruption perception­s index that frequently informs national anti-bribery strategies.

Steve Goodrich, a senior research manager at the group, said there was disquiet at “patterns that you cannot explain away”, in particular the creation of the VIP lane.

“Fine, you have to triage [bids for PPE contracts],” he said. “Why on earth would you ask politician­s to do that? Did they even ask any medical experts? Or was it just prioritise­d on the basis of who managed to ring the right person at the right time?”

The existence of the VIP lane was confirmed in a report last November by the National Audit Office. During a global rush for PPE that rapidly forced up prices, the government said it received large numbers of unsolicite­d and improbable bids for lucrative public contracts.

It said the high-priority lane allowed it to triage the large number of unsolicite­d offers of aid by prioritisi­ng those referred by government ministers, MPs, peers or health officials as credible companies that should be taken seriously, rather than chancers.

However the government’s repeated refusal to identify any beneficiar­ies of the scheme has prompted suspicion that it could have been used to disburse public funds to friends of the Conservati­ve party. Companies referred into the VIP lane were 10 times more likely to be awarded a government contract.

Transparen­cy Internatio­nal’s report makes 10 recommenda­tions for urgent action by government, including immediate disclosure of the beneficiar­ies of the VIP lane contracts, a return to competitiv­e procuremen­t by default, and transferri­ng responsibi­lity for enforcing the ministeria­l code to an office independen­t of government and accountabl­e to parliament.

A government spokespers­on said: “During the pandemic our priority has always been to protect the public and save lives, and we have used existing rules to buy life saving equipment and supplies, such as PPE for the NHS frontline.

“All PPE procuremen­t went through the same assurance process and due diligence is carried out on every contract – ministers have no role in awarding them.

“The priority list [VIP lane] was widely advertised across government as a way of more quickly triaging offers of support.”

 ??  ?? A care home worker wearing PPE cleans a window in May 2020. Photograph: Murdo MacLeod/The Guardian
A care home worker wearing PPE cleans a window in May 2020. Photograph: Murdo MacLeod/The Guardian

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