The Guardian (USA)

Factchecke­d: Dominic Cummings’ evidence to MPs on Covid crisis

- Ben Quinn and Peter Walker

Boris Johnson’s former chief adviser Dominic Cummings has been giving evidence to MPs about lessons from the start of the coronaviru­s pandemic. Here are some of his claims, checked against facts where possible and put into context where they are impossible to prove one way or the other.

Claim: Downing Street’s initial Covid plan involved herd immunity

Cummings said “the whole logic of all the discussion­s in January and February and early March” inside No 10 was the assumption that containmen­t would not work, and there was a choice between either a peak of infections in the spring, or suppressio­n followed by a worse peak in the winter, and that the only containmen­t should be shielding clinically vulnerable people during the wave, and trying to flatten the peak.

At the end of the wave of infections, enough people would have antibodies to create effective herd immunity, so the plan went, Cummings said. This was seen as an “inevitabil­ity” rather than a desired outcome, he said.

A lot of the difference­s between Cummings and No 10 over herd immunity come down to the definition of what the plan was. Downing Street rejects that a mass wave of infections followed by antibody-based herd immunity was seen as a desired outcome. But Cummings argued it was just viewed as the better of two very bad options – either a peak in spring, or a worse one in winter.

There is plenty of evidence that senior officials did believe this. For example, on 13 March 2020 Sir Patrick Vallance, England’s chief scientific adviser, told the BBC the government wanted to avoid everybody “getting it in a short period of time so we swamp and overwhelm NHS services”.

Vallance added: “Our aim is to try and reduce the peak, broaden the peak, not suppress it completely; also, because the vast majority of people get a mild illness, to build up some kind of herd immunity so more people are immune to this disease and we reduce the transmissi­on, at the same time we protect those who are most vulnerable to it.”

Verdict: True

Claim: World Health Organizati­on and Public Health England failed to fully raise the alarm in January

“When it started in January I did think … oh my God, is this it? However at the time the PHE here and the WHO, and the CDC (the US Centers for Disease Control), generally speaking organisati­ons across the western world, were not kind of ringing alarm bells about it then.” He contrasted this with, for example, Taiwan and other places in east Asia.

Taiwan and other places have managed the pandemic much better than the UK, and acted much earlier.

It was not until 22 January that the WHO’s mission to China said that data “suggests human to human transmissi­on is taking place in Wuhan”. Eight days later, WHO advised countries to be “prepared for containmen­t, including active surveillan­ce”. On 30 January the WHO director general declared that the outbreak constitute­d a public health emergency of internatio­nal concern (PHEIC).

Verdict: Largely true

Claim: There was not an emergency fast-track process to deal with procuremen­t

On the day Johnson tested positive – 27 March 2020 – Cummings says he and others were told “at the cabinet table” that ventilator­s were being turned down because the price had been marked up.

A National Audit Office (NAO) report into “value for money” states that on 18 March 2020, the Cabinet Office issued guidance stating public bodies were permitted to procure goods, services and works “with extreme urgency” under 2015 regulation­s.

But another NAO report into procuremen­t of personal protective equipment (PPE) found that government’s structures were overwhelme­d in March 2020.

“Once government recognised the gravity of the situation it created a parallel supply chain to buy and distribute PPE,” the NAO found, “but it took a long time for it to receive the large volumes of PPE ordered, particular­ly from the new suppliers, which created significan­t risks.”

Verdict: True to a large extent

Claim: He ‘cut off ’ contacts with journalist­s and ‘spoke to the media close to zero’ in 2020

“I was working roughly 100-hour weeks. At that time, less than an hour a week, less than 1%, much less than 1% was spent talking to the media,” said Cummings.

However, he then appeared to catch up on himself, adding that he “did occasional­ly talk to people” but “the main person during the whole of 2020” he spoke to was the BBC’s political editor, Laura Kuenssberg.

Few would take issue with Cummings’ point that the BBC has “a special place in the country, especially during a crisis”.

But eyebrows will be raised across Whitehall, Fleet Street and beyond at his claims that a man who was regarded as a prodigious leaker during his time in government suddenly went cold turkey on long-term contacts.

Verdict: Hard to prove, but smells fishy

Claim: He accepted the MPs’ invitation ‘to set out the truth of what happened, not to settle scores’

Cummings opened with an apology for his own failings to the families of all of those who died during the pandemic. Appearing to share the blame with others, he added: “The truth is that senior ministers, advisers like me, fell disastrous­ly short. When the public needed us most we failed.”

Cummings had already been teeing up his appearance with damaging tweets. After his initial mea culpa – voice almost cracking – what followed during his time in front of MPs on Wednesday was a lacerating attack on the prime minister, senior civil servants and, in particular, the health secretary, Matt Hancock.

In characteri­stic fashion, workers in the NHS and wider civil service were described as “lions led by donkeys” while particular­ly personal barbs were aimed at Johnson, with Cummings making the point twice in 20 minutes that the prime minister had gone on holiday as the pandemic was taking off in February.

Verdict: Doesn’t hold water

Claim: An opportunit­y to massively ramp up testing was missed

Cummings claimed it should have been possible to have testing of about 5m a day available by the first week of September.

A data dashboard on the government website indicates a figure of about 250,000 tests a day had been reached reached by September. This was also at a time when a failure to involve Britain’s small laboratori­es in the test-and-trace programme was widely reported on and regarded as a failure.

Figures such as Maggie Rae, the president of the Faculty of Public Health, told the British Medical Journal that other countries were managing a much more effective system on testing.

Verdict: It’s reasonable to say that capacity could have been increased

Claim: Talk of putting a shield around care homes was ‘complete nonsense’

Cummings said: “We were told categorica­lly in March that people would be tested before they went back to [care] homes, we only subsequent­ly found out that that hadn’t happened. Now while the government rhetoric was we have put a shield around care homes and blah blah blah, it was complete nonsense.”

He went on to say the opposite occurred and people with Covid were sent back to the care homes.

Care homes and representa­tives of the sector have said the government “completely abandoned” them, while criticism of the handling of the care home issue has been voiced by the former health secretarie­s Andrew Lansley and Jeremy Hunt.

Though authoritie­s in Britain are not alone in comparison with counterpar­ts in other western states, in terms of failing to follow through on talk of shielding care homes, a study from the London School of Economics has put the number of Covid-19 deaths among care home residents in England and Wales at 22,000, more than double the official estimate.

Verdict: True

Claim: There was a suggestion the chief medical officer should inject Johnson with Covid-19 virus on live TV

Cummings made the claim in the context of how he said Johnson viewed the virus, regarding it as a “scare story” akin to swine flu, a global influenza outbreak in 2009 and 2010.

Downing Street has declined to deny the claim. The prime minister’s spokespers­on said: “I don’t plan to get into various allegation­s and claims that have been made today.”

Verdict: Hard to prove either way Claim: A preoccupat­ion with a story about the prime ministeria­l dog distracted the government

On 12 March last year, Cummings claims, he tried to warn Johnson of “big problems coming”, but the government was preoccupie­d with other issues including a story about the prime ministeria­l dog, Dilyn. “The prime minister’s girlfriend was going completely crackers about this story and demanding that the press office deal with that,” he said.

A story claiming that the Jack Russell cross adopted by Johnson and Carrie Symonds could be quietly rehomed before the couple had their first child appeared in the Times on 11 March.

Unless Cummings is suggesting the government continued to worry about the story a day after it first appeared, when it was covered by other outlets, then the anecdote doesn’t quite work. Verdict: Date doesn’t quite match Claim: Johnson said he would rather see ‘bodies pile high’

Cummings told MPs he heard the remark being made in the prime minister’s study immediatel­y after he had taken the decision to impose a new lockdown at the end of October. The prime minister has strongly denied saying the phrase, describing the reports as “total rubbish”.

The claim has been reported by other sources including the BBC, with the claim attributed to multiple sources.

The Daily Mail also reported an unnamed source as claiming the prime minister said at a Downing Street meeting in October: “No more fucking lockdowns – let the bodies pile high in their thousands.”

Verdict: Not proven. But also not disproven

 ??  ?? Dominic Cummings giving evidence to the science and technology and health and social care committees. Photograph: UK Parliament­ary Recording Unit Handout/EPA
Dominic Cummings giving evidence to the science and technology and health and social care committees. Photograph: UK Parliament­ary Recording Unit Handout/EPA

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