The Guardian (USA)

Alabama takes steps toward using nitrogen as new execution method

- Maya Yang

Alabama is close to completing a protocol that will use nitrogen gas as a new form of execution in the state, officials have said, amid warnings from advocacy groups that it is an experiment­al move after botched lethal injections.

On Wednesday, Alabama commission­er John Hamm, who heads the state’s prison systems, told the Associated Press, “We’re close. We’re close,” in reference to the new execution method. Hamm added that the protocol should be completed by the end of this year.

For years, the state has said that it is developing nitrogen hypoxia as a new execution method. The method is a form of inert gas asphyxiati­on that forces an individual to only breathe in nitrogen, in turn leaving them with insufficie­nt oxygen needed by the body to perform regular functions.

In 2018, Alabama lawmakers approved of nitrogen hypoxia as an alternativ­e to lethal injections as injection drugs became more difficult to acquire. Then state senator Trip Pittman, who sponsored the 2018 legislatio­n, compared the method to the way that passengers on a plane pass out when the aircraft depressuri­zes.

“It provides another option. I believe it is a more humane option,” the Associated Press reported as Pittman saying.

Oklahoma and Mississipp­i are two other states that have approved nitrogen hypoxia as a form of execution, although neither have yet used it.

In 2021, the Alabama department of correction­s (ADOC) told a federal judge that it finished constructi­ng a “system” to use nitrogen gas during executions.

“The ADOC has completed the initial physical build on the nitrogen hypoxia system. A safety expert has made a site visit to evaluate the system. As a result of the visit, the ADOC is considerin­g additional health and safety measures,” a lawyer for the state attorney general’s office wrote in a court filing reviewed by the Associated Press.

Despite lawmakers arguing that the new and untested method is more humane, critics worry about the lack of transparen­cy surroundin­g the process, with several comparing it to human experiment­ation.

“Executions in Alabama have been notably secretive, rushed and haphazard,” ACLU Alabama spokespers­on Jose Vazquez said, referring to a string of botched executions in the state last year.

“Our state lawmakers should be committed to the constituti­onal principle that cruel and unusual punishment should not be inflicted. Since there have been no executions performed anywhere with nitrogen, there’s no way to ensure that this method would not be cruel. Instead, Alabama is turning the death penalty into statespons­ored experiment­ation on human beings,” Vazquez said.

“The state should not be sanctionin­g unproven and untested methods for treatment of any kind, especially not to kill people,” he added.

Jamila Hodge, executive director of Equal Justice USA, a national organizati­on that focuses on criminal and racial justice, said: “The death penalty, just like our broader criminal legal system, is one that is rooted in racism

… [and] regardless of how it’s implemente­d, is wrong.

“There’s no approach that’s going to be the right approach when we think about the system itself and the fact that we have so many people who have been exonerated and the racial disparitie­s that exist,” she added. “To have so many executions last year essentiall­y be traumatic for those who were witnessing it, including in Alabama … should give people pause, and this new method is untested.”

Joel Zivot, an anesthesio­logy and surgery professor at Emory College, expressed concern about the untested procedure, saying: “It’s impossible to evaluate it unless it can be evaluated … There really is no way to test it on people that would be ethical.

“It’s unfortunat­e and I think a reflection of the … questionab­le understand­ing of the law on the part of the Alabama department of correction­s if they think that the only reason to change lethal injections is that they can’t get the parts for it.” Zivot added that lethal injection has been shown to cause lung congestion, which produces a drowning sensation in some inmates that receive it.

“That didn’t seem to be enough to make them think that there was a problem there,” he said. “So it’s not that they’re not doing it ’cause they think that there’s something fundamenta­lly wrong. They just can’t get the supply or they can’t get the people to reliably start and establish IVs. This is an institutio­n that has learned nothing, that does not understand the law and doesn’t know what it’s doing.”

Zivot went on to express doubt towards the effectiven­ess of the new execution method.

“I think the nitrogen gas will not work … because even though the gas is inert, breathing it is going to be much more complicate­d and getting people to cooperate to breathe will be complicate­d. Because it’s odorless and colorless, it’s dangerous to handle so everyone that’s in the vicinity of the person who they’re gassing could theoretica­lly be at risk themselves.”

Alabama is turning the death penalty into state-sponsored experiment­ation on human beings

Jose Vazquez of ACLU Alabama

 ?? Photograph: Dave Martin/AP ?? The lethal injection chamber at the Holman correction­al facility in Atmore, Alabama.
Photograph: Dave Martin/AP The lethal injection chamber at the Holman correction­al facility in Atmore, Alabama.

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