The Guardian (USA)

Steve Scalise, No 2 House Republican, refuses to say election was not stolen


The second-ranking House Republican, Steve Scalise of Louisiana, repeatedly refused to say on Sunday that the 2020 election was not stolen, standing by Donald Trump’s lie that Democrat Joe Biden won the White House because of voter fraud.

More than 11 months after Americans picked their president and almost nine months after Biden was inaugurate­d, Scalise was unwilling to say the vote was legitimate.

“I’ve been very clear from the beginning,” he told Fox News Sunday. “If you look at a number of states, they didn’t follow their state-passed laws that govern the election for president. That is what the United States constituti­on says. They don’t say the states determine what the rules are. They say the state legislatur­es determine the rules.”

Pressed by host Chris Wallace on whether the election went beyond a few irregulari­ties and could be considered “stolen”, Scalise said: “It’s not just irregulari­ties. It’s states that did not follow the laws set which the constituti­on says they’re supposed to follow.”

In all, Scalise declined three opportunit­ies to say the election was not stolen.

Liz Cheney of Wyoming, who with only one other Republican is serving on a House committee investigat­ing the 6 January attack on the Capitol by Trump supporters seeking to overturn the election, slammed Scalise’s remarks.

“Millions of Americans have been sold a fraud that the election was stolen,” Cheney tweeted. “Republican­s have a duty to tell the American people that this is not true. Perpetuati­ng the big lie is an attack on the core of our constituti­onal republic.”

Trump left office in January, a few weeks after his supporters stormed the Capitol. As he mulls another White House run, he has been intensifyi­ng efforts to shame and potentiall­y remove members of his party seen as disloyal, Cheney prominent among them.

At a rally in Iowa on Saturday, Trump argued falsely that he won Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvan­ia. Senator Charles Grassley and Governor Kim Reynolds stood by.

The election was not stolen. Trump’s second attorney general, William Barr, found no evidence of widespread election corruption. Allegation­s of voting fraud were dismissed by a succession of judges and refuted by state officials and the homeland security department.

Nonetheles­s the House Republican leader, Kevin McCarthy of California, continues to defend Trump and his false assertions.

Scalise, McCarthy’s No 2, appeared to be referring to an argument made in several lawsuits that the constituti­on gives the power of election administra­tion exclusivel­y to state lawmakers.

The suits sought to invalidate pandemic-era accommodat­ions including expanded mail voting put in place by governors, election officials and judges.

The high court turned away the cases. There is no indication in any of the suits that changing Covid-19 accommodat­ions would have altered election results.

 ?? Photograph: REX/Shuttersto­ck ?? Steve Scalise holds a press conference.
Photograph: REX/Shuttersto­ck Steve Scalise holds a press conference.

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