The Guardian (USA)

Noise, pollution, danger: how Amazon warehouses upended a sleepy New York neighborho­od

- Kaveh Waddell from Consumer Reports, Aliya Uteuova and Andrew Witherspoo­n

On a drizzly Friday night, Rosana Zapata was mapping out a changing neighborho­od.

Using Sharpie and pencil, the 18year-old sketched her world on printer paper: a street intersecti­on, a small parking lot, a lit-up sign for fried chicken. “I have a lot of memories there,” Zapata told a small group of young artists seated at school desks, who had each drawn their own favorite neighborho­od spots.

These treasured locations stand against an increasing­ly difficult-to-ignore backdrop: truck traffic, driven partly by an e-commerce boom.

In the last decade, Red Hook – a Brooklyn neighborho­od whose waterfront faces the upper New York harbor – has undergone cataclysmi­c flooding from Hurricane Sandy as well as years of constructi­on in the neighborho­od’s large public housing complex, the Red Hook Houses. Now, residents face a sudden buildup of last-mile warehouse facilities.

Since late 2021, Amazon has opened two facilities in the neighborho­od, and it’s set to open a third later this year. Together, the three structures willcompri­se more than 800,000 sq feet of warehousin­g space and parking, with one facility’s 90ft walls casting shadows across a community garden.

Each new operation sends more vehicles down Red Hook’s narrow streets. Zapata worries about the increase oftrucks and vans, especially when they roll by the school her younger brother attends. “That’s very dangerous,” she said. “Kids play around; kids are gonna be kids. We don’t want anyone to get hurt.” And she has noticed an uptick in traffic at the intersecti­on she drew – where Wolcott and Dwight streets meet, right by the public library.

“Red Hook can be like a second family – even a first family,” she said. “But this community is changing a lot. It’s very, very hectic – it’s just too much sometimes.”

Residents worry that the warehouses threaten the safety of pedestrian­s and cyclists, and the health of their neighbors – but a lack of data has made it harder to advocate for more local control over warehouse openings. (Federal, state and local government­s don’t regularly collect informatio­n on air quality or traffic when e-commerce facilities open, the way they often monitor other industrial sites like power plants or factories.)

Red Hook residents have now taken matters into their own hands. In a first-ever collaborat­ion, members of the community installed traffic, air-quality and sound sensors purchased by Consumer Reports, and arenow gathering data throughout the neighborho­od. Consumer Reports teamed up with the Guardianto analyze the first several months of data.

Our measuremen­ts do not show precisely how much the new facilities have affected Red Hook, since the sensors were installed after they opened. However, seven months of initial data shows a neighborho­od under stress:

A traffic sensor on Red Hook’s main street counts nearly 1,000 trucks and vans on an average weekday. The street is lined with shops and restaurant­s, and regularly gets backed up with semis and double-parked vans.

An air-quality sensor next to the Red Hook Houses, the neighborho­od’slarge public housing complex, measured 16 days in the last seven months with levels of particulat­e pollution the Environmen­tal Protection Agency (EPA) says can be harmful for sensitive groups such as people with asthma. Red Hook has disproport­ionately high asthma rates.

A sound meter charts noises that are twice as loud as background levels every three minutes during daytime hours, and four times as loud every 30 minutes, on average.

More warehouses are on their way to Red Hook. Several planned facilities, including one that is larger than a million square feet, could bring more than 1,300 additional trucks to the neighborho­od every weekday.

This problem could get much worse.

As the new facilities begin operating, the sensors should help residents document the increasing environmen­tal impacts. But neighborho­od groups are already preparing to deploy the data to advocate for new rules on how e-commerce facilities are developed throughout the city and state.

Thousands of trucks and vans

On Van Brunt Street, a narrow twolane street lined with parked cars, shops and restaurant­s, trucks and vans make their presence known daily.

“It seems to operate like clockwork,” said Scott Pfaffman, an artist who owns the building that houses the Record Shop, a vinyl store on Van Brunt that is a part of the sensor network.

On the store’s roof sits a vehicle counter, while a sound meter roosts in a tree out front. A pair of laser sensors suspended over the shop’s door chart air pollution from trucks and other sources that can damage respirator­y health, especially among children and elderly people.

On an average weekday, the traffic sensor at the store counts 61 trucks and vans an hour in the period between 10am and noon, or about one each minute. The vehicle counter can tell the difference between a car and a van, a cyclist and a pedestrian – but it can’t visually identify which vans are branded with Amazon, FedEx or other delivery logos.Still, stand outside the store, and it’s clear that many of the vansin the morning rush are Amazon vehicles; they rumble up Van Brunt Street in packs of a dozen or more. Sometimes, residents stop on the sidewalk to record videos of the long lines of Amazon vans.

A second sensor – placed atop an upholstery store a half mile away – found even higher rates of truck and van traffic. This sensor typically sees about 105 trucks and vans an hour pass by between 10am and noon. On particular­ly busy days, it can be more than 140 trucks an hour.

[Read more about our methodolog­y below.]

On several occasions, this sensor counted more than 1,200 trucks and vans over the course of a day – and that’s probably an undercount, because the sensors can miss vehicles when it’s dark outside.

That’s a high volume of delivery traffic for Van Brunt Street, said Brian Ketcham, who worked as a transporta­tion engineer for New York City before consulting for neighborho­od and environmen­tal groups. “For a narrow two-way street with parking, yeah, that’s a lot of trucks and vans,” Ketcham said.

Data analyzed by the Guardian and Consumer Reports is in line with general trends across New York City. Delivery traffic in the city is booming, with the number of daily deliveries climbing from 1.8m in 2019 to 2.25m in 2023, according to an estimate from the Rensselaer Polytechni­c Institute.

Locals say a crush of trucks and vans now clog the neighborho­od’s streets, jostling for space with buses, cars, pedestrian­s, bikes and scooters.

The trucks and vans that deliver these packages alsocontri­bute to disruptive street noise. Every three minutes during the day since Consumer Reports and the Guardian began gathering sound data in January, there’s a sound that’s twice as loud as background noise levels.

Mary Dudine, the owner of a wine and spirits shop on Van Brunt Street, said she’s bothered by the beeping of trucks reversing over and over as they try to make tight right-angle turns.

“That noise is there specifical­ly to warn and alarm us,” Dudine said. “If every place I turn, all I hear is something saying ‘Watch out! Watch out! Watch out!’, what am I supposed to do? It’s just everywhere.”

Dudine said she can hear large semis hitting potholes two blocks away from her shop. Passing trucks regularly rattle the bottles on her shelves.

When warehouses open in a residentia­l neighborho­od, the increase in the number of vehicles on the streets sends ripple effects throughout the community. “It’s a real problem putting warehouses into residentia­l communitie­s,” said Ketcham. “It breaks up the roads faster. Noise is higher. It slows down traffic for passenger cars.”

More distributi­on centers are on the way, threatenin­g to bring over a thousand more delivery trucks to Red Hook every weekday.

Amazon’s third Red Hook warehouse will add an estimated 344 truck trips and 1,224 car trips every weekday, according to a 2020 traffic study commission­ed by the company that built the warehouse.

This warehouse is scheduled to open in September, according to officials at a neighborin­g school who spoke to Amazon. Amazon spokespers­on Simone Griffin would not confirm a timeline to Consumer Reports and the Guardian but said the facility “remains in our plans”.

In a statement, Griffin said: “We always work hard to be a good neighbor, and take into account what it might mean for a community if we locate a building there,” but added that the company is aware of traffic issues and works with the community and local policymake­rs on such issues “when it makes sense to do so”.

Just a few blocks away, another proposed waterfront logistics complex includes an 80ft-tall warehouse, already under constructi­on, and another 200fttall warehouse. It’s not yet clear who will operate them; developers will lease out the facilities once constructi­on is completed. This compound and the Amazon warehouse due to open later this year together could generate more than 1,350 additional truck trips every weekday, according to the same formula used in the traffic study cited above.

Worse air quality, greater health risk

Air pollution in Red Hook regularly rises to levels the EPA categorize­s as concerning for people who are particular­ly sensitive to particulat­e pollution, according to air-quality monitors set up by community members working with Consumer Reports and the Guardian.

Between September 2022 and April 2023, an air-quality monitor on residentia­l Lorraine Street right across from the Red Hook Houses measured 16 days with particulat­e pollution levels above the level the EPA considers potentiall­y harmful for sensitive groups. At the upholstery store and the Record Shop – which is located across the street from a public school playground – sensors each counted 14 days with potentiall­y harmful pollution levels.

Although the sensors can’t draw a direct connection between delivery traffic and elevated pollution, these particulat­e levels will only worsen if truck and van traffic increases.

Amazon and other last-mile warehouses in Red Hook are opening shop against a backdrop of environmen­tal hazards and concerning health outcomes.“This neighborho­od already has toxic parts that have impacted health over the past few decades,” said Tevina Willis, community organizing manager at Red Hook Initiative, a longtime neighborho­od non-profit. For example, the city closed a large park complex next to the Red Hook Houses in 2015 because the EPA found dangerous contaminan­ts such as lead in the soil. Half of the 16 fields in the complex are still closed today.

In the two census tracts that contain 80% of Red Hook’s residents, asthma-related emergency room visits were higher than the average rate for Brooklyn and New York City, according to a 2018 report from Red Hook Initiative. And the 11231 zip code containing Red Hook has higher levels of asthma-related emergency room visits than any of the surroundin­g zip codes, according to data from the New York state department of health gathered between 2018 and 2020. (This is the most recent data available.)

“To put more things in here that are going to impact that – that’s what has residents concerned,” Willis said.

Increasing delivery traffic will only add to the pollution burden in Red Hook. Microscopi­c particles from heavy vehicle emissions can settle deep in a person’s lungs, elevating their risk of asthma, heart disease, cancer, lateonset depression and dementia. Elderly people, children and people with existing respirator­y conditions are particular­ly vulnerable.

And the burden of that pollution isn’t evenly distribute­d, according to a study from True Initiative, a British emissions-focused research group. On average, people of color in New York are exposed to 15% more particulat­e emissions than white residents. Despite these large exposure gaps, there’s a worrying lack of hyperlocal air quality data across the US, experts say. Citizen science efforts – in which residents monitor air, water and other conditions themselves – can help close the gap. “Some of our most polluted communitie­s in the US are severely under-monitored by traditiona­l air-quality monitoring efforts,” said Dan Westervelt, a scientist at Columbia University studying air pollution. “Neighborho­odscale data leveraging consumer-grade air sensors is critical for addressing latent air-quality challenges.”

Red Hook, for example, is a blind spot in New York City: none of the roughly 100 sensors in the city-run community air survey program are in the neighborho­od.

“What the city is collecting is inadequate,” Alexa Avilés, the New York city councilmem­ber whose district includes Red Hook, told Consumer Reports and the Guardian. “And so community members and civic groups have decided to take that into their own hands.” She said the city needed to pick up the slack – but e-commerce companies like Amazon should be partly responsibl­e for monitoring air quality near their facilities, too.

To cut down on emissions, Amazon says it plans to deploy 100,000 electric delivery vans nationwide by 2030. As of now, more than 3,000 of them are on the road, Amazon tells Consumer Reports, but none of them are in Red Hook.

Amazon isn’t the only delivery giant moving toward electric vehicles. FedEx, which is building a large last-mile facility right next door to Red Hook in Sunset Park, says its entire delivery fleet will be electric by 2040. UPS – which in 2018 bought and later razed a huge waterfront parcel in Red Hook that has remained empty ever since – has not publicly set a target date for converting its entire delivery fleet to zero-emissions vehicles, but it has committed to buying 10,000 electric vehicles.

Electrifyi­ng delivery vans will cut down on a large part of particulat­e emissions, but it won’t eliminate them. Electric vehicles still generate nonexhaust particulat­e pollution such as brake, tire and road dust – especially heavier delivery vans. For this reason and other safety concerns, city advocates and officials are pushing for alternativ­es that would decrease the number of trucks and vans on the road altogether, such as cargo bikes. In a small pilot program, Amazon is now making some Red Hook-area deliveries by cargo bike. Elsewhere in the city, UPS, FedEx, DHL and two other logistics companies also make deliveries by bike.

Air quality near a new breed of warehouse

Zapata is one of the tens of thousands of Brooklynit­es living with asthma. “I know many people with asthma also,” she said. “I don’t want to be breathing in air that could possibly give me diseases or affect my body. And I don’t want the kids to have any issues or have asthma because of the trucks.”

Zapata is part of the Red Hook Art Project, in which she and a small cohort of young adults are leading workshops designed to get neighbors thinking about what’s changing in Red Hook, and how they might respond. They’re now using sensor data to prepare for conversati­ons with city and state representa­tives.

Several organizati­ons are gathering similar data in Red Hook, including the Brooklyn Greenway Initiative, which has installed several traffic-counting sensors. A partnershi­p between the City University of New York and the local non-profits Red Hook Initiative and Pioneer Works has installed several airquality monitors.

In Red Hook, two-thirds of the land is zoned for manufactur­ing, allowing last-mile facilities to pop up unchecked. In these areas, warehouse developers don’t have to ask New York City for permission or solicit input from neighbors before building – they don’t generally need to do traffic studies, or get special applicatio­ns.

These zoning rules date back to 1961, a time when a warehouse typically meant a moderate-sized building where goods would be stored for extended periods, generating little traffic.

City officials and local advocates are pushing to change this rule, because it lumps together warehouses used for long-term storage with vast complexes that create round-the-clock delivery traffic. They argue that this new breed of facility should be treated much differentl­y from the old, and should require buy-in from neighbors before moving in.

In February, Councilmem­ber Avilés and other city officials promoted a package of eight city proposals and a state bill aimed at curbing harms from last-mile facilities. The proposals would, among other things, require warehouse operators in the city to get a special permit before opening up shop, and submit estimates of how the facilities will affect traffic and air quality. The proposals would also redraw the city’s network of truck routes.

Some New York state officials have announced support for reforms to zoning laws. In January, the New York state attorney general, Letitia James, wrote a letter warning the city that its policy to allow warehouses to be built without review or permit could potentiall­y violate federal civil rights law, because it’s allowing last-mile facilities to cluster in neighborho­ods of color. The letter cited coverage from Consumer Reports and the Guardian on Red Hook’s warehouse crunch, and urged the city to require warehouse operators to apply for special permits.

The uneven distributi­on of delivery facilities is a nationwide problem, as our previous reporting reveals. In 2021, Consumer Reports and the Guardian found that more than twothirds of Amazon warehouses were in neighborho­ods with a disproport­ionately high number of people of color and that 57% were in disproport­ionately low-income neighborho­ods.

Under the Biden administra­tion, the EPA has increased its focus on the disproport­ionate impact of freight and transporta­tion pollution on communitie­s of color and low-income neighborho­ods. It has issued more stringent emissions standards for heavyduty trucks, and consults with state and local government­s on air-quality monitoring. But while some advocacy groups have called on the EPA to hold warehouse operators accountabl­e for pollution resulting from their deliveries, the agency says that’s up to state government­s and local agencies.

A bill currently in front of the New York state legislatur­e called the Clean Deliveries Act could make New York the first state to do so, if it passes.

 ?? Photograph: Amir Hamja/The Guardian ?? A community farm next to an Amazon last-mile facility in Red Hook, Brooklyn.
Photograph: Amir Hamja/The Guardian A community farm next to an Amazon last-mile facility in Red Hook, Brooklyn.
 ?? Photograph: Amir Hamja/ The Guardian ?? Rosana Zapata at Coffey Park in Red Hook, Brooklyn.
Photograph: Amir Hamja/ The Guardian Rosana Zapata at Coffey Park in Red Hook, Brooklyn.

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