The Guardian (USA)

Texas abortion providers ask supreme court to halt unpreceden­ted abortion law

- Mary Tuma

Texas abortion providers are asking the US supreme court to block a near-total abortion ban that allows any individual the right to sue an abortion provider who violates the extreme law, a final effort to stop the unpreceden­ted measure from taking effect on Wednesday.

Signed into law by the Republican governor, Greg Abbott, in May, Senate bill 8 bars abortion once embryonic cardiac activity is detected – typically around six weeks – and offers no exceptions for rape or incest.

The appeal to the nation’s high court comes after the largely conservati­ve fifth circuit court of appeals on Sunday afternoon cancelled a federal district court preliminar­y injunction hearing on the law scheduled for Monday. Plaintiff attorneys, including the Center for Reproducti­ve Rights, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU, who are representi­ng more than 20 abortion providers and assistance fund groups in a lawsuit filed in July, requested the fifth circuit block the law itself, but that was denied. They are now asking the supreme court to stop the law or to at least allow district court proceeding­s to continue so that they can still secure an injunction.

“In less than two days, Texas politician­s will have effectivel­y overturned Roe v Wade,” said Nancy Northup, president and CEO of the Center for Reproducti­ve Rights. “It’s cruel, unconscion­able, and unlawful.”

Unlike other so-called “heartbeat” bills passed in a dozen other states and blocked by the courts, the Texas version largely shields state officials from enforcemen­t. Instead, it empowers any private citizen in the US – regardless of their connection to the patient – to bring civil suit against not only an abortion provider but anyone who “aids or abets” the procedure, a stunningly large pool of potential legal targets that could include clinic staff, rape crisis counselors, physicians, abortion fund workers or simply a friend or family member who drives a patient to the clinic.

While those who sue can collect a minimum of $10,000 if they are successful, those unjustly sued cannot recover legal fees. The law’s radical legal provision is the first of its kind in the country.

“Anti-abortion politician­s are empowering extremists to use lawsuits to harass and intimidate anyone who helps someone get an abortion,” said Kamyon Conner, executive director of Texas Equal Access Fund, a plaintiff in the lawsuit challengin­g SB8.

Medical profession­als, attorneys, and reproducti­ve rights groups have warned that if the law goes into effect it will drasticall­y upend the legal and healthcare landscape in Texas. The majority of Texas women (85%) will not be able to access abortion, as most aren’t aware they are pregnant before the six-week cutoff, according to the Texas Policy Evaluation Project.

“If permitted to take effect, SB 8 would immediatel­y and catastroph­ically reduce abortion access in Texas [...] and likely force many abortion clinics ultimately to close,” providers wrote in their request for emergency relief from the supreme court. “Patients who can scrape together resources will be forced to attempt to leave the state to obtain an abortion, and many will be delayed until later in pregnancy. The remaining Texans who need an abortion will be forced to remain pregnant against their will or to attempt to end their pregnancie­s without medical supervisio­n.”

 ?? Photograph: Sergio Flores/Getty Images ?? Attendees grab signs at a protest outside the Texas state capitol in May. Senate bill 8 would allow anyone the right to sue an abortion provider who violates the extreme law.
Photograph: Sergio Flores/Getty Images Attendees grab signs at a protest outside the Texas state capitol in May. Senate bill 8 would allow anyone the right to sue an abortion provider who violates the extreme law.

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