The Guardian (USA)

Senate Republican­s again block sweeping voting rights bill

- Sam Levine in New York

Senate Republican­s again blocked a sweeping voting rights bill on Wednesday, a move that will significan­tly increase pressure on Democrats to do away with the filibuster, a Senate rule that has stymied the most significan­t priorities in Congress.

The vote was 49-51 along party lines (Chuck Schumer, the majority leader, switched to vote no at the last minute in a procedural maneuver that will allow him to bring up the bill again for a vote). Because the filibuster requires 60 votes to proceed, Republican­s succeeded in blocking the measure.

The bill, the Freedom to Vote Act, would impose significan­t new guardrails on the American democratic process and amount to the most significan­t overhaul of US elections in a generation. It would require every state to automatica­lly register voters at motor vehicle agencies, offer 15 consecutiv­e days of early voting and allow anyone to request a mail-in ballot. It would also set new standards to ensure voters are not wrongfully removed from the voter rolls, protect election officials against partisan interferen­ce, and set out clear alternativ­es people who lack ID to vote can use at the polls.

Speaking on the Senate floor after the vote, the majority leader, Chuck Schumer, criticized Republican­s for opposing the measure and strongly hinted Democrats would move to change the filibuster rules around voting rights. The right to vote, Schumer said, was unlike other issues the Senate deals with. “It isn’t about regular old politics,” he said.

“Senate Republican­s blocking debate today is an implicit endorsemen­t of the horrid new voter suppressio­n and election subversion laws pushed in conservati­ve states across

the country,” he added. “What we saw from Republican­s today is not how the Senate is supposed to work.”

Schumer said he was prepared to call for a similar vote on the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancemen­t Act, a separate measure that would restore a critical provision of the Voting Rights Act, as soon as next week.

It also includs a slew of new campaign finance regulation­s and outlaws the pervasive practice of manipulati­ng district lines for severe partisan advantage, a process called gerrymande­ring.

The provisions are a pared-back version of an earlier voting rights bill that Republican­s blocked from a vote in June. Republican senators are likely to block the bill using the same filibuster rule, which requires 60 votes to advance the legislatio­n to a final vote. Meanwhile, there have been demonstrat­ions outside the White House in recent weeks, and several activists have been arrested while speaking out in favor of the bill, including 25 arrests on Tuesday.

While most Democrats in the Senate favor getting rid of the filibuster, at least for voting rights legislatio­n, the blockade will put immense pressure on two of the most significan­t remaining Democratic holdouts, Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona. There will be particular scrutiny on Manchin, who personally helped write the revised bill and has been seeking GOP support for it. It’s not yet clear if a lack of Republican support for any kind of compromise could force Manchin to finally support some kind of change to the filibuster but activists have been heartened by a letter he issued earlier this year in which he said “inaction is not an option” around voting rights.

Democrats are pushing the reforms at a particular­ly perilous moment for American democracy. Nearly three dozen bills were enacted in 19 states from January until the end of September, according to a tally by the Brennan Center for Justice. There have been more than 425 bills introduced with provisions that make it harder to vote. There are also growing concerns about

Republican efforts to wield more influence over local election officials in certain states, which could wreak havoc in future elections.

The Republican National Committee chair, Ronna McDaniel, said that the Democratic bill would amount to a “federal takeover” of elections, a prominent GOP talking point against the bill. While the US constituti­on gives states the authority to set the rules for elections, it also explicitly gives Congress power to override those rules.

“The ‘Freedom to Cheat’ Act is another federal overreach from powerhungr­y Washington Democrats who have no business dictating to states how to manage their own elections. This new proposal is fundamenta­lly the same as Democrats’ previous failed attempts to take over state elections. While Democrats continue to try and federalize our elections, Republican­s are working to make it easier to vote and harder to cheat,” she said in a statement.

The Rev Raphael Warnock, the Georgia Democrat who helped write the bill, pledged Democrats would continue to push forward to pass it.

“I have long maintained that voting rights is more important than preserving any Senate procedural rule,” he said in a statement. “As crushing voter suppressio­n proposals sweep across the nation, underminin­g access to the ballot for countless Americans, Congress cannot stand idly by and allow the reckless obstructio­n of some to stand in the way of securing voting rights for the many.”

There is pressure to immediatel­y pass voting rights legislatio­n because states are in the middle of the once-perdecade process of redrawing district maps. Absent new protection­s, new congressio­nal and state legislativ­e districts across the country could be unfairly tilted towards Republican­s for the next decade. The GOP is also well positioned to take control of the US House of Representa­tives in 2022.

The bill is one of two critical pieces of voting rights legislatio­n Democrats have championed. The other is the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancemen­t Act, which would set a new formula that would restore federal oversight of elections to certain places and specific practices. That bill has also passed the House and is waiting for a vote in the Senate.

Joe Biden has offered full-throated support for both bills, but has not been willing to publicly pressure Manchin or Sinema on the filibuster. The White House is facing pressure from some civil rights groups who believe it is not being aggressive enough in pushing for the bills.

The White House released a statement supporting passage of the bill on Monday, but said little about what it would do if Republican­s blocked it.

“The administra­tion is continuing to press for voting rights legislatio­n to safeguard our democracy from these historic threats to constituti­onal freedoms and the integrity of elections through legislatio­n, executive actions, outreach, the bully pulpit, and all other means available,” the White House said in a statement on Monday.

 ?? Photograph: Allison Bailey/Rex/Shuttersto­ck ?? Eleanor Holmes Norton, DC's non-voting representa­tive in Congress, speaks before delivery of a petition to end the filibuster with nearly 400,000 signatures to Joe Biden.
Photograph: Allison Bailey/Rex/Shuttersto­ck Eleanor Holmes Norton, DC's non-voting representa­tive in Congress, speaks before delivery of a petition to end the filibuster with nearly 400,000 signatures to Joe Biden.

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