The Guardian (USA)

In Britain today it seems your suffering only counts if you have a mortgage

- William Davies

In the 1970s, psychologi­st Stanley Milgram instructed his students to board New York subway trains around the city, approach random members of the public and ask them for their seat without offering any justificat­ion. When the students returned, they reported that perhaps surprising­ly, most people were willing to give up their seat. The students also said, somewhat less surprising­ly, that they found the experiment almost impossibly difficult to conduct.

This was what’s known as a “breaching experiment”, an attempt to understand the rules of social life by briefly and deliberate­ly breaking them. Over the past month, Britain has witnessed an extraordin­ary breaching experiment conducted at scale: what happens if a government acts without regard for financial markets? The results have been highly illuminati­ng, not only for what they tell us about the likely trajectory of Liz Truss’s leadership, but for what they reveal about a host of other elites, experts and commentato­rs who collective­ly get to define what counts as “sound” economic policy.

The main takeaway from the past few weeks is that no prime minister – or chancellor – can afford to ignore the views and sentiments of those who lend the state its money. This is scarcely surprising, given the lengths more orthodox politician­s have gone to over the years to acknowledg­e the supremacy of the bond markets – but it has been graphicall­y and quite grippingly performed before our eyes. Nobody could have predicted quite how things would play out between the September “mini-budget” and the humiliatin­g policy U-turn and sacking of Kwasi Kwarteng three weeks later, but the fact that the markets eventually came out on top merely affirms core assumption­s of the post-1970s era.

But study the Truss-Kwarteng breaching experiment more closely, and various other details about our political and economic reality come to light regarding whose economic interests count and whose don’t; what kinds of economic malfunctio­n are permitted and which ones aren’t. Making these judgments over the past four weeks has required some remarkable hypocrisy on the part of technocrat­s, rival politician­s and former politician­s, but that has not deterred them.

Consider one elite perspectiv­e on the Truss-Kwarteng “breach”. The Internatio­nal Monetary Fund scolded Britain for letting its monetary policy and its fiscal policy pull in different directions. While the Bank of England has been trying to tackle inflation with interest rate rises, Kwarteng’s Treasury was guilty of contributi­ng to inflation with tax cuts. Some “policy coherence” was sternly advised.

And yet, a conflict between monetary and fiscal policy was the central feature of the dismal decade that followed the 2008 financial crisis. While George Osborne starved local government, the welfare state and infrastruc­ture projects of money, the Bank of England pumped unpreceden­ted quantities of credit into the financial system to prevent a full-on depression. The combined effect was socially devastatin­g (to an extent it affected life expectancy) and financiall­y lucrative, as asset values soared. Was that really “coherent”? Or was it simply having the right priorities, from the IMF’s point of view?

Then consider the key mechanism through which Truss’s economic havoc fed directly into Tory party panic and another leadership crisis: the soaring cost of mortgages, soon to be followed by falling house prices. Evidence from the past 30 years suggests that Tory government­s can weather various scandals and policy disasters, but not financial mismanagem­ent that impacts on homeowners. It is likely to prove so again.

But why is this? For those whose fixed-rate mortgages are ending, and find themselves moving from a 1.5% interest rate to a 6% one, the economic hardship will be considerab­le. Some undoubtedl­y may have to move house. But the cost of living crisis was already biting several months before Truss took power, while David Cameron’s government had left widespread destitutio­n in its wake that even drew criticism from Unicef and Oxfam. Osborne’s welfare “cap”, which prevented families with three or more children from receiving additional payments, added to already surging child poverty, but was motivated by political self-interest, a cynical ploy to divide the Labour party.

Clearly not everyone’s economic hardship carries the same weight in the corridors of Westminste­r. The image of the responsibl­e homeowner, governed by financial rectitude and traditiona­l family values, occupies a sacred place in the imaginatio­n of politician­s and newspaper editors. Their suffering must be avoided at all political costs. If it was economic suffering itself that provoked such unease in parliament, the past 12 years would have played out very differentl­y indeed. On some brute level, pundits and politician­s can perhaps empathise more readily with the struggling mortgage holder because they themselves own property.

Last week, Osborne tweeted: “Given the pain being caused to the real economy by the financial turbulence, it’s not clear why it is in anyone’s interests to wait 18 more days before the inevitable u-turn on the mini budget.” In a touching moment of cross-party consensus, former Labour Treasury minister Ed Balls piped up: “I agree with George.” But was George Osborne really opining on avoidable economic pain? One regrettabl­e consequenc­e of the TrussKwart­eng experiment is that Osborne is now treated as a voice of moderation and reason, rather than as the man whose policy choices tore the country apart, leaving it desperatel­y vulnerable to the pandemic that later ravished it. Jeremy Hunt’s appointmen­t as chancellor was greeted as a victory for realism and common sense over Brexiteer fantasies – but, as his immediate commitment to fiscal austerity demonstrat­ed, this is the realism of the technocrat and the common sense of the bond trader.

There is, however, a glimmer of hope contained in the Truss-Kwarteng breach. The market response to the mini-budget, and the subsequent turnaround from the very first rumours of a U-turn, were not driven by any specific numbers. The problem was Kwarteng’s appalling Eton- and Brexit-fuelled arrogance; his belief that he didn’t have to account for himself at all. His fatal mistake was to behave towards the bond markets as Boris Johnson did towards parliament and the law: as if their rules applied to everybody except him.

By the same token, it’s plausible that a social democratic programme of government is financiall­y viable, so long as it is accompanie­d by a modicum of deference to the markets and the convention­al Treasury routines of costing and fiscal transparen­cy. The point is not – as Osborne constantly told us – to reduce borrowing at all costs. The point is to be clear about what the borrowing requiremen­t is, with as much clarity, foresight and humility as possible.

If anything good can come out of this mess, it is that lesson. Learning it may even help to free us from the hypocritic­al hectoring of technocrat­s and austerity merchants once and for all. In the meantime, we have yet to learn what fiscal medicine Hunt will prescribe for a national economy that has already suffered so much over the past 12 years.

William Davies is a sociologis­t and political economist. His latest book is Unpreceden­ted? How Covid-19 Revealed the Politics of Our Economy

 ?? Photograph: Yui Mok/PA ?? ‘Evidence from the past 30 years suggests Tory government­s can weather scandals and policy disasters, but not mismanagem­ent that impacts on homeowners.’
Photograph: Yui Mok/PA ‘Evidence from the past 30 years suggests Tory government­s can weather scandals and policy disasters, but not mismanagem­ent that impacts on homeowners.’

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