The Guardian (USA)

GOP plan to block House measure could trigger an unpreceden­ted $28tn default

- Hugo Lowell in Washington DC

Top Republican­s in the Senate are poised to block a key spending package advanced by Democrats in a move that could precipitat­e the dual fiscal crises of a government shutdown and an unpreceden­ted US default on its colossal debt obligation­s.

The House has approved a combined stopgap funding measure that would keep the federal government open until early December and suspend the debt limit until after the 2022 midterm elections, sending the legislatio­n to the Senate.

But the Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell swiftly announced that Republican­s would sink the measure with a filibuster and prevent it from receiving the 60 votes needed to pass – causing a government shutdown on 1 October and a default weeks later.

The opposition from McConnell means the Democrats’ proposal is dead on arrival. And with no serious discussion­s to resolve the high-stakes showdown in sight, the US now faces the prospect of a shutdown government defaulting on $28tn of debt.

At issue are the consequenc­es of an unpreceden­ted default on federal debt, which could plunge the economy into an immediate recession, trigger a meltdown in global financial markets and lead to the downgradin­g of America’s credit rating. Economists say a prolonged impasse could cost the US economy millions of jobs, wipe out trillions in household debt and send unemployme­nt rates surging.

The debt limit correspond­s to the amount the US government can borrow to pay its bills. Most recently, Democrats joined Republican­s to suspend it until the end of July, after which the Treasury Department has used emergency measures to finance obligation­s.

The US has previously avoided defaults at the last minute but with Republican­s entrenched in their refusal to tackle the debt limit problem in bipartisan fashion, the latest standoff is likely to come down to the wire, said sources familiar with the matter.

Treasury secretary Janet Yellen reiterated the urgency of the situation in a recent letter to Congress, warning that the US was on track to default in mid-October and cause “irreparabl­e harm” to the economy if Congress failed to take action.

Alarmed at the deteriorat­ing nature of discussion­s in the House and Senate, Yellen also held private discussion­s this month with McConnell and former Republican Treasury secretarie­s Steven Mnuchin and Henry Paulson, though those did not resolve the impasse.

Democrats have long insisted that Republican­s tackle both the government shutdown issue and the debt

limit issue through a bipartisan vote, arguing that they joined Republican­s in raising the debt ceiling when Donald Trump was president.

The House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, and the Senate majority leader, Chuck Schumer, have also reiterated in recent days that it was mainly because of Republican­s that the national debt increased by roughly $8tn during the previous administra­tion.

Pelosi said in a recent news conference that the need to suspend the debt limit stemmed in part because of tax cuts to the wealthy enacted during Trump’s time as president. “We’re paying the credit card, the Trump credit card,” Pelosi told reporters.

But the Democrats’ plan to pair the stopgap spending bill with the debt limit suspension – and dare Republican­s to block it – has now run headlong into Republican resistance led by McConnell that shows no sign of reversing course.

McConnell has suggested for weeks that Democrats instead include the debt limit language in the $3.5tn infrastruc­ture package that Schumer plans to pass with a fast-track procedure known as reconcilia­tion that requires only a party-line vote.

But House budget committee chairman John Yarmuth dismissed the proposal as unworkable on Wednesday, saying that his staff had determined that it was “virtually impossible” to tackle the debt limit through the infrastruc­ture package or even as a standalone bill.

The difficulty, according to sources familiar with the procedure, is that including the debt limit in the $3.5tn infrastruc­ture package would require Democrats to return the bill to the House and Senate budget committees and then schedule votes in both chambers.

Yarmuth told reporters there would not be enough time to re-run the entire process before the looming endof-month deadline – meaning that without a reversal by Republican­s, the US could drop off the proverbial fiscal cliff.

“We could start the process over with a separate budget-reconcilia­tion bill that is devoted to just raising the debt limit – the law allows us to do that,” Yarmuth said. But he warned: “That’s a matter of weeks. So, you’re up against a potential deadline.”

Democrats could still move to advance a ‘clean’ stopgap funding bill devoid of language to suspend the debt limit, which Republican­s have privately suggested they would not filibuster, and take action on the debt limit in a subsequent standalone bill.

But even though such a measure would avert the immediate calamity of a government shutdown on 1 October, it would still leave Congress with no path to lift the debt limit after Republican senator Ted Cruz confirmed he would block a standalone bill.

Justin Goodman, a spokespers­on for Schumer, criticized McConnell for refusing to join Democrats for what has in years past been regarded as a routine step that allows the US treasury to meet its debt obligation­s.

“Every American will know that Senate Republican­s are to blame,” Goodman said.

 ?? Photograph: Michael Reynolds/ EPA ?? Mitch McConnell, Senate minority leader, has said that Republican­s will block a key spending package.
Photograph: Michael Reynolds/ EPA Mitch McConnell, Senate minority leader, has said that Republican­s will block a key spending package.

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