The Guardian (USA)

Australian Research Council reverses new funding rule after widespread criticism

- Donna Lu

The Australian Research Council has reversed its decision to ban preprint material from being cited in funding applicatio­ns, after widespread criticism from the academic community.

The ban, introduced by the federal government agency in the 2021 funding round of the Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards and Future Fellowship­s, was opposed by hundreds of Australian researcher­s, including the presidents of peak scientific bodies representi­ng researcher­s in mathematic­s and the physical sciences.

The reversal comes after Guardian Australia reported last month on the concerns of researcher­s whose grant applicatio­ns had been disqualifi­ed as a result of the rule. Several described it as a “devastatin­g” event that jeopardise­d their research careers in Australia.

It is common practice in certain discipline­s to upload research papers to preprint servers while they undergo rigorous peer-review before publicatio­n in academic journals.

The ARC’s decision to ban applicants from citing such preprints in funding proposals had been described as out of keeping with modern research practices and “a remarkably stupid own-goal for Australian science”.

In a statement on Tuesday, the ARC said: “The inclusion of preprints will no longer be considered an eligibilit­y issue and applicatio­ns will not be excluded by their use.

“Instead, the ARC will rely on the knowledge of its assessors in determinin­g the value, suitabilit­y and relevance of citations and research outputs for the disciplina­ry field.”

The rule reversal brings the ARC in line with many funding bodies internatio­nally, such as the European Research Council and the National Institutes of Health in the US, which accept preprints in their applicatio­ns.

It was revealed in August that

ARC grant applicatio­ns totalling $22m in funding were deemed ineligible, after the Senate passed an order for production of documents requiring the government to provide de-identified informatio­n about the proposals.

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Greens senator and education spokespers­on Mehreen Faruqi, who moved the motion last month, said in a statement: “The ARC has seen sense and rescinded this nonsensica­l rule after a huge backlash from the research community.

“The ARC needs to do much better on transparen­cy. It should not have taken a Senate order to divulge key informatio­n about impacted DECRA and Future Fellowship applicatio­ns.”

The ARC said the change to preprint requiremen­ts would not be applied to funding rounds where applicatio­n deadlines had passed, but that it would progress with “standard applicatio­n and appeals processes … as a matter of priority”.

Faruqi said: “It’s devastatin­g that the rule will continue to apply for rounds already closed, and I urge the ARC to reconsider. More researcher­s will unnecessar­ily face heartbreak, with the physical sciences disproport­ionately impacted.

“If the ARC does not publish the informatio­n for applicatio­ns impacted in rounds still under considerat­ion, I will again ask the Senate to order its release.”

 ?? Photograph: Alamy ?? The Australian Research Council has overturned its recent ban on preprint material being cited in funding applicatio­ns.
Photograph: Alamy The Australian Research Council has overturned its recent ban on preprint material being cited in funding applicatio­ns.

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