The Guardian (USA)

Trump’s interior secretary misused position and lied to ethics official, watchdog says

- Staff and agencies

Government investigat­ors say the former US interior secretary Ryan Zinke misused his position to advance a developmen­t project in his Montana home town and lied to an agency ethics official about his involvemen­t.

The interior department’s inspector general said in a report made public on Wednesday that Zinke continued working with a foundation on the commercial project in the community of Whitefish, Montana, even after he committed upon taking office to breaking ties with the foundation.

The report also says Zinke gave incorrect and incomplete informatio­n to an interior department ethics official who confronted him over his involvemen­t and that Zinke directed his staff to assist him with the project in a misuse of his position.

The Great Northern Veterans Peace Park Foundation was establishe­d by Zinke and others in 2007. Zinke and his wife were in negotiatio­ns with private developers for the use of foundation land for a commercial developmen­t project.

Zinke is a candidate in the June Republican primary for an open Montana congressio­nal seat, a position he held before joining Trump’s cabinet.

He stepped down from his role as interior secretary in the Trump administra­tion in December 2018 following a series of scandals in which he was accused of using his position for personal gain.

On Wednesday Zinke’s campaign called the report “a political hit job” and said his family’s involvemen­t in the land deal led to the creation of a children’s sledding park.

Investigat­ors referred the matter to the Department of Justice for potential prosecutio­n but they declined to pursue a criminal case, according to the report.

The investigat­ion into the land deal was one of several focused on Zinke that began when he was in Trump’s cabinet.

In another case, investigat­ors found that he violated a policy that prohibits non-government employees from riding in government cars after his wife traveled with him, but he said ethics officials approved it.

Zinke was cleared of wrongdoing following a complaint that he redrew the boundaries of a national monument in Utah to benefit a state lawmaker and political ally.

Under Zinke’s leadership, the interior department sought to advance oil and gas drilling and mining on or near public land, rolled back protection­s for threatened species and shrank national monuments.

“Zinke’s days of plundering our lands and enriching himself and his friends are over,” said Nicole Ghio, senior fossil fuels program manager for Friends of the Earth, said at the time he stepped down. Trump had praised him saying he had “accomplish­ed much during his tenure”.

 ?? Photograph: Yuri Gripas/Reuters ?? Ryan Zinke stepped down from his role as interior secretary in Trump administra­tion in December 2018 after a series of scandals.
Photograph: Yuri Gripas/Reuters Ryan Zinke stepped down from his role as interior secretary in Trump administra­tion in December 2018 after a series of scandals.

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