The Guardian (USA)

Two glasses of wine can exceed daily sugar limit, warn UK experts


Adults can exceed their recommende­d daily limit of sugar by drinking just two glasses of wine, experts have warned.

Drinks can also be packed with calories and in some cases two glasses of wine can contain more calories than a hamburger.

The Alcohol Health Alliance UK (AHA) said product labelling on alcoholic drinks was “woefully inadequate” as it published new analysis of popular wines.

It looked at the calorie and sugar content of 30 bottles of red, white, rosé, fruit and sparkling wine sold in the UK.

The AHA, which represents more than 60 health organisati­ons, said there was a wide variation of sugar and calories across different wines, but that with this informatio­n missing from most labels, consumers were “being kept in the dark” about what they were drinking.

It said that government guidelines recommend that adults consume no more than 30g of so-called free sugars a day, but that it was possible to reach almost this entire amount by drinking two medium glasses of wine.

The AHA analysis suggested that many of the most sugar-packed wines were the ones which had the lowest strength of alcohol.

It said that with no legal requiremen­t to display sugar content on alcohol labels, drinkers may opt for a lower-strength alcohol thinking that this is a healthier option but could unwittingl­y be upping their daily sugar intake.

The analysis also examined the calories in wine.

The AHA said that just two medium-sized glasses of the most calorific wines analysed contain more calories than a McDonald’s hamburger.

Wines with high calorie content also tended to be higher-strength drinks.

The AHA said that none of the 30 products examined in the study displayed sugar content on their labels – informatio­n which is required for all non-alcoholic drinks.

Calorie content was only displayed on 20% of the labels examined.

Prof Sir Ian Gilmore, the chair of the AHA, said: “Alcohol’s current exemption from food and drink labelling rules is absurd.

“Shoppers who buy milk or orange juice have sugar content and nutritiona­l informatio­n right at their fingertips. “But this informatio­n is not required when it comes to alcohol – a product not just fuelling obesity but with widespread health harms and linked to seven types of cancer.

“The government must publish its planned consultati­on on alcohol labelling without further delay – which we have been waiting for since 2020.

“As well as calorie labelling and nutritiona­l informatio­n, we need prominent health warnings and the UK chief medical officers’ low-risk weekly drinking guidelines on labels. Studies suggest that this could help reduce alcohol harm by increasing knowledge of the health risks and prompting behaviour change.”

Alison Douglas, the chief executive of Alcohol Focus Scotland, added: “Alcohol labelling is woefully inadequate in this country and allows the alcohol industry to decide what informatio­n it will and won’t include on its products, despite alcohol claiming the lives of 70 people a day in the UK.

“The alcohol industry have dragged their feet for long enough – unless labelling requiremen­ts are set out in law, we will continue to be kept in the dark about what is in our drinks.

“People want and need reliable informatio­n directly on bottles and cans, where it can usefully inform their decisions.”

 ?? Photograph: Tanes Jitsawart/Getty Images/ EyeEm ?? Health organisati­ons say consumers are being ‘kept in the dark’ about what they are drinking.
Photograph: Tanes Jitsawart/Getty Images/ EyeEm Health organisati­ons say consumers are being ‘kept in the dark’ about what they are drinking.

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