The Guardian (USA)

Gabriel Boric beat the far right in Chile. Now he has to unite a divided country

- Kirsten Sehnbruch

Victory is sweet. The hundreds of thousands of Chileans who took to the streets to celebrate the victory of the leftwing former student leader, Gabriel Boric, in Chile’s presidenti­al runoff elections certainly thought so. Boric won with a 12point margin and a historic number of votes, imposing a convincing defeat on the rightwing candidate José Antonio Kast that few would have predicted only a month ago. Yet Boric’s victory speech was anything but gloating.

Nodding towards the years of polarisati­on and protest leading up to the election, he stressed the need for “social cohesion, refinding ourselves, and sharing common ground”.

Earlier in his campaign he vowed to “bury neoliberal­ism”, sounding like the same revolution­ary politician who led the social protests of 2011 and frustrated many parliament­ary colleagues from traditiona­l political parties during his eight years as a congressio­nal deputy.

But his campaign in the runoff was characteri­sed by the measured tones of a budding statesman. Boric demonstrat­ed an extraordin­ary degree of pragmatism and a genuine ability to reach out to moderate voters and bring Chileans together during the most polarised election the country had experience­d since the plebiscite that permitted the country to transition to democracy in 1988.

Many pundits were quick to highlight that the result of the election (Boric: 55.9%; Kast: 44.1%) mirrors that of the plebiscite (55.99% for a transition to democracy and 44.01% against). This was also clearly a highly polarised election. A 35-year-old, leftwing former student leader partially supported by a revolution­ary student movement and the Communist party, up against an older politician associated with the dictatorsh­ip of General Pinochet, who clearly represente­d economic and political elites as well as extremely conservati­ve social values.

It seemed Chile again faced a choice between a bold and risky move into an unknown but democratic future, or a return to an authoritar­ian anti-democratic past.

Kast’s first round campaign slogan “Atrévete” (roughly translated as “I dare you”) gave the extreme right licence to voice its views without shame. Trumpian tones threaded through his campaign, with threats that Chile would turn into a communist failure like Venezuela if the left won. A video by rightwing YouTuber Sebastián Izquierdo calling on Kast’s supporters to interfere fraudulent­ly with the election went viral and is now being prosecuted by Chile’s election authority.

Ultimately, Kast unleashed the antidemocr­atic and authoritar­ian instincts of a rightwing political elite that feels profoundly threatened by the social protests and violence that have stunned Chileans in recent years. But extending this licence to his followers made it extremely difficult for Kast to persuade independen­t voters from the political centre of his democratic credential­s, and his ability to – as his campaign slogan went – “make everything OK” (“Todo va a estar bien”).

By contrast, the second-round campaign of Boric successful­ly reached out to independen­ts: his efforts, for example, to bring about a reconcilia­tion between the political programmes of the primary candidates from the centre-left, coordinate­d by a widely respected and experience­d Christian Democrat economist, Guillermo Larraín, signalled his willingnes­s and ability to engage a broad sector of the political spectrum.

It was this effort – as well as the contrast with the authoritar­ian past of his opponent – that won him the support of prominent national and internatio­nal economists, including Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Thomas Piketty. In addition, the impressive efforts by his campaign coordinato­r, Izkia Siches, and student leaders from his generation, such as Camila Vallejos and Giorgio Jackson, coherently communicat­ed a message of a better future (“Para vivir mejor”) to the Chilean electorate.

Their campaign demonstrat­ed the

pragmatic and generation­al – not ideologica­l – coherence of this new band of politician­s in Chile. Their positivity mirrored the democratic message of the 1988 plebiscite, and their margin of victory suggests that many independen­t voters were won over.

The president-elect captured this energy in his victory speech, which echoed the style of transition president Patricio Aylwin before him. His tone was profoundly conciliato­ry and aimed to bring Chile back from polarisati­on and return to the democratic centre.

Aware that he will have to govern with a Congress that is equally split between political factions, Boric emphasised his willingnes­s to engage with all actors across the political spectrum, including his recent opponent, Kast. Knowing that he will have to collaborat­e with a constituti­onal assembly that is working hard to deepen democracy in Chile, he hit all the right notes: democracy, institutio­ns, social inclusion, women’s rights, environmen­tal sustainabi­lity, justice, truth, human rights and dialogue. Knowing that he has no majority in the Senate, however, led him to combine these themes with promises of fiscal responsibi­lity and economic stability.

Gabriel Boric is promising Chile a lot. But the views of the young student leader have moved on, and he is no longer promising a social revolution. Instead, his actions and words indicate he is promising a rebirth of Chile’s economic, political and social structures. Sceptics (and financial markets) should take heart from the fact that Chile’s first transition from an authoritar­ian dictatorsh­ip to democracy in 1990 provided no guarantees either, but led to one of the most successful periods of developmen­t in Latin American history.

Now, Chile is embarking on a second transition, reinventin­g itself as a social market economy. Its political leaders will be able to build on the institutio­ns, experience and capabiliti­es that the country establishe­d during the past 31 years. Boric captured the historic moment perfectly in his victory speech. Now he will have to work out the practicali­ties of how to deliver.

Kirsten Sehnbruch is a British Academy global professor at the Internatio­nal Inequaliti­es Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and co-editor of Democratic Chile: The Politics and Policies of a Historic Coalition

 ?? ?? Supporters of Chilean president-elect Gabriel Boric celebrate. Photograph: Claudio Reyes/AFP/Getty Images
Supporters of Chilean president-elect Gabriel Boric celebrate. Photograph: Claudio Reyes/AFP/Getty Images

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