The Guardian (USA)

The Guardian view on ‘rules’ for Covid hotspots: another fine mess


During the first phase of the Covid pandemic, councils were driven to despair by the government’s failure to consult with them adequately or utilise local public health expertise. Last May, for example, as infection rates spiralled in the north-east, numerous northern councils defied Whitehall’s decree that all primary school reception classes should reopen. A dysfunctio­nal relationsh­ip between Whitehall and local government undermined the national response to the crisis.

One year on, as concerns continue to grow over the B.1.617.2 variant of the virus, first detected in India, it is astonishin­g to see the same mistake being made all over again. On Monday night it emerged that new government guidance was issued last week for eight areas affected by the new variant, where surge testing and vaccinatio­ns have been taking place. The fresh advice, which would have major implicatio­ns for millions of people, recommende­d that all non-essential travel in and out of the places concerned should be avoided, and people should meet outside rather than inside. But this major policy shift, which appeared to amount to a form of light local lockdown, was not communicat­ed to local public health directors, council leaders or businesses. It simply appeared, unannounce­d, on the government’s Covid guidance website. The public health director of North Tyneside had spent the early part of this week reassuring regional media that it was “certainly OK” to visit the area. In Leicester, also on the list, 8,000 people attended a Premier League football match on Saturday. Yasmin Qureshi, the MP for Bolton South East, found out about the guidance from a local journalist.

There is no excuse for public messaging so incompeten­t that it fails even to reach local MPs and council officials, and then slowly but surely unravels.

In the House of Commons on Tuesday, as confusion reigned, the shadow health secretary, Jonathan Ashworth, accused the government of introducin­g “lockdowns by stealth”. By late afternoon, after officials from local authoritie­s met government representa­tives, the directors of public health from all eight areas issued a joint statement, saying that there were “no restrictio­ns on travel” and “no local lockdowns”. Given that the new guidelines, which are now being modified, had never been statutory, their sole effect appears to have been to infuriate local leaders and bemuse the 2 million residents of the eight areas. Families planning to see relatives at half-term are being left to make their own judgments. As with the “amber-listed” holiday destinatio­ns, the government appears content to hand responsibi­lity, should anything go wrong, to those who fail to “exercise their judgment” wisely.

Confused messages and farcical muddle on this scale erode trust and endanger compliance. Overall, Covid infection levels remain low and the country remains on track for all lockdown restrictio­ns to be lifted on 21 June. But the early signs are that vaccine efficacy after one dose is relatively low against the B.1.617.2 variant, and its transmissi­bility is relatively high. Until full vaccinatio­n is achieved, there will be a significan­t corridor of uncertaint­y. Clear communicat­ion and proper consultati­on with local authoritie­s will be needed to navigate it. Why does that seem so difficult for the government to grasp?

 ?? Photograph: Peter Byrne/PA ?? Coronaviru­s signage in Bolton town centre. ‘The government appears content to hand responsibi­lity, should anything go wrong, to those who fail to “exercise their judgment” wisely.’
Photograph: Peter Byrne/PA Coronaviru­s signage in Bolton town centre. ‘The government appears content to hand responsibi­lity, should anything go wrong, to those who fail to “exercise their judgment” wisely.’

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