The Guardian (USA)

The Guardian view on Covid confusion: government inconsiste­ncy will be deadly

- Editorial

“My policy on cake is pro having it and pro eating it,” Boris Johnson declared many years ago. The joke has served his career so well that he has often returned to the theme, making promises without fretting about his ability to keep them. Countries cannot dodge consequenc­es so easily. In a pandemic, complacenc­y, mixed messages and erratic policy are more than wasteful and enraging. They are lethal.

The prime minister hoped, as everyone once did, that vaccines might allow a full return to normal life. For now at least, they are only part of a solution. On “freedom day”, the UK recorded almost 40,000 cases: a 41% rise in a week. More than one million schoolchil­dren in England were absent for Covid-related reasons last week. The health service is already feeling the strain. Businesses are closing, services suffering and families cancelling longed-for holidays due to self-isolation requiremen­ts. The pings from the app are not the problem, but the symptom: cases are soaring.

Mr Johnson wanted the boost from lifting restrictio­ns among voters and especially Tory backbenche­rs, without fully acknowledg­ing its cost: unnecessar­y deaths and long-term health damage, from Covid or its knock-on effects upon the health service. Behind the joviality lies ruthless indifferen­ce. According to WhatsApp messages released by former aide Dominic Cummings, the prime minister denied the NHS would be overwhelme­d by a second wave last autumn, and said he was not prepared to lock down the country to save people in their 80s. He appears to have written “get Covid and live longer”. As Scottish first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, observed, no leader should be glib or complacent about human life.

While vaccines are saving many lives this time, the chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, acknowledg­ed that hospitalis­ations could greatly exceed 1,000 a day; and 96 deaths were reported on Tuesday, the highest number since March. This government is maximising the risks. The rules are the message; to axe them all while talking of caution is inherently confusing. Many understand­ably regard permission to return to activities as reassuranc­e that those things are now safe. You cannot expect people to obey instructio­ns when they don’t know what they are, or when – as at the weekend – you suggest that the prime minister and other members of the government are above them. Telling people to behave responsibl­y is not enough: one must spell out why they need to do so, and how they should do so. Clarity and consistenc­y are essential.

Yet the government reopened nightclubs without constraint­s, then declared that vaccine passports will be required after all (presumably to induce younger people to be vaccinated) – but only from September, when the virus has had two months to circulate in crowded venues. Sir Patrick warned of the potential for “supersprea­ding events” – pointing to the Netherland­s, which was forced to close clubs, bars and restaurant­s after lifting curbs too early.

Meanwhile, the investment minister wrote to at least one business saying that the test-and-trace app’s instructio­ns to isolate are only advisory, and Paul Scully, the business minister, said that people can “make informed decisions … it’s up to individual­s and employers”. Though No 10 subsequent­ly said it is crucial people isolate when told to do so, the confusion has been sown.

Trying to have it all ways and tell people what they want to hear has been convenient for the government. But this incoherenc­e will have grim repercussi­ons for the country.

 ?? Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA ?? ‘Mr Johnson wanted the boost from lifting restrictio­ns among voters and especially Tory backbenche­rs, without fully acknowledg­ing its cost.’
Photograph: Jonathan Brady/PA ‘Mr Johnson wanted the boost from lifting restrictio­ns among voters and especially Tory backbenche­rs, without fully acknowledg­ing its cost.’

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