The Guardian (USA)

St Louis lawyer who pointed gun at BLM protesters announces Senate run

- Amanda Holpuch in New York

The St Louis man who brandished his gun at Black Lives Matter protesters last summer, Mark McCloskey, announced on Tuesday that he is running for Senate in Missouri.

McCloskey told the Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Tuesday that he is running in the 2022 election. “If we don’t stand up now and take this country back, it’s going away,” McCloskey said on Tucker Carlson Tonight.

McCloskey and his wife, Patricia, gained internatio­nal notoriety after drawing their guns on peaceful protesters marching past their marble-faced palazzo home in June 2020. The incident was embraced by many Republican­s and the couple, both personal injury attorneys in their 60s, spoke at the Republican national convention.

McCloskey posted a campaign ad on Twitter that repeatedly warned of mob violence and said systemic racism does not exist. “I can promise you one thing, that when the mob comes to destroy our homes, our state and our country, I will defend them,” he said.

In the ad, McCloskey references the incident that made him famous and repeated a lie about it that he has said many times before: “An angry mob marched to destroy my home and kill my family.”

On 28 June 2020, Black Lives Matters protesters entered the McCloskeys’ private gated neighborho­od on the way to a demonstrat­ion outside the home of Lyda Krewson, the St Louis mayor.

The couple pointed their weapons at the crowd and argued with some protesters, but no shots were fired.

The couple were later charged with a felony for unlawful use of a weapon in the incident.

They pleaded not guilty and their case is set to go to trial in November. Missouri’s governor, Mike Parson, a Republican, has said he would pardon the couple if they were convicted.

The incident also drew attention to the couple’s near constant conflict with others, usually over private property.

The St Louis Dispatch revealed last year that the McCloskeys had a long history of suing other people. The variety of legal actions includes Mark McCloskey suing a dog breeder in 1996 for selling him a German shepherd without papers and in 2013 threatenin­g a Jewish congregati­on with legal action after they placed beehives outside their mansion’s northern wall. McCloskey destroyed the beehives before threatenin­g the congregati­on with a restrainin­g order.

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