The Guardian (USA)

The Guardian view on vaccine justice: the developing world won’t wait

- Editorial

No one asked for generosity – only justice. Self-interest as well as decency should have encouraged fairer distributi­on of vaccines: no one is safe until everyone is safe. Yet two years into the pandemic, with 8,400 people dying each day, the prospect of anything approachin­g vaccine equity remains as remote as ever. More boosters have been delivered in the developed world than first and second doses in low-income countries – the places that can least afford other measures such as restrictio­ns on movements. In high-income countries more than two in three people have received at least one dose, but in low-income countries only one in nine. As of November, only one in four African healthwork­ers was fully vaccinated.

“What we understood to be equitable treatment is not the way rich nations looked at it. [To them] it means: we get [them] first, and when we are done with saving our own people, we will then attend to you,” observed Strive Masiyiwa, African Union special envoy on Covid-19, and head of the African vaccine acquisitio­n task team.

Covax, the vaccine-pooling scheme, hoped to deliver 2bn shots by the end of last year. It has only provided half that, and recently warned that it cannot accept more donations of doses, because it lacks the cash to buy syringes.

Wealthier nations should provide funding now. But a deeper rethink is needed. The Omicron wave has highlighte­d the risk posed to everyone by variants. New ones could prove more lethal. Poorer nations are also thinking about the next pandemic; Covid-19 has been a painful lesson. Richer nations have engaged in vaccine nationalis­m – hoarding doses (in some cases, later thrown away unused) so that the African Union was unable to buy anything with the $2bn it had in hand. They have taken up vaccine diplomacy: campaigner­s recently pointed out that Australia had distribute­d 18m doses to neighbouri­ng countries, but committed not one to Covax. Put under pressure, they have pledged donations but delivered only small portions of them, and dumped nearly expired doses – so developing countries are unable to use them in time.

Covax alone cannot fix this. Médecins Sans Frontières recently warned that, for all its good intentions, the scheme has fundamenta­l flaws, including a failure to involve government­s and civil society from lowerincom­e countries, and its commitment to a global health model that considers protecting the intellectu­al property of pharmaceut­ical firms to be essential. It also counted on Indian production for African needs. When the Delta variant hit India, and its government imposed an export ban, Africa was left without even the inadequate supply it had been promised.

The lesson, says Mr Masiyiwa, is that those with production assets are the ones who can vaccinate their people.National leaders will not prioritise another population over their own; realistic plans must treat vaccine nationalis­m as a given. There has been some progress: Pfizer’s partner, BioNTec, is building Covid vaccine manufactur­ing plants in Rwanda and Senegal. South Africa has made its own version of the Moderna vaccine. But this can be only a start. With discussion­s beginning on a global pandemic response accord, there is growing demand for a requiremen­t for knowledge to be shared in future outbreaks. That will unquestion­ably face intense pushback from pharmaceut­ical businesses and their supporters. But patent waivers – backed by the US, but still opposed by the UK and EU – and technology transfer should begin now. Poorer countries can wait no longer.

 ?? ?? ‘More boosters have been delivered in the developed world than first and second doses in low-income countries.’ Photograph: EPA
‘More boosters have been delivered in the developed world than first and second doses in low-income countries.’ Photograph: EPA

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