The Guardian (USA)

Epigenetic­s, the misunderst­ood science that could shed new light on ageing

- Laura Spinney

Alittle over a decade ago, a clutch of scientific studies was published that seemed to show that survivors of atrocities or disasters such as the Holocaust and the Dutch famine of 1944-45 had passed on the biological scars of those traumatic experience­s to their children.

The studies caused a sensation, earning their own BBC Horizon documentar­y and the cover of Time (I also wrote about them, for New Scientist) – and no wonder. The mindblowin­g implicatio­ns were that DNA wasn’t the only mode of biological inheritanc­e, and that traits acquired by a person in their lifetime could be heritable. Since we receive our full complement of genes at conception and it remains essentiall­y unchanged until our death, this informatio­n was thought to be transmitte­d via chemical tags on genes called “epigenetic marks” that dial those genes’ output up or down. The phenomenon, known as transgener­ational epigenetic inheritanc­e, caught the public imaginatio­n, in part because it seemed to release us from the tyranny of DNA. Genetic determinis­m was dead.

A decade on, the case for transgener­ational epigenetic inheritanc­e in humans has crumbled. Scientists know that it happens in plants, and – weakly – in some mammals. They can’t rule it out in people, because it’s difficult to rule anything out in science, but there is no convincing evidence for it to date and no known physiologi­cal mechanism by which it could work. One well documented finding alone seems to present a towering obstacle to it: except in very rare genetic disorders, all epigenetic marks are erased from the genetic material of a human egg and sperm soon after their nuclei fuse during fertilisat­ion. “The [epigenetic] patterns are establishe­d anew in each generation,” says geneticist Bernhard Horsthemke of the University of Duisburg-Essen in Germany.

Even at the time, sceptics pointed out that it was fiendishly difficult to disentangl­e the genetic, epigenetic and environmen­tal contributi­ons to inherited traits. For one thing, a person shares her mother’s environmen­t from the womb on, so that person’s epigenome could come to resemble her mother’s without any informatio­n being transmitte­d via the germline, or reproducti­ve cells. In the past decade, the threads have become even more tangled, because it turns out that epigenetic marks are themselves largely under genetic control. Some genes influence the degree to which other genes are annotated – and this shows up in twin studies, where certain epigenetic patterns have been found to be more similar in identical twins that in non-identical ones.

This has led researcher­s to think of the epigenome less as the language in which the environmen­t commands the genes, and more as a way in which the genes adjust themselves to respond better to an unpredicta­ble environmen­t. “Epigenetic­s is often presented as being in opposition to genetics, but actually the two things are intertwine­d,” says Jonathan Mill, an epigenetic­ist at the University of Exeter. The relationsh­ip between them is still being worked out, but for geneticist Adrian Bird of the University of Edinburgh, the role of the environmen­t in shaping the epigenome has been exaggerate­d. “In fact, cells go to quite a lot of trouble to insulate themselves from environmen­tal insult,” he says.

Whatever that relationsh­ip turns out to be, the study of epigenetic­s seems to reinforce the case that it’s not nature versus nurture, but nature plus nurture (so genetic determinis­m is still dead). And whatever the contributi­on of the epigenome, it doesn’t seem to translate across generation­s.

All the aforementi­oned researcher­s rue the fact that transgener­ational epigenetic inheritanc­e is still what most people think of when they hear the word epigenetic­s, because the past decade has also seen exciting advances in the field, in terms of the light it has shed on human health and disease. The marks that accumulate on somatic cells – that is, all the body’s cells except the reproducti­ve ones – turn out to be very informativ­e about these, and new technologi­es have made it easier to read them.

Different people define epigenetic­s differentl­y, which is another reason why the field is misunderst­ood. Some define it as modificati­ons to chromatin, the package that contains DNA inside the nuclei of human cells, while others include modificati­ons to RNA. DNA is modified by the addition of chemical groups. Methylatio­n, when a methyl group is added, is the form of DNA modificati­on that has been studied most, but DNA can also be tagged with hydroxymet­hyl groups, and proteins in the chromatin complex can be modified too.

Researcher­s can generate genomewide maps of DNA methylatio­n and use these to track biological ageing, which as everyone knows is not the same as chronologi­cal ageing. The first such “epigenetic clocks” were establishe­d for blood, and showed strong associatio­ns with other measures of blood ageing such as blood pressure and lipid levels. But the epigenetic signature of ageing is different in different tissues, so these couldn’t tell you much about, say, brain or liver. The past five years have seen the descriptio­n of many more tissuespec­ific epigenetic clocks.

Mill’s group is working on a brain clock, for example, that he hopes will correlate with other indicators of ageing in the cortex. He has already identified what he believes to be an epigenetic signature of neurodegen­erative disease. “We’re able to show robust difference­s in DNA methylatio­n between individual­s with and without dementia, that are very strongly related to the amount of pathology they have in their brains,” Mill says. It’s not yet possible to say whether those difference­s are a cause or consequenc­e of the pathology, but they provide informatio­n about the mechanisms and genes that are disrupted in the disease process, that could guide the developmen­t of novel diagnostic tests and treatments. If a signal could be found in the blood, say, that correlated with the brain signal they’ve detected, it could form the basis of a predictive blood test for dementia.

While Bird and others argue that the epigenome is predominan­tly under genetic control, some researcher­s are interested in the trace that certain environmen­tal insults leave there. Smoking, for example, has a clear epigenetic signature. “I could tell you quite accurately, based on their DNA methylatio­n profile, if someone was a smoker or not, and probably how much they smoked and how long they had smoked for,” says Mill.

James Flanagan of Imperial College London is among those who are exploiting this aspect of the epigenome to try to understand how lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol and obesity shape cancer risk. Indeed, cancer is the area where there is most excitement in terms of the clinical applicatio­n of epigenetic­s. One idea, Flanagan says, is that once informed of their risk a person could make lifestyle adjustment­s to reduce it.

Drugs that remodel the epigenome have been used therapeuti­cally in those already diagnosed with cancer, though they tend to have bad side-effects because their epigenetic impact is so broad. Other widely prescribed drugs that have few side-effects might turn out to work at least partly via the epigenome too. Based on the striking observatio­n that breast cancer risk is more than halved in diabetes patients who have taken the diabetes drug metformin for a long time, Flanagan’s group is investigat­ing whether this protective effect is mediated by altered epigenetic patterns.

Meanwhile, the US-based company Grail – which has just been bought, controvers­ially, by DNA sequencing giant Illumina – has come up with a test for more than 50 cancers that detects altered methylatio­n patterns in DNA circulatin­g freely in the blood.

Based on publicly available data on its false-positive and false-negative rates, the Grail test looks very promising, says Tomasz K Wojdacz, who studies clinical epigenetic­s at the Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Poland. But more data is needed and is being collected now in a major clinical trial in the NHS. The idea is that the test would be used to screen population­s, identifyin­g individual­s at risk who would then be guided towards more classical diagnostic procedures such as tissue-specific biopsies. It could be a gamechange­r in cancer, Wojdacz thinks, but it also raises ethical dilemmas, that will have to be addressed before it is rolled out. “Imagine that someone got a positive result but further investigat­ions revealed nothing,” he says. “You can’t put that kind of psychologi­cal burden on a patient.”

The jury is out on whether it’s possible to wind back the epigenetic clock. This question is the subject of serious inquiry, but many researcher­s worry that as a wave of epigenetic cosmetics hits the market, people are parting with their money on the basis of scientific­ally unsupporte­d claims. Science has only scratched the surface of the epigenome, says Flanagan. “The speed at which these things happen and the speed at which they might change back is not known.” It might be the fate of every young science to be misunderst­ood. That’s still true of epidenetic­s, but it could about to change.

Sequencing the epigenome

Until recently, sequencing the epigenome was a relatively slow and expensive affair. To identify all the methyl tags on the genome, for example, would require two distinct sequencing efforts and a chemical manipulati­on in between. In the past few years, however, it has become possible to sequence the genome and its methylatio­n pattern simultaneo­usly, halving the cost and doubling the speed.

Oxford Nanopore Technologi­es, the British company responsibl­e for much of the tracking of the global spread of Covid-19 variants, which floated on the London Stock Exchange last week, offers such a technology. It works by pushing DNA through a nanoscale hole while current passes either side. DNA consists of four bases or letters – A, C, G and T – and because each one has a unique shape in the nanopore it distorts the current in a unique and measurable way. A methylated base has its own distinctiv­e shape, meaning it can be detected as a fifth letter.

The US firm Illumina, which leads the global DNA sequencing market, offers a different technique, and chemist Shankar Balasubram­anian of the University of Cambridge has said that his company, Cambridge Epigenetix, will soon announce its own epigenetic sequencing technology – one that could add a sixth letter in the form of hydroxymet­hyl tags.

Protein modificati­ons still have to be sequenced separately, but some people include RNA modificati­ons in their definition of epigenetic­s and at least some of these technologi­es can detect those too – meaning they have the power to generate enormous amounts of new informatio­n about how our genetic material is modified in our lifetime. That’s why Ewan Birney who co-directs the European Bioinforma­tics Institute in Hinxton, Cambridges­hire, and who is a consultant to Oxford Nanopore, says that epigenetic sequencing stands poised to revolution­ise science: “We’re opening up an entirely new world.”

The study of epigenetic­s seems to reinforce the case that it’s not nature versus nurture, but nature plus nurture

 ?? Science Photo Library ?? A model of DNA methylatio­n – the process that modulates genes. The influence of environmen­t or lifestyle on this process is being studied. Photograph: Laguna Design/
Science Photo Library A model of DNA methylatio­n – the process that modulates genes. The influence of environmen­t or lifestyle on this process is being studied. Photograph: Laguna Design/
 ?? Illustrati­on by Philip Lay. ??
Illustrati­on by Philip Lay.

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