The Guardian (USA)

UN high seas treaty is a triumph, but it will need teeth to be effective


The ocean treaty is good news (High seas treaty: historic deal to protect internatio­nal waters finally reached at UN, 5 March), promising to protect biodiversi­ty in the high seas. It is a rare case of multilater­alism in this century. But euphoria should be tempered by the realisatio­n that giving it effective teeth will be enormously challengin­g.

It promises to create a body to manage conservati­on and establish marine protected areas in the high seas, the 64% of sea outside national exclusive economic zones. Those cheering the treaty should recall that the last great multilater­al agreement, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos), reached in 1982, set up a body to manage the internatio­nal seabed and establish a benefit-sharing system.

That body, the Internatio­nal Seabed Authority, was not set up until 1994, and, 28 years later, has still not establishe­d a mining code or a sharing mechanism. It has also been chronicall­y underfunde­d, with its headquarte­rs in Kingston harbour, Jamaica.

Second, a sticking point in the negotiatio­ns of this new treaty was the sharing of benefits from “marine genetic resources”. How that has been fixed is unclear. There will surely be difficulty in sharing the benefits of the more than 13,000 patents already filed, all giving monopolist­ic profits for 20 years. Will the agreement apply retrospect­ively?

Finally, we should just remember that national marine protected areas are rarely protected. In most of Britain’s protected areas, industrial-scale bottom trawling has been allowed, and the government even blocked an amendment to its 2020 fisheries bill that would have banned it.Guy Standing Author, The Blue Commons: Rescuing the Economy of the Sea

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