The Guardian (USA)

Far-right outsider takes shock lead in Argentina primary election

- Uki Goñi in Buenos Aires

A former tantric sex coach who plans to do away with Argentina’s public health and education systems, disband the central bank, dollarise the economy and allow people to sell their organs has moved a step closer to becoming the next president of Argentina after a landslide win in open primaries.

In a surprise result that has upended Argentina’s political universe, the libertaria­n candidate Javier Milei took 30% of the vote on Sunday with his Liberty Advances party, outpacing the hard-right candidate Patricia Bullrich of United for Change, who came second with 28%.

The Peronist candidate Sergio Massa, hand-picked by the current vicepresid­ent and former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, came a disappoint­ing third on 27% despite middleof-the-road, business and Internatio­nal Monetary Fund-friendly credential­s.

It seems unlikely that Massa could win the October election in the first round, suggesting he might face an unbeatable formal or informal alliance of Bullrich and Milei in a second-round poll.

Milei, a Donald Trump-like character at first dismissed as a daytime television buffoon by the political establishm­ent, is well positioned to win Argentina’s presidency.

Out on the street, Milei fanatics waved the yellow Gadsden flag of the US extreme right, bearing a black rattlesnak­e on a yellow background and the “Don’t tread on me” slogan that is a regular feature at his rallies.

Milei said: “This election will not only put an end to Kirchneris­m, but also to the parasitic, larcenous, useless caste that is sinking the country.” As has become his custom, he dedicated the victory to his dead dog Conan and three surviving dogs.

Sebastián Mazzuca, an Argentinia­n political scientist at Johns Hopkins University, blamed the economic blunders of the incumbent government for Milei’s victory. “When the economic inefficien­cies of Kirchneris­t populism depleted all possible economic resources, the result was high and out-of-control inflation, poverty and suffering. For much less, other Latin American government­s lost the elections. Argentina could not be different,” he said.

Argentina’s peso fell by nearly 18% on Monday morning to just over 350 per dollar, while the central bank raised the benchmark interest rate from 97% to 118%.

Milei, 52, has a wiry mane of unkempt hair and struts like a rock star during his fiery campaign appearance­s. He has described himself as anti-abortion and claims that global heating is a “socialist lie”.

He says students in Argentina’s free public education system are “hostages of a system of state indoctrina­tion” and has promised to abolish sex education in schools. Milei has suggested replacing Argentina’s free public education up to and including university studies with a “voucher” system and has hinted that he would end obligatory primary schooling.

In a YouTube campaign video, Milei announced that he would disband a number of ministries that he deems unnecessar­y. “Culture ministry – out! Environmen­t – out! Ministry of women and gender diversity – out! Public works – out! Science – out! Labour and social security – out! Ministry of education and indoctrina­tion – out!” Milei yelled.

After the result on Sunday, Milei received the endorsemen­t of fellow farright figures from neighbouri­ng Brazil and Chile. “We have a lot of things in common,” said Brazil’s former president Jair Bolsonaro in a video message. “We both defend family, private property, a free market … We want to make our countries great, in accordance with [the size of] our territory and population.”

José Antonio Kast, who lost the Chilean presidenti­al election in 2021 to Gabriel Boric, tweeted his congratula­tions. “For the good of Argentina, may the force of freedom win and may corruption, insecurity and mediocrity be defeated,” he wrote.

Even if Milei’s party loses the presidenti­al election, the primary result suggests it will still take eight senate seats and 35 seats in the lower house, granting his libertaria­n extremists ample power to push forward or block legislatio­n.

Milei shot to daytime TV fame a few years ago as a brash economist and tantric sex coach who spoke openly about his preference for threesomes, assuring him wall-to-wall appearance­s on talkshows. He turned this notoriety into a political career and was elected to the lower house of congress in 2021 after founding Liberty Advances.

Milei’s antics have continued during his presidenti­al campaign, including his proposal to legalise people selling their organs. “If women can have control over their bodies, why not everybody else?” he has said.

His running mate as vice-president is his fellow lower house legislator Victoria Villarruel, a supporter of Argentina’s 1976-83 dictatorsh­ip who has campaigned for the cessation of human rights trials.

If the Milei-Villarruel ticket wins in October, they would be inaugurate­d on the 40th anniversar­y of the return to democracy in the only country in South America that put former dictators on trial.

To Mazzuca, Milei’s surprise win is not so surprising. “The electorate punished the government for its campaign offer, which was consistent­ly very poor, not to say offensive: hyperinfla­tion, chronic impoverish­ment and mega-corruption. It also means that the opposition – the party best positioned to capitalise on that frustratio­n – failed to seize a low-hanging fruit.”

 ?? Photograph: Alejandro Pagni/AFP/Getty ?? Javier Milei was initially dismissed as a daytime television buffoon by the political establishm­ent.
Photograph: Alejandro Pagni/AFP/Getty Javier Milei was initially dismissed as a daytime television buffoon by the political establishm­ent.
 ?? Newspapers announce the Argentinia­n primary results in Buenos Aires. Photograph: Agustín Marcarian/Reuters ??
Newspapers announce the Argentinia­n primary results in Buenos Aires. Photograph: Agustín Marcarian/Reuters

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