The Guardian (USA)

America’s top general defends study of critical race theory by military

- Sarah Betancourt

The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, Gen Mark Milley, defended the study of critical race theory in the military when pressed on the issue before the House armed services committee, saying he wanted to “understand white rage”.

Critical race theory is a longtime academic concept centered on the idea that institutio­ns in the US inherently create economic, political and social inequities between white people and people of color.

The methodolog­y has been misinterpr­eted and used as a talking point by Republican­s in more than 20 states to propose legislatio­n that would limit discussion­s about race and systemic oppression in classrooms, arguing it is divisive.

Now the debate is seeping into the military. At a defense budget hearing, the four-star general responded to Republican lawmakers who implied the Pentagon was accepting of critical race theory, decrying the inclusion in West Point courses, and saying that embracing the concept would weaken the military’s mission.

“I personally find it offensive that we are accusing the United States military … of being ‘woke’ or something else because we’re studying some theories that are out there,” he said. Milley said service members should be open-minded and widely read because they “come from the American people”. Milley was joined by the defense secretary, Lloyd Austin.

Michael Waltz, a Republican representa­tive from Florida and a former Green Beret, raised concerns of critical race theory being included on a syllabus at West Point.

“This came to me from cadets, from families, from soldiers with their alarm and their concern at how divisive this type of teaching is that is rooted in Marxism, that classifies people along class lines, an entire race of people as oppressor and oppressed,” said Waltz.

Milley defended the curriculum and said: “I’ve read Mao Zedong. I’ve read Karl Marx. I’ve read Lenin. That doesn’t make me a communist. So what is wrong with understand­ing, having some situationa­l understand­ing about the country for which we are here to defend?”

He said reading about political theories, and fostering open discussion could lend to understand­ing the more recent violent events in the US, and creating an environmen­t of anti-extremism in the military.

“I want to understand white rage – and I’m white,” Milley told the committee. He said he wanted to know and analyze what caused thousands of people to storm the US Capitol during the 6 January insurrecti­on, and “try to overturn the constituti­on of the United States of America”.

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