The Guardian (USA)

The Guardian view on the US and Israel: time for change

- Editorial

One of the grimmest aspects of the conflict that has unfolded over recent days is its sheer familiarit­y, especially to those living through it. Even the youngest have faced this violence too many times before: the Norwegian Refugee Council reported that 11 of the children killed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza over the past week were participat­ing in its psychosoci­al programme to help them deal with trauma. In all, 228 Palestinia­ns in the Gaza Strip have died, at least 63 of them children, while 12 people in Israel, including two children, were killed by rockets fired by Palestinia­n militant groups. Both parties disregard the lives of civilians. But it is overwhelmi­ngly Palestinia­n children who have died, lost parents or siblings, and whose homes, schools and health services have been hit.

Late on Thursday, Israel announced a ceasefire after 11 days of violence, with Hamas confirming that the truce would begin overnight. It had become evident that both sides were looking for an exit, and Joe Biden had strengthen­ed his language the day before, telling Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, in a phone call that he “expected a significan­t de-escalation today on the path to a ceasefire”. This too is familiar: the US beginning by talking only of Israel’s right to defend itself, and blocking efforts to exert pressure at the UN, but talking tougher once a resolution looked more plausible (whether to use limited leverage wisely or, less generously, to look like it has influence). The administra­tion is said to believe it is better to lobby in private than pronounce in public; while such formulatio­ns are often convenient, it does appear to have been pressing harder behind the scenes. The approach reflects the president’s style of business and the bitter experience of the

Obama administra­tion, for which Mr Netanyahu showed such contempt – eventually prompting the US to refuse to veto a landmark UN vote demanding a halt to settlement­s in the occupied territorie­s. But Donald Trump’s unalloyed enthusiasm for Mr Netanyahu, and the gifts he handed over, weakened the Palestinia­ns and emboldened the

Israeli prime minister.

Mr Trump’s successor has returned to the status quo ante in US relations with Israel. But something has changed: his party and parts of the public are shifting. An influx of progressiv­e Democrats to Congress, and the energy of the Black Lives Matter movement, have brought renewed support for the Palestinia­n cause. Many in the American Jewish community, particular­ly in younger generation­s, are increasing­ly critical of Israel. This time, the conflict appears to have captured public attention.

Mr Biden has plenty to preoccupy him at home and internatio­nally. Essentiall­y, he wants all this to go away. But this latest violence has shown that it will keep returning until the real problems are addressed. The injustice of occupation has been compounded as settlement­s change the facts on the ground to make a viable Palestinia­n state look ever less possible, while Israel denies its Palestinia­n citizens the same rights as Jews. The US may prefer not to think about all this for now. But in the long run, Israel may find that it cannot count on such a compliant partner.

 ??  ?? A recent rally in support of Palestinia­ns near the Washington monument. ‘An influx of progressiv­e Democrats have brought renewed support for the Palestinia­n cause.’ Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
A recent rally in support of Palestinia­ns near the Washington monument. ‘An influx of progressiv­e Democrats have brought renewed support for the Palestinia­n cause.’ Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

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