The Guardian (USA)

The Guardian view on anti-Traveller prejudice: the aim must be inclusion


There is nothing new about prejudice against the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community: it dates back centuries. The fury and hurt caused by a “joke” made by the comedian Jimmy Carr, who described the murder of hundreds of thousands of Romany and Sinti Gypsies by the Nazis as a “positive” in a Netflix special in December, is a blunt reminder of its persistenc­e.

Ministers are among those to have voiced strong disapprova­l. Nadine Dorries, the culture secretary, pointed out that Ofcom, the UK regulator, would soon gain increased powers over streaming services. But Carr’s routine, and the laughter that was the initial reaction to the offensive section, provide clear evidence that Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) people – of whom the last census recorded that there are 58,000 in England and Wales – are still widely regarded as a legitimate target for attitudes that would be seen as unacceptab­le if aimed at other minorities. One recent study found that 44.6% of those surveyed viewed GRT people negatively – more than any other minority ethnic group.

In education, employment and health, GRT people suffer some of the worst outcomes of any group in the UK. The community’s young people have the highest rates of absence from school and are the least likely to go to university. They are also overrepres­ented in the criminal justice system. But it is the issue of housing and land that lies at the heart of many difficulti­es.

“Everyone seems to know where we shouldn’t be, but no one knows where we should be,” said Joe Jones, chair of the Gypsy Council, a few months ago. He was talking on the 10th anniversar­y of the eviction of 80 families from the Dale Farm unauthoris­ed Traveller site in Essex. The pitched battle between police and activists was an experience that some former residents say they have yet to recover from. Since the obligation to provide sufficient sites for the various GRT communitie­s was removed from local authoritie­s in the 1990s, such local disputes have served to increase tensions and alienation.

The acronym GRT is useful, but the people it refers to are far from a homogeneou­s group. English Romanichal Gypsies, Irish Travellers and more recent Romany immigrants from the European Union are culturally distinct population­s with different experience­s and needs. Some people with this heritage have chosen a settled way of life. The prejudice that many experience is not straightfo­rward, and combines elements of racism with hostility to immigratio­n and the EU.

Tackling chronic economic disadvanta­ge is an obvious first step towards reducing their marginalis­ed status, and the sense of stigma that some vividly describe. The gulf that divides those in the UK who own assets, including residentia­l property, from those who don’t is socially corrosive. The supply of affordable housing must be increased. To threaten Travellers with new criminal sanctions, as the police bill currently going through parliament does, while refusing to ensure that they have adequate space to live on, is punitive and likely to be self-defeating – reinforcin­g the cycle of exclusion.

Other repressive measures introduced by the current government, including the requiremen­t for voter ID, will also disproport­ionately affect those with nomadic lifestyles. Rather than forcing GRT people closer to the edge of society, the policy goal should be inclusion. Given their diversity, and the range of local conditions in the places where they live, mayors and councils ought to be tasked with finding solutions, and given resources to do so. Stronger efforts to improve outcomes for this severely disadvanta­ged group are overdue.

 ?? Photograph: Matt Frost ?? Jimmy Carr’s ‘joke’ in his Netflix special is a blunt reminder of the persistenc­e of prejudice against this minority.
Photograph: Matt Frost Jimmy Carr’s ‘joke’ in his Netflix special is a blunt reminder of the persistenc­e of prejudice against this minority.

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