The Guardian (USA)

I got a puncture in Italy – and managed to ruin two whole days for 12 people

- Zoe Williams

Getting a puncture in a car always felt like a plot point in a film, a good way to summon chaos, but unlikely to happen in real life. Not if you drive like an undertaker, anyway; surely not if you drive like an undertaker slowing down regularly to admire the view. The whole possibilit­y seemed so remote that even when the car told me it had happened, then swapped languages to tell me again in every tongue of Europe, I still thought: surely some misunderst­anding?

Not a misunderst­anding, no. I had a flat tyre in a far-off land (well, Italy), an adolescent for company, who was ready with advice but no significan­t expertise, and no reception. A friendly man came by; he had no reception, either, but gave us a bottle of wine, as if that would help. I was incredibly grateful, naturally, but we already had a bunch of wine – we were driving back from the wine shop. So now I felt like both a puncture-getting fool and the kind of grifter who accepts someone’s wine because they are on the take, rather than because they don’t know enough Italian to say: “No thanks, I’ve already got some.”

More friendly men arrived, one of them Mr Z, who can change a tyre in his sleep, he revealed. All good – yet still events unfolded in disturbing, sundrenche­d slow-motion, like a Scandinavi­an film where seemingly trivial but actually appalling things happen, with devastatin­g lessons for the bourgeoisi­e. As amazed as I was to have a puncture in the first place, nothing is more surprising to me than regular people being able to change something as large as a tyre – no offence to Mr Z – and it being considered roadworthy. But there it was, no more communicat­ions in red, a full 12-hour self-reliance success story – until the tyre with the much slower, less attention-seeking puncture went down on the other side.

By the time this situation was even three-quarters resolved, I had dragged everyone – friends, family, mechanics, call centre workers, receptioni­sts – into a world of chaos – I definitely, conservati­vely, ruined two full days for 12 people. I tell you this for why? Because a lot of people love it when other people’s holidays go wrong. It’s like the dirty sub-genre of the travelogue.

• Zoe Williams is a Guardian columnist

 ?? ?? Punctures can happen to anyone, even drivers who go slow to look at the view. Photograph: Alex Potemkin/Getty Images
Punctures can happen to anyone, even drivers who go slow to look at the view. Photograph: Alex Potemkin/Getty Images

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