The Guardian (USA)

FBI director faces new scrutiny over investigat­ion of Brett Kavanaugh

- Stephanie Kirchgaess­ner in Washington

The FBI director, Chris Wray, is facing new scrutiny of the bureau’s handling of its 2018 background investigat­ion of Brett Kavanaugh, including its claim that the FBI lacked the authority to conduct a further investigat­ion into the then supreme court nominee.

At the heart of the new questions that Wray will face later this week, when he testifies before the Senate judiciary committee, is a 2010 Memorandum of Understand­ing that the FBI has recently said constraine­d the agency’s ability to conduct any further investigat­ions of allegation­s of misconduct.

It is not clear whether that claim is accurate, based on a close reading of the MOU, which was released in court records following a Freedom of Informatio­n Act request.

The FBI was called to investigat­e allegation­s of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh during his Senate confirmati­on process in 2018, after he was accused of assault by Christine Blasey Ford, a professor who knew Kavanaugh when they were both in high school. He also faced other accusation­s, including that he had exposed himself to a classmate at Yale called Deborah Ramirez. Kavanaugh denied both accusation­s.

The FBI closed its extended background check of Kavanaugh after four days and did not interview either Blasey Ford or Kavanaugh. The FBI also disclosed to the Senate this June – two years after questions were initially asked – that it had received 4,500 tips from the public during the background check and that it had shared all “relevant tips” with the White House counsel at that time. It is not clear whether those tips were ever investigat­ed.

The FBI said in its letter to two senators – Sheldon Whitehouse and Christophe­r Coons – that the FBI did not have the authority under the 2010 MOU at the time to “unilateral­ly conduct further investigat­ive activity absent instructio­ns from the requesting entity”. In other words, the FBI has said it would have required explicit instructio­ns from the Trump White House to conduct further investigat­ion under the existing 2010 guidelines on how such investigat­ions ought to be conducted.

But an examinatio­n by the Guardian of the 2010 MOU, which was signed by the then attorney general, Eric Holder, and then White House counsel, Robert Bauer, does not make explicitly clear that the FBI was restricted in terms of how it would conduct its investigat­ion.

The MOU, which was released in court documents in 2019 as part of Freedom of Informatio­n Act litigation brought against the US government by Buzzfeed, also does not explicitly state that the White House had the power to set the process parameters on any investigat­ion. The MOU does seem to suggest that the White House had the authority to limit the FBI to investigat­e particular issues and questions.

Wray is likely to face scrutiny on why informatio­n that was specific to the allegation­s of sexual misconduct was not fully explored, including evidence that was reportedly offered to investigat­ors by an alleged witness named Max Stier, an attorney and former classmate of Ramirez, who reportedly notified senators that he had witnessed an event similar to the one recounted by Ramirez.

Stier’s account was never examined by the FBI.

In a statement to the Guardian, White house, the senator from Rhode Island who has led Democrats’ demand for answers on the investigat­ion, said: “In its years-late response to our questions, the FBI leaned hard on the notion that this MOU limited its authority to be the FBI and investigat­e wrongdoing. Now that we have the MOU, it’s even harder to understand the Bureau’s excuses for ignoring credible informatio­n it received. Director Wray ought to be ready to answer my questions about this episode – I won’t stop asking until he does.”

The FBI declined to comment.

Wray will be testifying before the Senate on Wednesday, at a hearing that will be focused on the FBI’s handling of its investigat­ion into Larry Nassar, the convicted sex offender who served for 18 years as the team doctor of the US women’s national gymnastics team. Simone Biles, the US gymnast and Olympic gold medalist, will also be testifying.

Kavanaugh was confirmed to his lifetime appointmen­t on the court on 6 October 2018 by a vote of 50-48 and helped cement a conservati­ve majority on the powerful body.

 ?? Photograph: Susan Walsh/AP ?? The FBI was called to investigat­e allegation­s of sexual misconduct against Brett Kavanaugh during his Senate confirmati­on in 2018, after he was accused of assault by Christine Blasey Ford.
Photograph: Susan Walsh/AP The FBI was called to investigat­e allegation­s of sexual misconduct against Brett Kavanaugh during his Senate confirmati­on in 2018, after he was accused of assault by Christine Blasey Ford.

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