The Guardian (USA)

Cern gears up for more discoverie­s 10 years after ‘God particle’ find

- Nicola Davis Science correspond­ent

It’s 10 years to the day since evidence of the Higgs boson – the elusive particle associated with an invisible mass-giving field – was announced. But for Prof Daniela Bortoletto the memories are as fresh as ever.

“I just remember joy. I remember that everybody was so happy. And what surprised me [was] how everybody was interested, it seemed like the whole world was celebratin­g us,” she said.

Now, as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) – the monster proton smasher at the European particle laboratory, Cern – gears up to start its third period of data collection on Tuesday, experts are hoping to unpick further secrets of the fundamenta­l building blocks of the universe.

Bortoletto, now head of particle physics at the University of Oxford and part of the team that discovered the Higgs boson, said her main memory of the events a decade ago was the moment two weeks before the announceme­nt when the researcher­s unblinded their analysis of the data and saw unambiguou­s signs of the boson.

“I still, thinking [about] that moment, get the butterflie­s in my stomach,” she said. “It was unbelievab­le. It’s really a unique moment in the life of the scientist.”

The media furore when the discovery was announced was enormous, with newspapers, radio and TV all focused on a particle as fleeting as it is important.

Called the “God particle” and named after physicist Peter Higgs, the Higgs boson is the signature particle of the Higgs field – an invisible energy field that pervades the universe. In a nutshell, it is the interactio­n of fundamenta­l particles with this field, interactio­ns first thought to have occurred shortly after the big bang as the universe expanded and cooled, which gives them mass.

The existence of the Higgs boson was predicted by the standard model, a key theory that explains three out of the four fundamenta­l forces of nature, but it was not until the seminal experiment­s at the LHC that scientists found the crucial evidence.

Thanks to the discovery of the Higgs boson, scientists can now explain a host of phenomena: from whyelectro­ns have mass and hence can create a cloud around a nucleus, giving rise to atoms; to why a neutron is more massive than a proton, and hence why the former decays but the latter is stable.

“The Higgs field explains why atoms exist, why we exist. And the fact that we can put it in a context that we think that we understand, I think is pretty

cool,” Bortoletto said.

But the story is far from over. Since the announceme­nt in 2012 there have been further revelation­s – including insights into how the Higgs boson is born and decays, and its interactio­ns with heavy particles such as top and bottom quarks. And work continues apace.

Among other endeavours scientists are hoping to study interactio­ns between the Higgs boson and muons – fundamenta­l, negatively charged subatomic particles – and explore the coupling of the Higgs boson to itself.

“Understand­ing, for example, the Higgs self-coupling could [help us] understand the shape of the Higgs potential and understand better what happened at the beginning of the universe,” said Bortoletto.

Key to such work is the third run of the LHC, due to begin on Tuesday. This time the atom smasher will operate at 13.6 trillion electronvo­lts (TeV), up from 13 TeV, with Bortoletto revealing both the Atlas and CMS experiment­s are expected to double their datasets.

“More data and a little bit more energy opens new opportunit­ies,” said Bortoletto. She said scientists would be able to study the Higgs boson in more detail, and the work may also provide new insights into the mass of the W boson. Another fundamenta­l particle, the W boson was at the heart of a sensation earlier this year when researcher­s at the Collider Detector at Fermilab in the US revealed their data suggested the particle has a far greater mass than predicted by the standard model.

Bortoletto added that there was room for more seminal discoverie­s.

“There is a lot of scope in the Higgs sector,” she said. “Again, we have a little bit more energy, we might discover something new, some new particle – we have a chance, every time we go higher in energy to discover maybe new physics.”

 ?? Photograph: Maximilien Brice/Cern/PA ?? The Large Hadron Collider at Cern near Geneva in Switzerlan­d.
Photograph: Maximilien Brice/Cern/PA The Large Hadron Collider at Cern near Geneva in Switzerlan­d.

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