The Guardian (USA)

Joe Biden to meet Benjamin Netanyahu at UN in awkward rapprochem­ent

- Bethan McKernan in Jerusalem and Julian Borger in Washington

Nine months after returning to office, Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is finally getting his long soughtafte­r meeting with Joe Biden – but an awkward rapprochem­ent at the UN general assembly is unlikely to improve the strained relationsh­ip between the two leaders.

The US president is scheduled to meet Netanyahu in New York on Wednesday, the White House said on Friday. The US national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, said the two leaders would “discuss a range of bilateral and regional issues focused on the shared democratic values between the United States and Israel and a vision for a more stable and prosperous and integrated region, as well as to compare notes on effectivel­y countering and deterring Iran”.

Sullivan’s reference to shared democratic values was a reference to deep unease in Biden’s White House about the judicial overhaul being pushed by Netanyahu’s hardline coalition partners, which it sees as an assault on the judiciary’s independen­ce. The proposals have been greeted by the largest protest movement in Israeli history, including unpreceden­ted declaratio­ns from thousands of military reservists that they wish to be released from service.

That has been the primary factor in Biden’s refusal to meet Netanyahu so far during the Israeli prime minister’s current term, and the principal reason there will not be the meeting in the White House that Netanyahu sought.

Biden’s administra­tion has also expressed frustratio­n with accelerati­ng Israeli settlement growth in the occupied West Bank, which the internatio­nal community considers a major obstacle to peace with the Palestinia­ns and a two-state solution to the decades-old conflict.

The announceme­nt came amid calls from Israeli artists and intellectu­als, including well-known writer David Grossman and painter Tamar Getter, for the US president to shun a sit down with Netanyahu altogether.

“From the outset of establishi­ng his extreme right-wing government, Netanyahu’s coalition has worked tirelessly to weaken the supreme court, neutralise the media and destroy the few checks and balances safeguardi­ng the health of our nation,” an open letter published last week and signed by 3,500 Israeli academics and public figures read.

“Netanyahu incites citizens against each other, threatens the country’s security and economy, and turns his face away from the historical conflict that tears Israel apart – the forceful domination of the Palestinia­n people.”

The Israeli leader announced earlier this month that he would visit the US, Israel’s staunchest ally, which donates billions in military aid to the country each year. Initially, however, no meetings with US officials were announced – an anomaly for visiting Israeli prime ministers. Netanyahu, who grew up between Jerusalem and the US city of Philadelph­ia, frequently boasts of his close connection to the US to bolster his platform both at home and abroad.

Biden said earlier this year that he had no intention of sitting down with Netanyahu “in the near term”, before his office said in July that a meeting had been agreed. Netanyahu’s office was quick to announce that he had been invited to meet the president in the US, but the Biden administra­tion pointedly declined to call it an invitation and did not specify where the leaders would meet.

The snub was emphasised when Biden welcomed Israel’s figurehead president, Isaac Herzog, to the White House in July.

According to the Axios news site, the issue of a Netanyahu invitation split Biden’s advisers, ultimately leading to a compromise of the meeting on the sidelines of the UN general assembly on Wednesday. A meeting in the White House, it was argued, would signal approval and reward for Israeli government policy.

Biden’s team also did not want to import Israeli politics and have a crowd of demonstrat­ors outside the White House during a meeting, which would also have led to complaints from the progressiv­e end of the Democratic party.

A White House invitation has not been ruled out before the end of the year, because the Biden administra­tion is keen to use the prize as leverage, waiting to see what happens to the legislatio­n on the judiciary, now being challenged in Israel’s supreme court.

It is also an incentive for Netanyahu’s cooperatio­n in a deal that would normalise relations with Saudi Arabia. Such an agreement would be a political coup for the Israeli prime minister, but Washington and Riyadh are seeking to persuade him to accept elements of the deal intended to benefit Palestinia­ns, possibly including the transfer of West Bank territory to direct Palestinia­n rule.

There is no personal bond between Biden and Netanyahu, who have known each other for decades, although the US leader often describes himself as a “true friend of Israel”.

Biden is well aware of the Israeli’s previous interventi­ons in US politics in favour of Donald Trump and has called the current Israeli cabinet one of the most extreme he has seen in his long political lifetime.

However, he is also cognisant of the fact that freezing out an Israeli leader entirely is bad electoral politics in the US, and that the two countries have to be seen to be sticking together in the face of the steady progress of Iran’s nuclear programme.

During his week-long visit, Netanyahu will also meet leaders of the US Jewish community. Before arriving in New York, he is also expected to visit San Francisco, where he will meet tech industry leaders including Elon Musk. The pair are scheduled to discuss antisemiti­sm on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

 ?? ?? Joe Biden (right) has until now pointedly refused to meet Benjamin Netanyahu during the Israeli PM’s current term. Photograph: Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images
Joe Biden (right) has until now pointedly refused to meet Benjamin Netanyahu during the Israeli PM’s current term. Photograph: Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images
 ?? ?? People protest against the government’s judicial overhaul plan outside the Israeli supreme court in Jerusalem in September. Photograph: Ahmad Gharabli/AFP/ Getty Images
People protest against the government’s judicial overhaul plan outside the Israeli supreme court in Jerusalem in September. Photograph: Ahmad Gharabli/AFP/ Getty Images

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