The Guardian (USA)

Suspect named in baseball bat attack at Democratic congressma­n’s office

- Martin Pengelly and agencies

Police in Virginia on Monday named the suspect in an attack in which two staffers at the district office of a Democratic congressma­n were assaulted with a metal baseball bat and required hospital treatment.

Xuan Kha Tran Pham, 49, was arrested after the attack at Gerry Connolly’s office in Fairfax. Held without bond, Pham faced charges of malicious wounding and aggravated malicious wounding.

A man with a metal baseball bat walked into the northern Virginia office on Monday, asked for the congressma­n, then struck two of his workers with the bat, including an intern in her first day on the job, police and the congressma­n said.

Connolly told CNN one staff member was hit in the head while the other, the intern, was hit on the side.

Speaking to the Associated Press, the congressma­n said: “Both of them are conscious and talking. They’re both in shock. Their families were with them, too.”

A police spokespers­on, Sgt Lisa Gardner, said police were called at about 10.50am. Connolly was not at the office, Gardner said, adding that some staff members hid during the attack.

“You could absolutely tell that the people inside were scared. They were hiding. Someone swinging a bat around, I would be scared as well,” Gardner said.

Connolly said the attacker caused widespread damage, shattering glass and breaking computers. He told CNN the man “was filled with out of control rage”. In a statement, Connolly called the attack “unconscion­able and devastatin­g”.

Acts of political extremism, including attacks on lawmakers, have become increasing­ly common in the US.

Last October, Paul Pelosi, husband of the former Democratic House speaker Nancy Pelosi, was attacked in his home in San Francisco by a man armed with a hammer.

Afterwards, the Michigan representa­tive Debbie Dingell predicted “somebody is going to die”, telling Axios that two years previously, after the now fired Fox News host Tucker Carlson broadcast a segment about her, she “had men outside my home with assault weapons that night”.

The Democratic governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer, was the target of a foiled rightwing kidnap plot.

Justice Samuel Alito, meanwhile, has complained of an increase in threats to the supreme court. Last year, a man was charged with attempting to kill Brett Kavanaugh, like Alito a member of the 6-3 conservati­ve majority.

In April, the US Capitol police chief, Tom Manger, testified in Congress about the heightened threat.

“One of the biggest challenges we face today is dealing with the sheer increase in the number of threats against members of Congress – approximat­ely 400% over the past six years,” Manger said. “Over the course of the last year, the world has continuous­ly changed, becoming more violent and uncertain.”

On Monday, Connolly told the AP the suspect in the attack on his district office was known to Fairfax police but had “never made threats to us so it was unprovoked, unexpected and inexplicab­le”.

The congressma­n added: “I have no reason to believe that his motivation was political … but it is possible that the sort of toxic political environmen­t we all live in, you know, set him off, and I would just hope all of us would take a little more time to be careful about what we say and how we say it.”

US Capitol police and Fairfax police said the motive remained unclear. It was not immediatel­y clear if the suspect had an attorney.

Police said the man is suspected in a separate attack a short time earlier Monday. A man later identified as Pham approached a woman parked in her car about five miles from Connolly’s

office and asked the woman if she was white, then hit her windshield with a bat and ran away, according to police. The woman wasn’t injured.

Pham’s father, Hy Pham, told the Washington Post his son was schizophre­nic and had dealt with mental illness since his late teens. Hy Pham told the newspaper he had been unsuccessf­ully trying to arrange mental health care for his son.

In May 2022, a person whose name and community of residence matches Xuan-Kha Pham’s sued the Central Intelligen­ce Agency in federal court. In a hand-written complaint, the plaintiff alleged the CIA had been “wrongfully imprisonin­g me in a lower perspectiv­e” and “brutally torturing me with a degenerati­ng disability consistent­ly since 1988 till the present from the fourth dimension”.

Connolly, 73, has represente­d the 11th congressio­nal district in Virginia since 2009. A prominent Democrat, he frequently spars with Republican­s who control the House.

Last week, Connolly criticised CNN’s decision to host Donald Trump for a town hall in New Hampshire, telling Fox News the event was a “travesty”.

“Why would you put a liar and a convicted criminal on a town hall?” Connolly asked, adding: “To me, it is frankly reprehensi­ble.”

Trump is not a convicted criminal.

Last week, in a civil case in New York, he was found liable for sexual assault and defamation against the writer E Jean Carroll.

On Monday, Connolly thanked police and emergency medical profession­als. His focus, he said, was on ensuring his staff members received “the care they need”.

“I have the best team in Congress,” Connolly said. “My district office staff make themselves available to constituen­ts and members of the public every day.”

Mark Warner, one of two Democratic senators from Virginia, said: “Intimidati­on and violence – especially against public servants – has no place in our society. This is an extraordin­arily disturbing developmen­t.”

Jason Miyares, the Republican attorney general of Virginia, wished Connolly’s staffers well and said: “Political violence is always unacceptab­le. The coward who did this should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

Glenn Youngkin, the Republican governor, said: “Violence does not belong in our political system and my prayers are with … Gerry Connolly’s staff for a speedy recovery. We’ve seen this against our judiciary, we’ve seen this against our legislativ­e branch and it has no place in our commonweal­th.”

But Dan Goldman, a Democratic congressma­n from New York, linked the attack to remarks by Republican­s.

“This is horrifying,” Goldman wrote. “From ‘very fine people on both sides’” – which Donald Trump said about violence at a far-right march in Virginia in 2017 – “to calling January 6 a ‘peaceful protest’, there are serious consequenc­es when elected officials refuse to condemn or outright glorify political violence.”

“At this time, it is not clear what the suspect’s motivation may have been,” Capitol Police said in a news release announcing a joint investigat­ion with the Fairfax City Police Department.

Capitol police threat assessment agents have been sent to Fairfax.

 ?? Photograph: Cliff Owen/AP ?? Crime scene tape at the scene of the attack in Fairfax, Virginia. Connolly told CNN the attacker used a metal bat.
Photograph: Cliff Owen/AP Crime scene tape at the scene of the attack in Fairfax, Virginia. Connolly told CNN the attacker used a metal bat.

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