The Guardian (USA)

CDC: people who test positive for Covid with no symptoms should isolate just five days

- Martin Pengelly in New York and agencies

US health authoritie­s have halved, to five days, the recommende­d isolation time for people with asymptomat­ic Covid.

The US is facing a huge surge in Covid cases, driven by the Omicron variant, which contribute­d to travel chaos over Christmas and stoked worries about damage to the economy and education.

One expert told the New York Times: “All 50 states are in the soup at the same time. It’s like every state is being hit by a viral hurricane.”

But in a statement on Monday, Rochelle Walensky, director of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said the new recommenda­tions “balance what we know about the spread of the virus and the protection provided by vaccinatio­n and booster doses”.

The CDC said that after isolation, asymptomat­ic people should wear a mask around others for another five days.

It also recommende­d a five-day quarantine for those exposed while unvaccinat­ed, more than six months out from their second dose or more than two months out from a singledose Johnson & Johnson shot and not yet boosted.

“These updates ensure people can safely continue their daily lives,” Walensky said.

The move proved controvers­ial. Michael Mina, an epidemiolo­gist, called the new recommenda­tion “reckless”.

“Some people stay infectious three days, some 12. I absolutely don’t want to sit next to someone who turned positive five days ago and hasn’t tested negative. Test negative to leave isolation early is just smart.

“I am 100% for getting people to drop isolation early. Heck, I formally recommende­d it to CDC in May 2020 and published the recommenda­tion in the Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases in April 2020. But it was always with a negative test. What the heck are we doing here?”

Others pointed to the need to avoid significan­t disruption to daily life.

Ashish Jha, dean of the School of Public Health at Brown University, said: “You isolate for five days. Now you feel well (are asymptomat­ic). You still need to wear a mask for five more days. Do I prefer a negative antigen test on top? Sure. Have said as much. But this seems pretty reasonable.”

Earlier, Joe Biden’s chief medical adviser floated another controvers­ial proposal: a vaccine mandate for domestic air travel.

Amid cancellati­ons caused in part by Omicron, Anthony Fauci said a mandate might confer stronger protection on flights, for which federal regulation­s require all those aged two and older to wear a mask.

“When you make vaccinatio­n a requiremen­t, that’s another incentive to get more people vaccinated,” Fauci told MSNBC. “If you want to do that with domestic flights, I think that’s something that seriously should be considered.”

Two officials told the Associated Press advisers had yet to make a recommenda­tion, as a mandate could trigger logistical and legal concerns.

The US mandates that most foreign nationals traveling to the US be fully vaccinated. Citizens and permanent residents only need show proof of a negative test. Federal rules don’t require people traveling within the US to do so. Hawaii requires a test or proof of vaccinatio­n.

At the White House, Biden told reporters the subject was discussed with governors.

“They asked Dr Fauci about everything from whether or not he thought he was going to move to test at home – I mean, on air flights and that kind of thing,” Biden said.

Biden pledged full federal support to states facing Omicron and a run on tests.

“My message is: If you need something, say something, and we’re going to have your back any way we can,” Biden said.

“Seeing how tough it was for some folks to get a test this weekend shows that we have more work to do,” he said, referencin­g his plan to make 500m rapid tests available beginning next month through a yet-to-be-developed website.

The Arkansas governor, Asa Hutchinson, raised concerns Biden’s plan could get in the way of state efforts. Biden said the federal effort would not interfere. A White House official said new tests would come from new manufactur­ing capacity.

Earlier this year, the White House explored a domestic vaccinatio­n requiremen­t for flights, or requiring

vaccinatio­n or a negative test. Officials expected legal challenges.

The CDC says more than 241 million Americans, about 77% of the eligible population aged five and over, have received at least one shot. The administra­tion has instituted requiremen­ts that federal workers, contractor­s and those in healthcare get shots, and that companies with 100 or more employees have vaccinatio­n or testing mandates.

Those moves have been mired in legal wrangling. The supreme court is set to hear arguments on 7 January.

Such legal moves are likely to play out amid more distressin­g scenes nationwide.

Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, told the Times the national character of the Omicron surge meant resources would be stretched and healthcare workers hit hard.

“We’re already stretched so thin,” he said.

 ?? Photograph: Stephen B Morton/AP ?? A middle school principal walks the empty halls of his school on 20 August 2021 in Wrightsvil­le, Georgia.
Photograph: Stephen B Morton/AP A middle school principal walks the empty halls of his school on 20 August 2021 in Wrightsvil­le, Georgia.

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