The Guardian (USA)

Chinese MI6 informant gave informatio­n to MPs about Huawei threat

- Duncan Campbell and Richard Norton-Taylor

A Chinese informant for MI6, now serving a life sentence for murder in a British jail, has given informatio­n about the telecommun­ications company Huawei to the parliament­ary intelligen­ce and security committee (ISC), the Guardian has learned.

He has been thanked by the chair of the committee, the senior Conservati­ve backbenche­r Dr Julian Lewis, and told that he had raised “several important areas of concern” and that the committee’s findings may be “of interest” to him.

The revelation comes amid concern about Chinese infiltrati­on into British politics. The controvers­y over Huawei has also resurfaced with the disclosure that Guto Harri, the prime minister’s new communicat­ions director, lobbied a former chief of staff at Downing Street not to ban the Chinese company.

Wang Yam, who was found guilty in 2009 of the murder of the author Alan Chappelow, a crime of which he continues to protest his innocence, contacted the committee last year. He sent the ISC – and a number of prominent individual­s – documents about his knowledge of the background and intentions of the Chinese telecommun­ications company, Huawei, and the potential risks in Britain’s involvemen­t in the company, particular­ly its 5G infrastruc­ture.

He has long claimed in letters from prison that he provided MI6 with detailed warnings and informatio­n about Huawei. Yam, a grandson of Chairman Mao Zedong’s third-in-command, was a research assistant in the Chinese nuclear weapons research institute. He fled China via Hong Kong and was granted refugee status in Britain in 1992. It is accepted that he was an MI6 informant.

In a letter responding to Wang, currently in Lowdham Grange prison in Nottingham, the chair of the committee, Lewis, wrote: “You discuss several important areas of concern regarding the influence of China generally and Huawei in particular within the UK’s telecommun­ications infrastruc­ture and public sector. As you may be aware, the ISC is currently conducting an inquiry into the national security issues relating to China.

“The committee noted the significan­ce of Huawei to the UK’s 5G infrastruc­ture in April 2019 and announced that it would prioritise this aspect of its inquiry. I cannot comment on the substance of the inquiry which is ongoing but you may find the committee’s conclusion and recommenda­tions of interest when it lays its findings before parliament.”

Huawei has previously said it had never engaged in espionage or allowed its technology to be knowingly hacked by the Chinese state.

Lewis told the Guardian that the committee “noted the policy issues raised by Mr Yam: the ISC is currently conducting an inquiry into the national security threat posed by China”. He also noted that Wang Yam also raised several points about his “personal issues” – a reference to his trials and his complaints against the intelligen­ce agencies. He referred Yam to the Investigat­ory Powers Tribunal (IPT) which he said was the appropriat­e body for him to contact. The IPT investigat­es

allegation­s of unlawful activities of state bodies, including the security and intelligen­ce agencies.

Yam also told the Guardian that his correspond­ence with the “relevant authoritie­s” in the US had met with a sympatheti­c response and an assurance that his points were taken “most seriously.” Yam was recruited as an informant by MI6 after defecting from China and being granted refugee status in the UK in 1992. He was assigned to making contacts with Chinese embassy staff, he has claimed.

Chappelow, an 86-year-old author and photograph­er, was found dead in his home in Hampstead, north London in 2006, after police had been alerted by his bank following suspicious transactio­ns. Use of his stolen credit cards was traced to Wang Yam, who lived nearby and was later arrested in Switzerlan­d.

His initial Old Bailey trial in 2008 was held under unpreceden­ted levels of secrecy for a murder case. Journalist­s were not allowed to attend court to hear the defence.

The prosecutio­n suggested that Yam was confronted by Chappelow as he stole letters and bank informatio­n from his post box before entering his house and killing him. Yam was convicted of theft and fraud but the jury could not reach a decision on the murder charge. At a second trial, he was convicted of murder and jailed for a minimum of 20 years.

From prison, he contacted the Guardian protesting his innocence. Following an article in the paper in 2014, new witnesses emerged, leading to a referral back to the court of appeal by the Criminal Cases Review Commission. A near neighbour of Chappelow told the appeal court that, soon after the murder and with Yam already in custody, he was confronted by an intruder who told him: “Do not call the police or we will kill your wife and baby.” Another witness gave evidence that Chappelow was a regular visitor to the “spanking bench” on Hampstead Heath and he had seen him there shortly before his death leaving with young men. There were also fresh footprints and cigarette butts found in the house that did not relate to Wang Yam.

Despite the new evidence, which his lawyers argued would have almost certainly led to an acquittal at his original trial, the appeal was turned down. There is now a possibilit­y that fresh developmen­ts in DNA testing could assist in a further appeal. There are also plans for a film, according to Thomas Harding, author of the prize-winning book on the case, Blood on the Page.

Yam has complained to the IPT about the way he was treated by MI6 and that the agency asked him to participat­e in unlawful activities. His lawyer, Edward Preston, confirmed that an applicatio­n had been made to the IPT, which did not respond to the Guardian’s request for a comment.

The potential threat Huawei presents to British interests and competing commercial and security interests has preoccupie­d the ISC and the intelligen­ce agencies for many years. Back in 2013 the ISC released a stinging report into the way the government handled contracts with Huawei. Seven years later, British telecoms providers were banned from installing Huawei equipment in Britain’s 5G mobile network.

 ?? Photograph: NurPhoto/REX/Shuttersto­ck ?? Huawei neon advertisin­g signs on a rooftop in Warsaw, Poland.
Photograph: NurPhoto/REX/Shuttersto­ck Huawei neon advertisin­g signs on a rooftop in Warsaw, Poland.

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